Istituto di iNgegneria del Mare - INM (ex INSEAN)
BIOS - Materiali BIOmimetici Superidrofobici - Report Intermedio Fase 2
2023 Raimondo, Mr; Caruso, M; Corozzi, A; Ciappi, E; Jacob, B
BIOS - Materiali BIOmimetici Superidrofobici - Report Finale Fase 1
2021 Raimondo, Mr; Caruso, M; Corozzi, A; Ciappi, E; Jacob, B
Effects of superhydrophobic surfaces on turbulent boundary layer induced vibration and drag - Report Year 3
2021 Jacob, B; Veronesi, F; La Gala, F; Raimondo, Mr; Ciappi, E
Effects of superhydrophobic surfaces on turbulent boundary layer induced vibration and drag - Report Year 2
2020 Jacob, B; Veronesi, F; La Gala, F; Raimondo, Mr; Ciappi, E
Effects of superhydrophobic surfaces on turbulent boundary layer induced vibration and drag - Report Year 1
2018 B. Jacob; F. Veronesi; F. La Gala; MR Raimondo; E. Ciappi
Pressure field induced by a laser-generated cavitation bubble
2016 Sinibaldi, G; Pereira, F; Caprini, D; Occhicone, A; Chinappi, M; Jacob, Bf; Marino, L; DI FELICE, Fabio; Michelotti, F; Casciola, Cm
Inertial particles in homogeneous shear turbulence: experiments and direct numerical simulations
2013 Nicolai, C; Jacob, B; Gualtieri, P; Piva, R
Inertial Particles In Homogeneous Shear Turbulence: Experiments and Direct Numerical Simulation.
2012 Nicolai, C; Jacob, B; Gualtieri, P; Piva, R
Calm Water and Seakeeping Investigation for a Fast Catamaran
2011 Broglia, R; Bouscasse, B; Jacob, Bf; Olivieri, A; Zaghi, S; Stern, F
Inertial particles in homogeneous shear turbulence.
2011 C. Nicolai; B. Jacob; P. Gualtieri; R. Piva
Drag reduction by microbubbles in a turbulent boundary layer
2010 Jacob, B ; Olivieri, A ; Miozzi, M ; Campana, EF ; Piva, R
Effects of microbubble injection in a turbulent boundary layer.
2009 B. Jacob; A. Olivieri; M. Miozzi; E. F. Campana; R. Piva
Flow data analysis and visualization
2009 J. Tukker ; DQ Li ; S. List ; B. Jacob ; M. Kraskowski ;M. Harleman ; A. Pages ; B. Starke .
Modifications of the turbulent structure in a bubbly boundary layer
2009 Jacob, B ; Miozzi M ; Olivieri A; Campana EF ; Piva R
Microbubble-laden turbulent boundary layer investigation by Feature Tracking.
2008 Miozzi, M; Olivieri, A; Jacob, B; F Campana, E
Performances of feature tracking in turbulent boundary layer investigation
2008 Miozzi, M; Jacob, B; Olivieri, A
Scaling of mixed structure functions in turbulent boundary layers
2008 Jacob, BORIS FRANCESCO; Casciola Carlo, Massimo; Talamelli, Alessandro; Alfredsson, P Henrik
Performances of Feature Tracking in Turbulent boundary layer investigation
2007 Miozzi, M; Jacob, B; Olivieri, A
Scaling of mixed structure functions in turbulent boundary layers
2007 H. Alfredsson; B. Jacob; C. M. Casciola; A. Talamelli
Scaling of mixed structure functions in turbulent boundary layers
2007 B. Jacob