Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 1.151
AS - Asia 466
EU - Europa 146
OC - Oceania 2
Totale 1.765
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 1.142
SG - Singapore 433
IT - Italia 62
FI - Finlandia 37
CN - Cina 30
DE - Germania 11
GB - Regno Unito 11
CA - Canada 9
FR - Francia 6
LT - Lituania 5
BE - Belgio 4
NL - Olanda 4
DK - Danimarca 2
GR - Grecia 2
JP - Giappone 2
SE - Svezia 2
AU - Australia 1
KR - Corea 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
Totale 1.765
Città #
Santa Clara 1.054
Singapore 296
Helsinki 37
Guangzhou 16
Padova 16
Bologna 6
Falkenstein 6
Ashburn 4
Brussels 4
Frankfurt am Main 4
Rome 4
London 3
Mestre 3
Ottawa 3
Prineville 3
Rovereto 3
Toronto 3
Venice 3
Aarhus 2
Albignasego 2
Altavilla Vicentina 2
Korydallos 2
Naples 2
Parksville 2
Phoenix 2
Trieste 2
Villiers-sur-Marne 2
Caerano di San Marco 1
Forest City 1
Fort Worth 1
Matsudo 1
Mering 1
Milan 1
Paris 1
Roccadaspide 1
Seoul 1
Springfield 1
Turin 1
Udine 1
Upper Hutt 1
Washington 1
Totale 1.500
Nome #
Marine Geology at ISMAR 2.0 (CNR): A "Journey Through the Past". And the future? 19
The impact of relative sea level rise on the Northern Adriatic Sea coast, Italy 15
Coastal processes and environmental hazards: the Buenos Aires (Argentina) and Venetian (Italy) littorals 12
Stratigraphic Influence on the Groundwater Dynamics in a Salt-contaminated Phreatic Aquifer at the Southern Margin of the Venice Lagoon, Italy 12
Integrazione di misure satellitari e in situ per la realizzazione di un modello digitale del terreno a supporto della gestione territoriale 12
Analisi del processo di subsidenza nell'area veneziana e sua simulazione con un modello tridimensionale non lineare 11
La subsidenza e l'eustatismo del veneziano 11
Ground surface dynamics in the northern Adriatic coastland over the last two decades 11
The origin of sand in Venice Lagoon the next step 11
The Petilia-Sosti Shear Zone (Calabrian Arc, southern Italy): An onshore-offshore regional active structure 11
Monitoring saltwater intrusion by time lapse electrical resistivity tomography: The Chioggia test site (Venice Lagoon, Italy). 11
DEM of the Veneto plain by ERS2-ENVISAT cross-Inteferometry 11
The role of methane seepage in the formation of the Northern Adriatic Sea geosites 11
Salt water intrusion in coastal aquifers of the Venice coastland 11
Global change and relative sea level rise at Venice: what impact in term of flooding 11
Long-term groundwater dynamics in the coastal confined aquifers of Venice (Italy) 11
Risultati dell esperimento elettrotomografico tempo variante nel test site Casetta (Chioggia, Italia). 11
Monitoraggio del cuneo salino mediante elettro-tomografia tempo variante: test site Casetta (Chioggia, talia). 11
Rapid response of tidal channel networks to sea-level variations (Venice Lagoon, Italy) 11
Altimetria recente del comprensorio lagunare veneziano. Un'analisi critica 11
Monitoraggio del cuneo salino mediante elettro-tomografia tempo variante: test site Casetta (Chioggia, talia) 11
Monitoring the saltwater intrusion by time lapse electrical resistivity tomography: The Chioggia test site (Venice Lagoon, Italy) 11
Il Progetto ISES per l'analisi dei processi di intrusione salina e subsidenza nei territori meridionali delle Province di Padova e Venezia 11
Variabilità spaziale della subsidenza attuale nell'area veneziana 11
Land Subsidence Monitoring Service in the Lagoon of Venice 10
Effetti della subsidenza ed eustatismo sul comprensorio lagunare veneziano 10
La subsidenza del veneziano (Sintesi dei risultati) 10
Modern geological mapping and subsurface lithostratigraphic setting of the Venice Lagoon (Italy) 10
