Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 440
AS - Asia 177
EU - Europa 95
Totale 712
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 440
SG - Singapore 153
IT - Italia 71
CN - Cina 15
FI - Finlandia 11
KR - Corea 8
DE - Germania 4
AT - Austria 3
IE - Irlanda 3
NL - Olanda 2
HU - Ungheria 1
JP - Giappone 1
Totale 712
Città #
Santa Clara 418
Singapore 118
Florence 22
Guangzhou 14
Helsinki 11
Seoul 8
Rome 7
Milan 5
Cascina 3
Dublin 3
Falkenstein 3
Vienna 3
Livorno 2
Oniferi 2
Ashburn 1
Budapest 1
Dalmine 1
Forest City 1
Lucca 1
Oristano 1
Phoenix 1
San Casciano in Val di Pesa 1
Tokyo 1
Totale 628
Nome #
Enhanced Estimation of Rainfall From Opportunistic Microwave Satellite Signals 22
Towards Space Deployment of the NDSA Concept for Tropospheric Water Vapour Measurements 21
Estimates of cumulative rainfall over a large area by weather radar 17
Development and Calibration of a Low-Cost, Piezoelectric Rainfall Sensor through Machine Learning 17
A novel method to estimate the tropospheric water vapor along a transmitter-receiver link: theory and first results 15
Database of the Italian disdrometer network 15
The SWAMM project: implementation of a system for estimating the tropospheric water vapor content along a transmitter-receiver link 15
Assimilating X- and S-Band Radar Data for a Heavy Precipitation Event in Italy 14
Earth observation as an aid to coastal water monitoring: potential application to harmful algal bloom detection 14
On The Retrieval of IWV From Microwave Attenuation Measurements: Experimental Results 13
SWAMM: Sounding of Water vapour by Attenuation Microwave Measurements 13
Rapporto stato di avanzamento delle attività del progetto LaMMA (Laboratorio per la Meteorologia e la Modellistica Ambientale) 13
Weather Radar and Rain-Gauge Data Fusion for Quantitative Precipitation Estimation: Two Case Studies 13
Radar Networking over the Tyrrhenian sea 13
Retrieval of water vapor properties from measurements of differential attenuation at microwaves 12
Recalibration of cumulative rainfall estimates by weather radar over a large area 12
Estimating the tropospheric water vapor content along a transmitter-receiver link: The SWAMM project 12
An EnKF-based method to produce rainfall maps from simulated satellite-to-ground MW-link signal attenuation 12
Deep Learning for Opportunistic Rain Estimation via Satellite Microwave Links 12
Aerosol Characterization and Optical Thickness Retrievals Using GOME and METEOSAT Satellite Data 11
Rapporto stato di avanzamento delle attività del progetto LaMMA (Laboratorio per la Meteorologia e la Modellistica Ambientale) 11
Nowcasting Techniques for Short-Term Weather Forecasts Using Radar Data 11
Tropospheric water vapor observation from space through a new measurement concept: the SATCROSS Project 11
Rapporto stato di avanzamento delle attività del progetto LaMMA (Laboratorio per la Meteorologia e la Modellistica Ambientale) 11
A nowcasting technique for cumulative rainfall for the Mediterranean basin 10
Radiative effects of simulated cirrus clouds on top of a deep convective storm in METEOSAT SECOND GENERATION SEVIRI channels 10
The role of Sea Surface Temperature in the simulation of deep convective storms in the Mediterranean basin 10
Fractal characterization of rain-gauge networks and precipitations: an application in Central Italy 10
MOMAR: un progetto di monitoraggio delle acque marino costiere tra il mar Ligure e il Tirreno Nord-Occidentale 10
Characterization of plumes on top of a deep convective storm using AVHRR imagery and radiative transfer simulations 10
Rapporto stato di avanzamento delle attività del progetto LaMMA (Laboratorio per la Meteorologia e la Modellistica Ambientale) 10
Real-Time Rain Rate Evaluation via Satellite Downlink Signal Attenuation Measurement 9
A four year (2007-2010) analysis of long-lasting deep convective systems in the Mediterranean basin 9
On the estimation of water vapor of the troposphere by using a microwave link 9
On the Implementation of a regional X-bandweather radar network 9
The retrieval of cloud top properties using VIS-IR channels 9
Monitoraggio integrato della qualità delle acque marino-costiere nel Tirreno Nord-Occidentale. 8
Rainfall variability associated with the summer African monsoon: A satellite study 8
Modelling the West African monsoon rainfall diurnal cycle 8
A four years (2007-2010) classification of marine mesoscale convective systems in the Mediterranean basin 8
