Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 495
AS - Asia 192
EU - Europa 77
AF - Africa 1
Totale 765
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 495
SG - Singapore 171
IT - Italia 51
CN - Cina 21
FI - Finlandia 16
DE - Germania 8
AT - Austria 1
CI - Costa d'Avorio 1
FR - Francia 1
Totale 765
Città #
Santa Clara 468
Singapore 130
Pisa 23
Guangzhou 20
Helsinki 16
Cascina 12
Falkenstein 7
Livorno 3
Rome 3
Naples 2
Abidjan 1
Ashburn 1
Bologna 1
Capannori 1
Cesenatico 1
Council Bluffs 1
Florence 1
Pontedera 1
Seregno 1
Vienna 1
Totale 694
Nome #
Coherent modal transition systems refinement 26
Presentation of the paper entitled Modelling, Verifying and Testing the Contract Automata Runtime Environment with UPPAAL 21
Advancing orchestration synthesis for contract automata 16
Sustainable mobility: increase of capacity and digitisation of railway transport 16
Advanced integrated evaluation of railway systems 16
Modelling, verifying and testing the contract automata runtime environment with UPPAAL 15
Time for networks: mutation testing for timed automata networks 13
4SECURail - D.2.1: Specification of formal development demonstrator 12
A toolchain for strategy synthesis with spatial properties - Complementary material 12
An integrated perspective on the evaluation of complex railway systems 12
The SISTER Approach for Verification and Validation: A Lightweight Process for Reusable Results 12
Modelling, verifying and testing the contract automata runtime environment with Uppaal 12
Experimenting with formal verification and model-based development in railways: the case of UMC and Sparx Enterprise Architect - Complementary data 11
Experimenting with formal verification and model-based development in railways: the case of UMC and Sparx Enterprise Architect 11
A runtime environment for contract automata 10
ASTrail - Deliverable D4.3 - Validation Report 10
Statistical model checking of hazards in an autonomous tramway positioning system 10
Mutant equivalence as monotonicity in parametric timed games 9
ASTRail D4.2 - Preliminary Trial Report 9
Systematic evaluation and usability analysis of formal tools for railway system design 9
Empirical software engineering and formal methods for IoT systems 9
A stochastic model-based approach to analyze reliable energy-saving rail road switch heating systems 9
A Refined Framework for Model-Based Assessment of Energy Consumption in the Railway Sector 9
Research challenges in orchestration synthesis 9
A clean and efficient implementation of choreography synthesis for behavioural contracts 9
A Formal Methods Demonstrator for Railways 9
Survey on formal methods and tools in railways: the ASTRail approach 9
ASTRail - Survey on formal methods and tools in railways technical report on the activities performed within ASTRail, Deliverable D4.1 9
A sound and complete refinement relation for non-reducible modal transition systems 9
Designing a demonstrator of formal methods for railways infrastructure managers 9
An experimental toolchain for strategy synthesis with spatial properties 8
FMCAT: Supporting dynamic service-based product lines 8
Supervisory synthesis of configurable behavioural contracts with modalities 8
A formal framework for secure and complying services 8
Formal analysis of the UNISIG safety application intermediate sub-layer. Applying Formal Methods to railway standard interfaces 8
Controller synthesis of contract-based service product lines: extended version 8
Modelling, verifying and testing the contract automata runtime environment with Uppaal: complementary data 8
A runtime environment for contract automata 8
A toolchain for strategy synthesis with spatial properties 8
Experimenting with formal verification and model-based development: the case of UMC and Sparx EA 8
Systematic evaluation and usability analysis of formal methods tools for railway signaling system design 8
4SECURail - D.2.2 : Formal development Demonstrator prototype - 1st release 8
30 years of simulation-based quantitative analysis tools: a comparison experiment between Möbius and Uppaal SMC 8
On quantitative assessment of reliability and energy consumption indicators in railway systems 8
ISTI Young Research Award 2017 8
Stratego formal models and experiments for the paper published at FORTE2020 7
Secure multi-party computation with service contract automata 7
