Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 404
AS - Asia 88
EU - Europa 7
Totale 499
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 404
SG - Singapore 88
FI - Finlandia 6
IT - Italia 1
Totale 499
Città #
Santa Clara 393
Singapore 65
Helsinki 6
Pavia 1
Phoenix 1
Totale 466
Nome #
Experimental nonlocality-based network diagnostics of multipartite entangled states 12
Experimental linear-optics simulation of multipartite non-locality in the ground state of a quantum Ising ring 12
General Rules for Bosonic Bunching in Multimode Interferometers 12
Device-independent entanglement-based Bennett 1992 protocol 11
Rotated waveplates in integrated waveguide optics 11
Photonic simulation of entanglement growth and engineering after a spin chain quench 11
Experimental achievement of the entanglement-assisted capacity for the depolarizing channel 11
Anderson localization of entangled photons in an integrated quantum walk 11
Experimental Detection of Quantum Channels 11
Fabrication of Quantum Photonic Integrated Circuits by Means of Femtosecond Laser Pulses 11
Arbitrary integrated multimode interferometers for the elaboration of photonic qubits 11
Particle Statistics Affects Quantum Decay and Fano Interference 11
Three-photon bosonic coalescence in an integrated tritter 10
Multiparty multilevel energy-time entanglement 10
Insight on future quantum networks 10
Bell scenarios in which nonlocality and entanglement are inversely related 10
Variational quantum process tomography of two-qubit maps 10
Long-distance distribution of genuine energy-time entanglement 10
Generating qudits with d = 3,4 encoded on two-photon states 10
Experimental validation of photonic boson sampling 10
Integrated multimode interferometers with arbitrary designs for photonic boson sampling 10
Experimental Quantum Networking Protocols via Four-Qubit Hyperentangled Dicke States 10
Experimental realization of the Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm with a six-qubit cluster state 10
Integrated sources of entangled photons at the telecom wavelength in femtosecond-laser-written circuits 10
Quantum simulation of bosonic-fermionic noninteracting particles in disordered systems via a quantum walk 10
Quantum interferometry with three-dimensional geometry 10
Fully nonlocal quantum correlations 9
Tomographic characterization of correlations in a photonic tripartite state 9
Generation and Applications of n-Qubit Hyperentangled Photon States 9
Bayesian approach to Boson sampling validation 9
Bell Experiments with Random Destination Sources 9
Experimental Investigation of Quantum Decay at Short, Intermediate, and Long Times via Integrated Photonics 9
Two-Particle Bosonic-Fermionic Quantum Walk via Integrated Photonics 9
High degree of entanglement and nonlocality of a two-photon state generated at 532 nm 9
Linear Optics Simulation of Quantum Non-Markovian Dynamics 8
Engineering a C-phase quantum gate: optical design and experimental realization 8
Experimental Realization of Polarization Qutrits from Non-Maximally Entangled States 8
Experimental Entanglement and Nonlocality of a Two-Photon Six-Qubit Cluster State 8
Polarization entanglement with graded-index lenses 8
Testing Hardy's nonlocality proof with genuine energy-time entanglement 8
Quantum algorithms in one-way quantum computation 8
Enhancing the Violation of the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Local Realism by Quantum Hyperentanglement 8
Extremal quantum correlations: experimental study with two-qubit states 8
Optimal verification of entanglement in a photonic cluster state experiment 8
Active one-way quantum computation with 2-photon 4-qubit cluster states 8
Experimental Realization of Optimal Noise Estimation for a General Pauli Channel 8
Six-qubit two-photon hyperentangled cluster states: Characterization and application to quantum computation 8
Multipath entanglement of two photons 8
Integrated photonic quantum gates for polarization qubits 8
Phase control of a path-entangled photon state by a deformable membrane mirror 8
Experimental Bell-inequality violation without the postselection loophole 8
Polarization Entangled State Measurement on a Chip 8
Quantum interferometry with three-dimensional geometry 8
Totale 499
Categoria #
all - tutte 1.671
article - articoli 1.601
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 33
Totale 3.305

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2024/2025499 2 2 77 25 339 54 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 499