Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 391
AS - Asia 266
EU - Europa 137
SA - Sud America 4
AF - Africa 1
OC - Oceania 1
Totale 800
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 386
SG - Singapore 237
IT - Italia 102
FI - Finlandia 18
KR - Corea 9
CA - Canada 5
HK - Hong Kong 4
IN - India 4
NL - Olanda 4
CN - Cina 3
CO - Colombia 3
DE - Germania 3
IE - Irlanda 3
FR - Francia 2
IR - Iran 2
JP - Giappone 2
TR - Turchia 2
AL - Albania 1
AR - Argentina 1
AT - Austria 1
AU - Australia 1
BG - Bulgaria 1
IL - Israele 1
MA - Marocco 1
MT - Malta 1
TJ - Tagikistan 1
UA - Ucraina 1
VN - Vietnam 1
Totale 800
Città #
Santa Clara 327
Singapore 119
Naples 35
Helsinki 18
Rome 16
Seoul 9
Ischia 7
Castel Volturno 5
Winnipeg 5
Orta di Atella 4
Seattle 4
Stigliano 4
Atrani 3
Bogotá 3
Dublin 3
Meta 3
Milan 3
Acerra 2
Falkenstein 2
Frigento 2
Gragnano 2
Orta Nova 2
Tokyo 2
Torre del Greco 2
Amsterdam 1
Ashburn 1
Aversa 1
Bologna 1
Dushanbe 1
Hong Kong 1
Le Pont-de-Claix 1
Los Angeles 1
Melbourne 1
Messina 1
Newark 1
Paris 1
Phoenix 1
Prineville 1
Rabat 1
Sofia 1
Tel Aviv 1
Tirana 1
Turin 1
Ulm 1
Vienna 1
Żejtun 1
Totale 604
Nome #
Microwave Tomography for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Radar Imaging: State of the Art and Perspectives 22
Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Microwave Tomographic Imaging for Distributed Photonic Radar Network 20
GPR and ERT Investigations in Urban Areas: the Case-Study of Matera (Southern Italy) 19
A Learned-SVD Approach to the Electromagnetic Inverse Source Problem 18
An autoencoder solution for the electromagnetic inverse source problem 17
Contactless Ground Penetrating Radar Imaging: State of the Art, Challenges, and Microwave Tomography-Based Data Processing 17
A Feasibility Study of Nearshore Bathymetry Estimation via Short-Range K-Band MIMO Radar 16
Investigating Martian Subsurface Features in Utopia Planitia With Tianwen-1 Ground-Penetrating Radar 16
A Deep Learning Strategy for the Retrieval of Sea Wave Spectra from Marine Radar Data 15
Resolution-Enhanced Electromagnetic Inverse Source: a Deep Learning Approach 14
The Discovery of a buried temple in Paestum: The advantages of the geophysical multi-sensor application 14
24 GHz FMCW MIMO Radar for Marine Target Localization: A Feasibility Study 14
Three-Dimensional Ray-Based Tomographic Approach for Contactless GPR Imaging 13
Small multicopter-UAV-based radar imaging: Performance assessment for a single flight track 13
Integrazione di misure geofisiche in Piazza Duomo nei Sassi di Matera 12
An Overview on Down-Looking UAV-Based GPR Systems 12
Retrieval of Sea Surface Currents and Directional Wave Spectra by 24 GHz FMCW MIMO Radar 12
Analysis of U-NET Super-Resolving Capabilities in Radar Imaging 12
A Comparison of Linear Inverse Scattering Models for Contactless GPR Imaging 12
Plane wave diffraction by uniaxial chiral slabs 12
Contactless Microwave Tomography via MIMO GPR 12
Full three-dimensional imaging via ground penetrating radar: assessment in controlled conditions and on field for archaeological prospecting 12
Effective 3D Contactless GPR Imaging: Experimental Validation 12
A Deep Learning Strategy for Multipath Ghosts Filtering via Microwave Tomography 11
sistema georadar 11
The Role of Model Dimensionality in Linear Inverse Scattering from Dielectric Objects 11
A 24 GHz MIMO radar for the autonomous navigation of unmanned surface vehicles 11
A PO-Based Uniform Asymptotic Procedure for the Scattering From a Magnetically Conductive Half-Screen 10
A Ground Penetrating Radar Imaging Approach for a Heterogeneous Subsoil With a Vertical Permittivity Gradient 10
Full 3-D Imaging of Vertical Structures via Ground-Penetrating Radar 10
UAV radar imaging for target detection 10
A microwave tomographic approach for contactless Multiple Input Multiple Output GPR systems 9
null 9
Microwave tomography in archaeology and cultural heritage applications: A review 9
Reflection, Transmission and Diffraction by Lossless Anisotropic Chiral Sheets 9
The ASI Integrated Sounder-SAR System Operating in the UHF-VHF Bands: First Results of the 2018 Helicopter-Borne Morocco Desert Campaign 9
Multiview Multistatic vs. Multimonostatic Three-Dimensional Ground-Penetrating Radar Imaging: A Comparison 9
Transverse Resolution in 2-D Linear Inverse Scattering by a Multimonostatic/Multifrequency Configuration 9
Microwave tomography and artificial intelligence for water leakage detection: preliminary results 9
Scattering from a 90° Metallic Wedge with One Face Coated by a Double Negative Metamaterial Layer 8
Analysis of a 2D microwave tomography algorithm applied to a differential configuration in GPR prospecting 8
Reconstruction of buried objects embedded in circular opaque structures 8
UAPO Diffraction Contribution by Uniaxially Anisotropic Chiral Half-Planes 8
Comparative Analysis of Two Approaches for Multipath Ghost Suppression in Radar Imaging 8
Multiple Extended Target Tracking for Through-Wall Radars 8
