Istituto per la Microelettronica e Microsistemi - IMM - Sede Secondaria Bologna
A minimum principle for the space charge region around a conductor within the depletion approximation
2006 Donolato, C
Identification of the free boundary of a space-charge region with the aid of a Laplacian potential
2006 Donolato, C
Application of Green's differential equation to the analysis of ion-matrix sheaths around wedge-shaped cathodes
2005 Donolato, C
Approximate analytical solution to the space charge problem in nanosized Schottky diodes
2004 Donolato, C
He+ ion damage in 4H-SiC studied by charge collection efficiency measurements.
2004 Nipoti R;Donolato; C
An application of Thomson's theorem to the determination of induced charge density
2003 Donolato, C
An extension of Thomson's theorem and its application for determining induced charge densities
2003 Donolato, C
He+ ion dmage in 4H-SiC stidied by charge colletion efficiency measurements
2003 Nipoti, R; Donolato, C
Charged particle detection properties of epitaxial 4H-SiC Schottky diodes
2001 Nava F;Vanni P;Verzellesi G;Castaldini A;Cavallini A;Polenta L;Nipoti R;Donolato; C
Charged particle detection properties of epitaxial 4H-SiC Schottky diodes
2001 Nava, F; Vanni, P; Verzellesi, G; Castaldini, A; Cavallini, A; Polenta, L; Nipoti, R; Donolato, C
Reconstruction of the charge collection probability in a solar cell from internal quantum efficiency measurements
2001 Donolato, C
A study of He+ ion-induced damage in silicon by quantitative analysis of charge collection efficiency data
1998 Nipoti, R; Donolato, C; Govoni, D; Rossi, P; Egeni, ; Gp, ; Rudello, ; V,
Simulation of pulse height spectra in ion beam induced charge microscopy of polycrystalline silicon
1997 Donolato, C; Nipoti, R
The Legnaro ion microprobe in low current experiments
1997 Cervellera, F ; Donolato, C ; Egeni, GP ; Fortuna, G ; Nipoti, R ; Polesello, P ; Rossi, P ; Rudello, V ; Vittone, E ; Viviani, M
Images of grain boundaries in polycrystalline silicon solar cells by electron and ion beam induced charge collection
1996 Donolato, C; Nipoti, R; Govoni, D; Egeni, Gp; Rudello, V; Rossi, P