Istituto di informatica e telematica - IIT
Stereo Visualisation of Historical Aerial Photos - an Useful and Important Aerial Archeology Research Tool
2016 Hast, Anders; Marchett, Andrea; Capurro, Carlotta; Nollet, Dries; Pletinckx, Daniel; Vilas Estevez, Benito; Carrero Pazos, Miguel; María Eguileta Franco, Jose
The Challenges and Advantages with a Parallel Implementation of Feature Matching
2016 Hast, A; Marchetti, A
Automatic 3DS Conversion of Historical Aerial Photographs
2015 F. Malapelle; A. Hast; A. Fusiello; B. Rossi; P. Fragneto; A. Marchetti
Stereo Visualisation of Historical Aerial Photos - a Valuable Digital Heritage Research Tool
2015 A. Hast; A. Marchetti
Stereo Visualisation of Historical Aerial Photos as a Valuable Tool for Archeological Research
2015 Hast A.; Marchetti A.
Improved Illumination Correction that Preserves Medium Sized Objects
2014 Hast, A; Marchetti, A
Invariant Interest Point Detection Based on Variations of the Spinor Tensor
2014 Hast, Anders; Marchetti, Andrea
Towards Automatic Stereo Pair Extraction for 3D Visualisation of Historical Aerial Photographs
2014 Hast, A; Marchetti, A
GeoMemories--A Platform for Visualizing Historical, Environmental and Geospatial Changes in the Italian Landscape
2013 Abrate, Matteo; Bacciu, Clara; Hast, Anders; Marchetti, Andrea; Minutoli, Salvatore; Tesconi, Maurizio
Optimal RANSAC - Towards a repeatable algorithm for finding the optimal set
2013 Hast, A; Nysjo, J; Marchetti, A
Rotation invariant feature matching-based on Gaussian filtered log polar transform and phase correlation
2013 Hast, A; Marchetti, A
An Efficient Preconditioner and a Modified RANSAC for Fast and Robust Feature Matching
2012 Hast, Anders; Marchetti, Andrea