Scattering by a PEC Half-Plane Between Isorefractive Media 8
A Microwave Resonant Sensor for Concentration Measurements of Liquid Solutions 8
Effective imaging systems based on periodic lattices 8
A low frequency airborne GPR system for wide area geophysical surveys: The case study of Morocco Desert 8
A Vertical Differential Configuration in GPR prospecting 8
Microwave tomography in archaeology and cultural heritage applications: A review 7
Using polarimetric GPR antenna to characterize hidden cylinders 7
A Solution for the Plane Wave Diffraction by the Discontinuity Between Two Co-Planar Metamaterial Sheets 7
Cooperative use of non invasive sensing methodologies for the geophysical monitoring of the archaeological park of Paestum 7
On the Holographic Radar as a Tool for Structural Monitoring 7
GPR and Microwave Tomography in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage diagnostics 7
Monitoring by holographic radar systems 7
Microwave Tomography-Enhanced GPR in Forensic Surveys: The Case Study of a Tropical Environment 7
Plane Wave Scattering From a Planar Junction Between Electrically Resistive and Magnetically Conductive Half-Sheets 7
Useful solutions for the plane wave diffraction by a configuration of dielectric and metallic acute-angled wedges 7
Diffraction of Plane Waves by Arbitrary-Angled Coated Wedges 7
Heuristic UTD Solutions for Plane Wave Diffraction by Uniaxial Chiral Half-Sheets 7
Radio Frequency Tomography for Nondestructive Testing of Pillars 6
The shifting zoom as the way to make possible the application of inverse scattering algorithms to GPR data, in "Microwave imaging based on inverse scattering: techniques, systems and applications" 6
Wave Diffraction by Metamaterial-Coated Wedges: The UAPO Solution for Skew Incidence 6
APO-Based Uniform Asymptotic Procedure for the Scattering from a Magnetically Conductive Half-Screen 6
A micro-UAV-borne system for radar imaging: A feasibility study 6
CW Doppler Radar as Occupancy Sensor: A Comparison of Different Detection Strategies 6
Radar imaging through cinderblock walls: Achievable performance by a model-corrected linear inverse scattering approach 6
Junction of Two Coplanar Resistive Half-Planes: A Uniform Asymptotic Solution for the Plane Wave Diffraction and Validation Tests 6
Scattering from a Truncated Metamaterial Layer Hosted by a Planar PEC Structure: Uniform Asymptotic Solution and Validation Tests 6
A quadratic RF Tomography inverse model for reflection configuration 5
Doppler Radar for Real-Time Surveillance 5
The Use of GPR and Microwave Tomography for the Assessment of the Internal Structure of Hollow Trees 5
Radar for vital signs characterization: a comparison between two different frequency band systems 5
GPR and microwave tomography for the assessment of hollowed tree trunks 4
GPR data analysis enhanced by microwave tomography for forensic archaeology 4
RF/Microwave Imaging of Sparse Targets in Urban Areas 4
High Frequency GPR enhanced by microwave tomography for Westminster Abbey survey 4
Three-Dimensional Through-Wall Sensing of Moving Targets Using Passive Multistatic Radars 4
Applying Ground-Penetrating Radar and Microwave Tomography Data Processing in Cultural Heritage State of the art and future trends 4
Experimental Validation of Radio Frequency Tomography for an Inhomogeneous Medium 4
Diffraction by a Right-Angled Metallic Wedge with Coating: the UAPO Solution for Normal Incidence 4
High-Frequency Evaluation of the Field Inside and Outside an Acute-Angled Dielectric Wedge 4
Real-Time Through-Wall Situation Awareness Using a Microwave Doppler Radar Sensor 4
Cultural Heritage Monitoring via GPR Enhanced by Microwave Tomography 4
Ground and aerial subsurface radar imaging via Microwave Tomography 4
The Use of Ground Penetrating Radar and Microwave Tomography for the Detection of Decay and Cavities in Tree Trunks 4
Scattering by a Metamaterial Half-Plane on a PEC Support 4
Inverse source data-processing strategies for radio-frequency localization in indoor environments 4
Radar sensing via a Micro-UAV-borne system 4
Portable in practice: investigations using portable instrumentation for materials analysis and mapping of decorated architectural surfaces in the tablinum of the House of the Bicentenary at Herculaneum 4
On the Accuracy of the Uniform Asymptotic Physical Optics Solution for the Diffraction by a PEC-DNG Metamaterial Junction 4
Evaluation of rodents' respiratory activity using a bioradar 4
A strategy for an accurate estimation of the basal permittivity in the Martian North Polar Layered Deposits 4
High-frequency diffraction contribution by planar metallic-DNG metamaterial junctions 4
Totale 847
Categoria #
all - tutte 4.453
article - articoli 2.949
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 101
Totale 7.503

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202446 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 3 13 8
2024/2025889 14 12 136 68 320 233 17 89 0 0 0 0
Totale 935