Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse - IGG - Sede Secondaria Firenze
Fault reactivation and growth at rift-related calderas
2024 Maestrelli, D.; Corti, G.; Bonini, M.; Keir, D.; Facincani, P.; Vannucchi, P.; Ventisette, C. D.; Montanari, D.; Sani, F.
Influence of Inherited Brittle Fabrics on Continental Rifting: Insights From Centrifuge Experimental Modeling and Application to the East African Rift System
2024 Zou, Y.; Maestrelli, D.; Corti, G.; Del Ventisette, C.; Wang, L.; Shen, C.
Reconciling plate motion and faulting at a rift-rift-rift triple junction
2024 Maestrelli, D.; Sani, F.; Keir, D.; Pagli, C.; Rosa, A. L.; Muluneh, A. A.; Brune, S.; Corti, G.
Quaternary deformations, palaeosols and strata across the Northern Apennines
2023 Andreetta, A.; Benvenuti, M.; Maestrelli, D.; Carnicelli, S.; Sani, F.
Small-magnitude earthquakes triggering fluid vents in a pressurised CO2 system, Caprese Michelangelo (Central Italy)
2023 Bonini, M; Bicocchi, G; Montanari, D; Ruggieri, G; Tassi, F; Capecchiacci, F; Vaselli, O; Sani, F; Maestrelli, D
Analog and Numerical Modeling of Rift-Rift-Rift Triple Junctions
2022 Maestrelli, D; Brune, S; Corti, G; Keir, D; Muluneh, Aa; Sani, F
I TERRENI CAOTICI DI MARTE E LUNA: possibili collassi calderici?
2022 Luzzi E.; Rossi A.P.; Massironi M.; Pozzobon R.; Corti G.; Maestrelli D.
Large-to Local-Scale Control of Pre-Existing Structures on Continental Rifting: Examples From the Main Ethiopian Rift, East Africa
2022 Corti, G; Maestrelli, D; Sani, F
The Relationship Between Inverted Normal Faults and Pure Thrusting During the Tectonic Inversion of the Domeyko Cordillera, Northern Chile: Structural and Seismic Interpretation and Analog Modeling Experiments
2022 López, C; Del Ventisette, C; Bonini, M; Montanari, D; Maestrelli, D; Martínez, F; González, R; Riquelme, R; Montenegro, D; Muñoz, B; Guzmánmarusic, G
3D-thrust fault pattern control on negative inversion: An analogue modelling perspective on central Italy
2021 Del Ventisette C.; Bonini M.; Maestrelli D.; Sani F.; Iavarone E.; Montanari D.
A Database of Laboratory Analogue Models of Caldera Collapse Testing the Role of Inherited Structures
2021 Maestrelli, D; Bonini, M; Corti, G; Del Ventisette, C; Moratti, G; Montanari, D
Caldera collapse and tectonics along the Main Ethiopian Rift: Reviewing possible relationships
2021 Maestrelli, D; Corti, G; Bonini, M; Montanari, D; Sani, F
Caldera Collapse as the Trigger of Chaos and Fractured Craters on the Moon and Mars
2021 Luzzi, E; Rossi, Ap; Massironi, M; Pozzobon, R; Corti, G; Maestrelli, D
Centrifuge modelling of thrust systems in the brittle crust: Role of frictional décollement geometry
2021 Milazzo, F; Cavozzi, C; Corti, G; Maestrelli, D; Storti, F
Exploring fault propagation and the role of inherited structures during caldera collapse through laboratory experiments
2021 Maestrelli D.; Bonini M.; Corti G.; Del Ventisette C.; Moratti G.; Montanari D.
How initial basin geometry influences gravity-driven salt tectonics: Insights from laboratory experiments
2021 Zwaan, F; Rosenau, M; Maestrelli, D
Modeling Intra-Caldera Resurgence Settings: Laboratory Experiments With Application to the Los Humeros Volcanic Complex (Mexico)
2021 Bonini, M; Maestrelli, D; Corti, G; Del Ventisette, C; Moratti, G; Carrasconúñez, G; Giordano, G; Lucci, F; Norini, G; Piccardi, L; Urbani, S; Montanari, D
Normal fault reactivation during multiphase extension: Analogue models and application to the Turkana depression, East Africa
2021 Wang, L; Maestrelli, D; Corti, G; Zou, Y; Shen, C
Characterisation of submarine depression trails driven by upslope migrating cyclic steps: Insights from the Ceara Basin (Brazil)
2020 Maestrelli, D; Maselli, V; Kneller, B; Chiarella, D; Scarselli, N; Vannucchi, P; Jovane, L; Iacopini, D
Exploring the interactions between rift propagation and inherited crustal fabrics through experimental modelling
2020 Maestrelli D.; Montanari D.; Corti G.; Del Ventisette C.; Moratti G.; Bonini M.