Istituto di Scienze Marine - ISMAR - Sede Secondaria Napoli
A field-based thickness measurement dataset of fallout pyroclastic deposits in the peri-volcanic areas of Campania region (Italy): Statistical combination of different predictions for spatial thickness estimation
2024 Ebrahimi, Pooria; Matano, Fabio; Amato, Vincenzo; Mattera, Raffaele; Scepi, Germana
A geological, petrophysical and ground motion model of the Pavoncelli bis hydraulic tunnel (Southern Apennines, Italy): Implications for reservoir analyses
2024 Criniti, S.; Durante, M. G.; Macario, A.; Cesarano, M.; Matano, F.; Di Nocera, S.; Civitelli, M.; Falsetta, E.; Borrelli, M.; Zimmaro, P.; Critelli, S.
Geodiversity of Italy
2024 Casaburi, Annarita; Alberico, Ines; Matano, Fabio
Subsidence and recent landscape evolution at Volturno Coastal Plain (Italy)
2024 Alberico, Ines; Matano, Fabio
A geodatabase of historical landslide events occurring in the highly urbanized volcanic area of Campi Flegrei, Italy
2023 Esposito, Giuseppe; Matano, Fabio
A Methodological Tool to Assess Erosion Susceptibility of High Coastal Sectors: Case Studies from Campania Region (Southern Italy)
2023 Tursi Maria, Francesca; Anfuso, Giorgio; Matano, Fabio; Mattei, Gaia; Aucelli Pietro, P C
Mapping Geodiversity at a National Scale: the Case Study of Italy
2023 Alberico, I.; Casaburi, A.; Matano, F.
Clues of wildfire-induced geotechnical changes in volcanic soils affected by post-fire slope instabilities
2022 Peduto, Dario; Iervolino, Luca; Esposito, Giuseppe; Foresta, Vito; Matano, Fabio; Masi, Rocco
Geotermia per la transizione energetica riscaldamento e raffrescamento rinnovabile
2022 Iorio, M; Alberico, I; Amoroso, O; Caccavale, M; Capuanp, P; Cavuoto, G; Corniello, A; Di Fiore, V; Donnarumma, P; Fedi, M; Matano, F; Milano, M; Mercadante, A; Pelosi, N; Punzo, M; Russo, G; Tarallo, D; Massarotti, N
Recent findings documenting retreat rates and failure mechanisms of sea cliffs along the coastline of the Campi Flegrei caldera, Italy
2022 Matano, Fabio; Esposito, Giuseppe
Analysis of Sea Storm Events in the Mediterranean Sea: The Case Study of 28 December 2020 Sea Storm in the Gulf of Naples, Italy
2021 Fortelli, Alberto; Fedele, Alessandro; De Natale, Giuseppe; Matano, Fabio; Sacchi, Marco; Troise, Claudia; Somma, Renato
Multiseasonal probabilistic slope stability analysis of a large area of unsaturated pyroclastic soils
2021 Cuomo, Sabatino; Masi, Elena Benedetta; Tofani, Veronica; Moscariello, Mariagiovanna; Rossi, Guglielmo; Matano, Fabio
Sea-level rise impact and future scenarios of inundation risk along the coastal plains in Campania (Italy)
2021 Di Paola, Gianluigi; Rizzo, Angela; Benassai, Guido; Corrado, Giuseppe; Matano, Fabio; Aucelli Pietro, Pc
Time-Lapse Landform Monitoring in the Pisciarelli (Campi Flegrei-Italy) Fumarole Field Using UAV Photogrammetry
2021 Fedele, Alessandro; Somma, Renato; Troise, Claudia; Holmberg, Karen; De Natale, Giuseppe; Matano, Fabio
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) time-lapse monitoring of the instability processes affecting Varano Hill: A case study of the ancient Roman site of Villa Arianna
2021 Somma, Renato; Trocciola, Alfredo; Spizzichino, Daniele; Fedele, Alessandro; Leoni, Gabriele; Matano, Fabio; Holmberg, Karen; Troise, Claudia; De Natale, Giuseppe; Cristina Napolitano, Maria; Margottini, Claudio
Comparing geological and Persistent Scatterer Interferometry data of the Sele River coastal plain, southern Italy: Implications for recent subsidence trends
2020 Amato, Vincenzo; Aucelli Pietro, P C; Corrado, Giuseppe; Di Paola, Gianluigi; Matano, Fabio; Pappone, Gerardo; Schiattarella, Marcello
Geological framework of the Bagnoli-Coroglio coastal zone and continental shelf, Pozzuoli (Napoli) Bay
2020 Sacchi, M; Matano, F; Molisso, F; Passaro, S; Caccavale, M; Di Martino, G; Guarino, A; Innangi, S; Tamburrino, S; Tonielli, R; Vallefuoco, M
Geology of the Epicentral Area of the November 23, 1980 Earthquake (Irpinia, Italy): New Stratigraphical, Structural and Petrological Constrains
2020 Matano, Fabio; Di Nocera, Silvio; Criniti, Sara; Critelli, Salvatore
Integrated dataset of deformation measurements in fractured volcanic tuff and meteorological data (Coroglio coastal cliff, Naples, Italy)
2020 Matano, Fabio; Caccavale, Mauro; Esposito, Giuseppe; Fortelli, Alberto; Scepi, Germana; Spano, Maria; Sacchi, Marco
Mechanisms and frequency-size statistics of failures characterizing a coastal cliff partially protected from the wave erosive action
2020 Esposito, Giuseppe; Matano, Fabio; Sacchi, Marco; Salvini, Riccardo