Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 736
AS - Asia 262
EU - Europa 56
Totale 1.054
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 721
SG - Singapore 237
CN - Cina 16
CA - Canada 15
GB - Regno Unito 12
BE - Belgio 10
DE - Germania 10
FI - Finlandia 9
KR - Corea 8
LT - Lituania 8
IT - Italia 3
AT - Austria 2
FR - Francia 1
NL - Olanda 1
PH - Filippine 1
Totale 1.054
Città #
Santa Clara 657
Singapore 154
Brussels 10
Frankfurt am Main 9
Helsinki 9
Toronto 9
Seoul 8
Ottawa 6
Ashburn 3
London 3
Guangzhou 2
Vienna 2
Baguio City 1
Bitonto 1
Boardman 1
Forest City 1
Fort Worth 1
Manassas 1
Padova 1
Prineville 1
Reston 1
Totale 881
Nome #
Towards an interoperable and distributed e-infrastructure for hydro-meteorology: the DRIHM project 12
Scheduling strategies for enabling meteorological simulation on hybrid clouds 11
Delivering cloud services with QoS requirements: business opportunities, architectural solutions and energy-saving aspects 11
Computing empirical p-values for estimating gene-gene interactions in Genome-Wide Association Studies: A parallel computing approach 11
Dressing Apache Airavata services with automatically user-generated interfaces 11
Using Apache Airavata and EasyGateway for the creation of complex science gateway front-end 11
SoRTGrid: A Grid Framework Compliant with Soft Real-Time Requirements 11
Parallel Computing in Deep Learning: bioinformatics case studies 11
Heterogeneous architectures for computational intensive applications: a cost-effectiveness analysis 11
SoC-based computing infrastructures for scientific applications and commercial services: Performance and economic evaluations 11
Modelling of Protein Surface Using Parallel Heterogeneous Architectures 11
Clustering protein structures with Hadoop 10
Hydrometeorological multi-model ensemble simulations of the 4 November 2011 flash flood event in Genoa, Italy, in the framework of the DRIHM project 10
Combining edge and cloud computing for low-power, cost-effective metagenomics analysis 10
Gridification in hydro-meteorological research: what it is and why we need it? 10
Dressing Apache Airavata services with automatically user-generated interfaces 10
Json-GUI - a module for the dynamic generation of form-based web interfaces 10
Lessons learned implementing a science gateway for hydro-meteorological research 10
Job-resource matchmaking on grid through two-level benchmarking 10
Setup of a oracle B2B environment and its configuration for the exchange of ebXML messages with hermes 2.0 environment 10
A hybrid parallel implementation of model selection for support vector machines 9
Integrating heterogeneous weather-sensors data into a smart-city app 9
The DRIHM e-science infrastructure supporting citizen-scientists involvement 9
A secure cloud-edges computing architecture for metagenomics analysis 9
A Performance-Based Methodology To Improve Grid Exploitation 9
An MPI-CUDA library for image processing on HPC architectures 9
Using a Model MAP to prepare hydro-meteorological models for generic use 9
Cloud infrastructures for in silico drug discovery: economic and practical aspects 9
Setting up an hydro-meteo experiment in minutes: the DRIHM e-infrastructure for hydro-meteorology research 9
A QoS-aware broker for hybrid clouds 9
Grid Services for 3D Data Analysis in Virtual Laboratories 9
Low-power portable devices for metagenomics analysis: Fog computing makes bioinformatics ready for the Internet of Things 9
Performance Based Matchmaking on Grid 9
Matching jobs with resources: an application-driven approach 9
A full fine-grained parallelization of the multi-objective evolutionary approach NSGA-II for the CUDA architecture 9
A microservice-based portal for X-ray transient and variable sources 9
The Ultraluminous X-Ray Sources Population of the Galaxy NGC 7456 9
From lesson learned to the refactoring of the DRIHM science gateway for hydro-meteorological research 9
Constraint-based web interface for hydro-meteorological model chaining 9
Discovery of a 2.8 s Pulsar in a 2 Day Orbit High-mass X-Ray Binary Powering the Ultraluminous X-Ray Source ULX-7 in M51 9
DRIHM(2US): an e-Science environment for hydro-meteorological research on high impact weather events 9
Advantages of using graph databases to explore chromatin conformation capture experiments. 9
A grid-based architecture for coupling hydro-meteorological models 9
Managing, analysing, and integrating big data in medical bioinformatics: open problems and future perspectives 8
Heterogeneous parallel computing platforms and tools for compute-intensive algorithms: a case study 8
Towards a grid infrastructure for hydro-meteorological research 8