Implementation and Validation of a Retrieval Algorithm for Profiling of Water Vapor From Differential Attenuation Measurements at Microwaves 8
Temperatura Superficiale del Mare da dati satellitari 8
A four years (2007-2010) classification of marine mesoscale convective systems in the Mediterranean basin 8
Simulated rainfall diurnal cycle of African Monsoon: a sensitivity study to model resolution and sea surface temperature forcing 8
The Potential of Smartlnb Networks for Rainfall Estimation 8
Modelling long-lasting deep convective systems over sea in the Mediterranean basin 8
Statistical downscaling for GFS precipitation forecast over Sahel region based on Meteosat Second Generation rainfall estimates 7
Osservazione e previsione del Monsone dell'Africa Occidentale. 7
: North Thyrrhenian Sea Monitoring through a Combined Use of in situ, Satellite Data and Regional Ocean Models 7
Validation of a MSG-based satellite rainfall estimation algorithm over the Euro-African area 7
Stime di precipitazione mediante dati da piattaforme satellitari. 7
Improvements on the Aries-C weather radar Tuscany network 7
Observed and model-simulated intraseasonal wam variability for the 2005 rainy season 7
Quantitative analysis of convective MSG rainfall estimates in the Sahelian area 6
A climatology of African warm-season rainfall episodes based on a combined IR/MW precipitation estimate approach 6
GIS applications for rainfall estimation 6
Statistical downscaling for GFS precipitation forecast over Sahel region based on Meteosat Second Generation rainfall estimates 6
Convective precipitation patterns analysis in the Sahelian area: satellite rainfall estimates and regional numerical modelling 6
A four years (2007-2010) classification of long-lasting deep convective systems in the Mediterranean basin 6
Mediterranean precipitating systems observed through the METEOSAT-8 Rapid Scan service 6
A satellite and model study of rainfall associated with the West African Monsoon 6
Variabilità delle nubi nella stagione calda sull Europa ed il Mediterraneo 6
Rainfall estimation based on MSG observations: operational issues and applications 6
Quantitative analysis of convective MSG rainfall estimates in the Sahelian area 6
Implementing an operational chain: the Florence LaMMA laboratory 6
Simulating a stationary deep convective storm using an atmospheric regional model: a V shape case study 6
Variability of warm-season clouds over Europe 6
Data assimilation scheme of satellite derived heating rates for soil state initialization in a regional atmospheric mesoscale model: methodology 5
Observational and modelling studies of convective precipitation patterns in the Sahelian area 5
Qualitative weather radar mosaic in a multisensor rainfall monitoring approach 5
Climatologia di nubi precipitanti nella stagione calda: Primi risultati sull'Europa e il Mediterraneo 5
Forecasting Precipitation from days to months: Operational tools for Sahel region 5
LaMMA operational chain for MSG-based rainfall estimations for the Mediterranean area: implementation and present applications 5
On the precipitation errors in the RU satellite technique 5
Analysis of a stationary deep convective storm: detecting a V - Shape feature through GEO-LEO satellites 5
Forecasting precipitation from day to months: some operational tools for Sahel region 5
Variability of warm season convective clouds over Europe and the Mediterranean 5
The synergy of GEO-LEO satellite observations in analysing enhanced-V features on top of severe storms. 5
A regional re-analysis approach for modeling the West African monsoon rainfall diurnal cycle 5
The synergy of GEO-LEO satellite observations in analysing enhanced-V features on top of severe storms 5
A 10-year climatology of warm-season cloud patterns over Europe and the Mediterranean from Meteosat IR observations 5
Convective precipitation patterns analysis in the Sahelian area: satellite rainfall estimates and regional numerical modelling 5
Implementazione di una catena operativa per stime di pioggia da dati satellitari sull area Mediterranea 4
Totale 737
Categoria #
all - tutte 2.751
article - articoli 824
book - libri 30
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 235
Totale 3.840

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202445 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 27 8
2024/2025692 18 12 114 48 377 118 5 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 737