Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 219
AS - Asia 100
EU - Europa 32
Totale 351
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 219
SG - Singapore 87
IT - Italia 26
CN - Cina 9
FI - Finlandia 3
TW - Taiwan 3
SI - Slovenia 2
ES - Italia 1
KR - Corea 1
Totale 351
Città #
Santa Clara 203
Singapore 64
Guangzhou 7
Alberobello 3
Helsinki 3
Milan 3
Taichung 3
Kamnik 2
Padova 2
Rome 2
Bari 1
Córdoba 1
Florence 1
Margherita di Savoia 1
Seoul 1
Totale 297
Nome #
Indagini sul ruolo di Philaenus spumarius nella diffusione di Xylella fastidiosa in Puglia e caratterizzazione genetica della popolazione 11
Sputacchina dell'olivo, insetticidi a confronto 11
Search for crop species immune to Xylella fastidiosa subsp. pauca, ST53 11
Preliminary results of comparative efficacy evalutation trials against Philaenus spumarius L., vector of Xylella fastidiosa 10
null 10
Influence of the temperature on the acquisition efficiency of Xylella fastidiosa by Philaenus spumarius 9
Transmission of xylella fastidiosa subspecies pauca sequence type 53 by different insect species 9
Biologia della trasmissione di Xylella fastidiosa da parte del vettore Philaenus spumarius 9
Assessment of Paraburkholderia phytorfirmans PsJN biocontrol potential against Xylella fastidiosa 'De Donno' strain in olive 9
Screening of olive germplasm for resistance to Xylella fastidiosa ST53: the state of the art 9
Defining a set of integrated tools recommended for IPM strategy to control spittlebugs 9
Soil management techniques for the control of juvenile populations of spittlebugs in olive groves 8
null 8
Nanopore Technology Applied to Targeted Detection of Tomato Brown Rugose Fruit Virus Allows Sequencing of Related Viruses and the Diagnosis of Mix 8
Isolation and pathogenicity of Xylella fastidiosa associated to the olive quick decline syndrome in southern Italy 8
Experimental confirmation that Xylella fastidiosa subsp. pauca, ST53, does not colonise grapes 8
Insights on Paraburkholderia phytofirmans PsJN behaviour as biocontrol agent of Xylella fastidiosa in olive 8
Host-plant preference of Philaenus spumarius nymphs in olive orchards of the Apulian Region of Italy 8
Transmission of Xylella fastidiosa by naturally infected Philaenus spumarius (Hemiptera, Aphrophoridae) to different host plants 8
Plant Selection and Population Trend of Spittlebug Immatures (Hemiptera: Aphrophoridae) in Olive Groves of the Apulia Region of Italy 8
Transmission of the CoDiRO strain of Xylella fastidiosa by different insect species 8
Transmission characteristics of Xylella fastidiosa subsp. pauca (ST53) by Philaenus spumarius and Cicadella viridis 8
Diagnostic procedures to detect xylella fastidiosa in nursery stocks and consignments of plants for planting 7
_ Archivio IPSP _ Assegno di Ricerca - IPSP 009 2015 BA del 02/07/2015 _ (Tipologia A) _ Periodo: 01/10/2015 - in corso 7
Understanding the olive microbiome of susceptible and resistant cultivars for sustainable biocontrol 7
Incidenza di xylella in oliveti con disseccamento rapido 7
null 7
null 7
Understanding the olive microbiome of susceptible and resistant cultivars for sustainable biocontrol 7
Infections of the Xylella fastidiosa subsp. Pauca strain "De donno" in Alfalfa (medicago sativa) elicits an overactive immune response 6
Application of calcium carbonate nanocarriers for controlled release of phytodrugs against Xylella fastidiosa pathogen 6
Evaluation of olive cultivar effect on the efficiency of the acquisition and transmission of Xylella fastidiosa by Philaenus spumarius (Hemiptera: Aphrophoridae) 6
Ricerca di nuovi insetti vettori di Xylella fastidiosa in Puglia 6
Impact of low susceptible and resistant host plants on the transmission of Xylella fastidiosa subsp. pauca ST53 by Philaenus spumarius (Hemiptera: Aphrophoridae) 6
Preliminary results on the transmission characteristics of Xylella fastidiosa subsp. pauca (ST53) by Philaenus spumarius and Cicadella viridis 6
Resistenza a Xylella fastidiosa in diverse cultivar di olivo 6
null 6
Biology and pathogenicity of Xylella fastidiosa associated to olive quick decline syndrome 6
Genomic analysis and biology of a novel variant of Xylella fastidiosa subspecies multiplex infecting different host plants in Tuscany, Italy 6
Evaluation of insecticides for the control of juveniles of Philaenus spumarius L, 2015-17 6
ResiXO: a project aimed to develop resistant germoplasm for the protection of olive tree heritage in Salento (southern Apulia, Italy) 6
Recenti sperimentazioni per il controllo di Xylella 6
Valutazione dell'efficacia di diversi insetticidi nei confronti degli individui adulti di Philaenus Spumarius vettore di Xylella Fastidiosa 6
A new variant of Xylella fastidiosa subspecies multiplex detected in different host plants in the recently emerged outbreak in the region of Tuscany, Italy 6
Preliminary evaluation of different insecticides against Philaenus spumarius 5
Field experiments for the containment of the spread of Xylella fastidiosa in olive orchards 5
Evaluation of efficacy of different insecticides against Philaenus spumarius L. vector of Xylella fastidiosa in olive orchards in southern Italy, 2015-17 4
Molecular characterisation of a novel gemycircularvirus associated with olive trees in Italy 3
Exploring the xylem-sap to unravel biological features of Xylella fastidiosa subspecies pauca ST53 in immune, resistant and susceptible crop species through metabolomics and in vitro studies 2
Differences in the Endophytic Microbiome of Olive Cultivars Infected by Xylella fastidiosa across Seasons 2
Temporal dynamics of the transmission of Xylella fastidiosa subsp. pauca by Philaenus spumarius to olive plants 2
Spittlebugs of Mediterranean Olive Groves: Host-Plant Exploitation throughout the Year 1
Olea Europaea Geminivirus: A Novel Bipartite Geminivirid Infecting Olive Trees 1
A survey in natural olive resources exposed to high inoculum pressure indicates the presence of traits of resistance to Xylella fastidiosa in Leccino offspring 1
Totale 366
Categoria #
all - tutte 1.400
article - articoli 685
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 30
Totale 2.115

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202413 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 10 0
2024/2025353 1 6 89 36 221 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 366