Guest editorials: Special issue on fog/edge networking for multimedia applications 8
GridWalker: a visual tool for supporting the advanced discovery of Grid resources 8
Installazione di Apache Hadoop sul cluster IMATIHPC 8
A Parallel Workflow for the Reconstruction of Molecular Surfaces 8
Hybrid clouds brokering: business opportunities, QoS and energy-saving issues 8
A QoS-aware broker for hybrid clouds 8
Exploiting Parallel I/O for Image Processing 8
A citizen science exploration of the X-ray transient sky using the EXTraS science gateway 8
A Parallel IMAGE Processing Server for Distributed Applications 8
A Grid Service based parallel molecular surface reconstruction system 8
From lesson learned to the refactoring of the DRIHM science gateway for hydro-meteorological research 8
CUDA accelerated blobby molecular surface generation 8
The Parallelization of the Marching Cubes Algorithm for 3D Data Analysis and Visualization Workflows 8
Vectorization of the SSAKE genomics application 8
Parallel Workflow for the Reconstruction of Molecular Surfaces 8
WS-PGRADE/gUSE in European projects 8
A Parallel Implementation of the Stau-DPP Stochastic Simulator for the Modelling of Biological Systems 8
DRIHM portal - a scientific gateway for complex hydro-meteorological simulation 8
CUDA accelerated molecular surface generation 8
Implementation of an interoperable interface to exchange B2B messages between heterogeneous computer platforms 8
CUDA accelerated blobby molecular surface generation 8
Special issue on multimedia fog/edge computing systems 8
A science gateway for Exploring the X-ray Transient and variable Sky using EGI Federated Cloud 8
The DRIHM project: a flexible approach to integrate HPC, grid and cloud resources for hydro-meteorological research 8
Profiling e-science infrastructures with kernel and application benchmarks 8
The EXTraS Project: Exploring the X-ray transient and variable sky 8
Experimenting Grid Protocols to improve privacy preservation in efficient distributed image processing 7
Heterogeneous Computing for AI and Big Data in High Energy Physics 7
A Parallel Protein Surface Reconstruction System 7
Analisi degli standard per la comunicazione tra gli attori di sistemi di tipo Port Community System e Single Window 7
NeoHiC: a web application for the analysis of Hi-C data 7
Evolutions in Parallel Distributed and Network-based Processing 7
DRIHM: Distributed Research Infrastructure for Hydro-Meteorology 7
Hardware and Software Solutions for Energy-Efficient Computing in Scientific Programming 7
The EGI-DRIHM collaboration: how the european grid and cloud infrastructures can support hydro-meteorology research 7
Performance and economic evaluations in adopting low power architectures: A real case analysis 7
Heterogeneous architectures for computational intensive applications: a cost-effectiveness analysis 7
DRIHM - an infrastructure to advance hydro-meteorological research 7
Advances in distributed computing with modern drug discovery 7
Latest advances in parallel, distributed, and network-based processing 7
Selecting high performance computing and high throughput computing capabilities for hydro-meteo research e-infrastructures 7
Tissue Microarray: a Distributed Grid Approach for Image Analysis 7
Implementing a Grid Service for Isosurface Extraction Using a Structured View of the Grid Resources 7
Progettazione e sviluppo di funzionalità per le comunicazioni di gruppo nell'ambito del progetto ACIS 7
Load Balancing and Computing Strategies in Pipeline Optimization for Parallel Visualization of 3D Irregular Meshes 7
On low-power SoCs as storage bricks for Bioinformatics 7
A parallel implementation of the SSAKE Geometric Application for heterogeneous architectures 7
Exploiting Docker containers over Grid computing for a comprehensive study of chromatin conformation in different cell types 7
Parallel I/O aspects in PIMA(GE)2 Library 7
The DRIHM project: building on cutting-edge information and communication technology to advance hydro-meteorological research 7
Hybrid clouds as hydro-meteorological simulation enablers 7
Integrazione e Sviluppo di librerie parallele in un ambiente di programmazione Grid-aware basato su un modello a componenti 7
Interoperabilità e Sistemi Distribuiti: Metodologie e Tecnologie, 7
Totale 849
Categoria #
all - tutte 5.032
article - articoli 1.882
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 270
Totale 7.184

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202426 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 23 1
2024/20251.028 12 9 178 90 643 75 12 9 0 0 0 0
Totale 1.054