Istituto per le Risorse Biologiche e le Biotecnologie Marine - IRBIM
Assessment of seabed litter in the Northern and Central Adriatic Sea (Mediterranean) over six years
2019 Strafella, P.; Fabi, G.; Despalatovic, M.; Cvitkovic, I.; Fortibuoni, T.; Gomiero, A.; Guicciardi o Guizzardi, S.; Marceta, B.; Raicevich, S.; Tassetti, A. N.; Spagnolo, A.; Scarcella, Giuseppe
First occurrence and composition assessment of microplastics in native mussels collected from coastal and offshore areas of the northern and central Adriatic Sea
2019 Gomiero, Alessio; Strafella, Pierluigi; Oysaed, Kjell Birger; Fabi, Gianna
Biological responses of two marine organisms of ecological relevance to on-going ocean acidification and global warming
2018 Gomiero A.; Bellerby R.G.J.; Manca Zeichen M.; Babbini L.; Viarengo A.
Characterization of microplastic litter in the gastrointestinal tract of Solea solea from the Adriatic Sea
2018 Pellini G.; Gomiero A.; Fortibuoni T.; Ferra C.; Grati F.; Tassetti A.N.; Polidori P.; Fabi G.; Scarcella G.
Comparative effects of ingested PVC micro particles with and without adsorbed benzo(a)pyrene vs. spiked sediments on the cellular and sub cellular processes of the benthic organism Hediste diversicolor
2018 Gomiero A.; Strafella P.; Pellini G.; Salvalaggio V.; Fabi G.
Use of multiple cell and tissue-level biomarkers in mussels collected along two gas fields in the northern Adriatic Sea as a tool for long term environmental monitoring
2015 Gomiero A.,; Volpato E.; Nasci C.; Perra G.; Viarengo A.; Dagnino A.; Spagnolo A.; Fabi G.
Effects of elevated temperature on the toxicity of copper and oxytetracycline in the marine model, Euplotes crassus: A climate change perspective
2014 Gomiero, A; Viarengo, A
Development of an integrated chemical, biological and ecological approach for impact assessment of Mediterranean offshore gas platforms
2013 Gomiero A.; Spagnolo A.; De Biasi A.; Kozinkova L.; Polidori P.; Punzo E.; Santelli A.; Strafella P.; Girasole M.; Dinarelli S.; Viarengo A.; Negri A.; Nasci C.; Fabi G.
Valutazione dell'impatto ambientale delle attività di estrazione di idrocarburi gassosi nel mare Adriatico: risultati preliminari del monitoraggio delle piattaforme Clara Nord e Clara Est, ENI SpA
2007 Gomiero, A; Nasci, C; Perra, G; Spagnolo, A; Puletti, M; Fabi, G