4SECURail D 2.2: Sparx EA artifacts and technical documentation 7
4SECURail video presentation of Sparx EA and demonstrator of formal methods 7
Comparing formal tools for system design: a judgment study 7
A runtime environment for contract automata 7
Exploring the ERTMS/ETCS full moving block specification: an experience with formal methods 7
Research challenges in orchestration synthesis 7
Controller synthesis of service contracts with variability 7
Tackling the Equivalent Mutant Problem in Real-Time Systems: The 12 Commandments of Model-Based Mutation Testing 7
Strategy Synthesis for Autonomous Driving in a Moving Block Railway System with Uppaal Stratego 7
A refinement approach to analyse critical cyber-physical systems 7
Orchestration of dynamic service product lines with featured modal contract automata 7
Applying supervisory control synthesis to priced featured automata and energy problems 7
Dependable dynamic routing for urban transport systems through integer linear programming 6
AMPL model for Weak Agreement in contract automata, implementation of weak liability checking, published at FORTE2016 6
Relating two automata-based models of orchestration and choreography 6
Timed service contract automata 6
Automata for specifying and orchestrating service contracts 6
Contract automata library 6
Models and experiments logs for the article published at "Formal Aspects of Computing 2021" 6
Static detection of equivalent mutants in real-time model-based mutation testing 6
Enhancing models correctness through formal verification: a case study from the railway domain 6
Safe adaptation through implicit effect coercion 6
Stochastic model-based evaluation of reliable energy-saving rail road switch heating systems 6
Stochastic model-based analysis of energy consumption in a rail road switch heating system 6
A refinement approach to analyse critical cyber-physical systems. Extended Version 6
Model-based evaluation of energy saving systems 6
AMPL model for the dependable dynamic vehicle routing problem 6
Uppaal models and experiments for the paper: "Formal Analysis of the UNISIG Safety Application Intermediate Sublayer." (FMICS2021) 6
Reproduction package: a runtime environment for contract automata 6
Orchestration synthesis for real-time service contracts 5
From orchestration to choreography through contract automata 5
Synthesis of orchestrations and choreographies: bridging the gap between supervisory control and coordination of services 5
The Stochastic Activity Network models of the rail road switch heating system for Moebius tool 5
Contract automata application 5
Automata-based behavioural contracts with action correlation 5
Modelling and Analysing ERTMS L3 Moving Block Railway Signalling with Simulink and UPPAAL SMC 5
Automata for analysing service contracts 5
Contract automata runtime environment (v.1.0.0 - February 2022) 5
Experiments reproducibility package for the paper static detection of equivalent mutants in real-time model-based mutation testing: an empirical evaluation 5
Modelling and analysis with featured modal contract automata 5
Specifying variability in service contracts 5
Bridging the Gap Between Supervisory Control and Coordination of Services: Synthesis of Orchestrations and Choreographies 5
Statistical model checking of an energy-saving cyber-physical system in the railway domain 5
Contract automata library 5
Publicity chair tools 5
Statistical model checking of a moving block railway signalling scenario with Uppaal SMC. Experience and Outlook 5
Playing with our CAT and communication-centric applications 5
The Uppaal SMC models developed for the ASTRail project and experiments, published at Isola2018 and FMICS2019 5
Secure and unfailing services 5
Supporting the design of intelligent railway stations 5
The Uppaal SMC model and experiments published at RSSRail 2019 5
On the industrial uptake of formal methods in the railway domain: a survey with stakeholders 5
Analysing an autonomous tramway positioning system with the Uppaal Statistical Model Checker 5
Totale 792
Categoria #
all - tutte 3.043
article - articoli 685
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 210
Totale 3.938

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202448 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 2 21 15
2024/2025751 40 7 115 76 390 123 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 799