Istituto di Neuroscienze - IN - Sede Secondaria Parma
Anatomo-functional basis of emotional and motor resonance elicited by facial expressions
2024 Del Vecchio, M.; Avanzini, P.; Gerbella, M.; Costa, S.; Zauli, F. M.; D'Orio, P.; Focacci, E.; Sartori, I.; Caruana, F.
Facial impression of trustworthiness biases statement credibility unless suppressed by facemask
2024 Marini, M.; Paglieri, F.; Ansani, A.; Caruana, F.; Viola, M.
Positive emotions elicited by cortical and subcortical electrical stimulation: A commentary on Villard et al. (2023)
2024 Caruana, F.
With a little help from a friend: Sharing a laugh with Frans de Waal
2024 Palagi, Elisabetta; Caruana, Fausto
70 Years of Human Cingulate Cortex Stimulation. Functions and Dysfunctions Through the Lens of Electrical Stimulation
2023 Pelliccia, V.; Del Vecchio, M.; Avanzini, P.; Revay, M.; Sartori, I.; Caruana, F.
Architectural experience influences the processing of others’ body expressions
2023 Presti, P.; Galasso, G. M.; Ruzzon, D.; Avanzini, P.; Caruana, F.; Rizzolatti, G.; Vecchiato, G.
Editorial: Rising ideas in: theoretical and philosophical psychology
2023 Fini, C.; Caruana, F.; Borghi, A. M.
Language lateralization mapping (reversibly) masked by non-dominant focal epilepsy: a case report
2023 Abarrategui, B.; Mariani, V.; Rizzi, M.; Berta, L.; Scarpa, P.; Zauli, F. M.; Squarza, S.; Banfi, P.; D'Orio, P.; Cardinale, F.; Del Vecchio, M.; Caruana, F.; Avanzini, P.; Sartori, I.
Motor Simulation of Facial Expressions, But Not Emotional Mirroring, Depends on Automatic Sensorimotor Abduction
2023 Cuccio, V.; Caruana, F.
Association Between Semiology and Anatomo-functional Localization in Patients With Cingulate Epilepsy: A Cohort Study
2022 Pelliccia, V.; Avanzini, P.; Rizzi, M.; Caruana, F.; Tassi, L.; Francione, S.; Gozzo, F.; Mariani, V.; D'Orio, P.; Castana, L.; Mai, R.; Terzaghi, M.; Nobili, L.; Sartori, I.
Cracking the laugh code: laughter through the lens of biology, psychology and neuroscience
2022 Caruana, F.; Palagi, E.; De Waal, F. B. M.
Measuring arousal and valence generated by the dynamic experience of architectural forms in virtual environments
2022 Presti, P.; Ruzzon, D.; Avanzini, P.; Caruana, F.; Rizzolatti, G.; Vecchiato, G.
The Avatar’s Gist: How to Transfer Affective Components From Dynamic Walking to Static Body Postures
2022 Presti, P.; Ruzzon, D.; Galasso, G. M.; Avanzini, P.; Caruana, F.; Vecchiato, G.
The naturalistic approach to laughter in humans and other animals: towards a unified theory
2022 Palagi, Elisabetta; Caruana, Fausto; De Waal Frans, Bm
The web of laughter: frontal and limbic projections of the anterior cingulate cortex revealed by cortico-cortical evoked potential from sites eliciting laughter
2022 Zauli, F. M.; Del Vecchio, M.; Russo, S.; Mariani, V.; Pelliccia, V.; D'Orio, P.; Sartori, I.; Avanzini, P.; Caruana, F.
Two simulation systems in the human frontal cortex? Disentangling between motor simulation and emotional mirroring using laughter
2022 Caruana, F.
The impact of facemasks on emotion recognition, trust attribution and re-identification
2021 Marini, M.; Ansani, A.; Paglieri, F.; Caruana, F.; Viola, M.
Tonic somatosensory responses and deficits of tactile awareness converge in the parietal operculum
2021 Del Vecchio, M.; Fossataro, C.; Zauli, F. M.; Sartori, I.; Pigorini, A.; D'Orio, P.; Abarrategui, B.; Russo, S.; Mikulan, E. P.; Caruana, F.; Rizzolatti, G.; Garbarini, F.; Avanzini, P.
Two Neural Networks for Laughter: A Tractography Study
2021 Gerbella, M.; Pinardi, C.; Di Cesare, G.; Rizzolatti, G.; Caruana, F.
Action execution and action observation elicit mirror responses with the same temporal profile in human SII
2020 Del Vecchio, M; Caruana, F; Sartori, I; Pelliccia, V; Zauli, Fm; Lo Russo, G; Rizzolatti, G; Avanzini, P