Studio dell intrusione salina nella Laguna Veneta (Chioggia):misure geoelettriche per il setup dell esperimento time-lapse. 10
Monitoring of the saline intrusion with time-variant geo-electric-tomography: test site Casetta (Chioggia, Italy) 10
Sensitivity, Hazard, and Vulnerability of Farmlands to Saltwater Intrusion in Low-Lying Coastal Areas of Venice, Italy 10
Using high resolution data to reveal depth-dependent mechanisms that drive land subsidence: The Venice coast, Italy 10
Present Relative Sea Level Rise in the Northern Adriatic Coastal Area 10
Intrusione salina 10
Seasonal Oscillation in saltwater intrusion at the Venice lagoon boundary detected by time-lapse ERT 10
Aptitude of modern salt marshes to counteract relative sea-level rise, Venice Lagoon (Italy) 10
Eustasy and land subsidence in the Venice Lagoon at the beginning of the new millennium 10
A multidisciplinary study proposal for the coastal hazard assessment of the Libertad Region littoral area, Perú 10
Monitoraggio del cuneo salino mediante elettro-tomografia tempo variante: test site Casetta (Chioggia, Italia). 10
Misure geoelettriche per la caratterizzazione del sito per il monitoraggio tempo-variante. 10
Could salt water intrusion and land subsidence trigger soil desertification in the catchment South of the Venice Lagoon (Italy)? 9
Ascenso de los niveles freáticos en el Centro Arqueológico Chan Chan (Perú). Investigaciones preliminares 9
Evaluatiòn preliminar del ascenso de los niveles freaticos en la area de Trujillo (Perù) 9
The Shallows Project: preliminary investigation 9
Advanced monitoring techniques for mapping land displacement on the Venice coastland with satellite SAR data 9
Mapping regional land displacements in the Venice coastland by an integrated monitoring system 9
A new monitoring strategy to control land movements. The Veneto Region test area 9
L'intrusione salina nel comprensorio lagunare veneziano. Il bacino meridionale 9
Monitoring of the saline intrusion with time-variant geo-electric-tomography: test site Casetta (Chioggia, Italy) 9
Note illustrative della Carta Geologica d Italia alla scala 1:50.000. Foglio 128 - Venezia. 9
Present ground surface dynamics in the north Adriatic coastland. 9
Modeling the saltwater intrusion in the lowlying catchment of the southern Venice Lagoon, Italy 9
The origin of sand in Venice Lagoon: the next step 9
Note illustrative della Carta Geologica d'Italia alla scala 1:50.000: Foglio 128 - Venezia. 9
Resolving land subsidence within the Venice Lagoon by persistent scatterer SAR interferometry 9
Hydrologic Characteristics in Melting Creeks in Potter Cove (King George Island, Antarctica) 9
Soil contamination and land subsidence raise concern in the Venice watershed, Italy 9
Seasonal Oscillation in saltwater intrusion at the Venice lagoon boundary detected by time-lapse ERT 9
Saltwater intrusion at the southern Venice Lagoon boundary detected by time-lapse ERT 9
New very high resolution seismic surveys in shallow water to study the subsurface in the Venice Lagoon 9
Driving the modeling of saltwater intrusion at the Venice coastland (Italy) by ground-based, water-, and air-borne geophysical investigations 9
Seasonal oscillations in saltwater intrusion at the Venice Lagoon boundary detected by time-lapse ERT, in Coastal Aquifer: Challenges and Solutions 9
In-situ loading experiments reveal how the subsurface affects coastal marsh survival 9
Saltwater contamination in the managed low-lying farmland of the Venice coast, Italy: An assessment of vulnerability 8
Recent studies on the land subsidence process of the Venice coastal area (Italy). 8
A new project to monitor land subsidence in the northern Venice coastland (Italy) 8
Characterizing marshland compressibility by an in-situ loading test: design and set-up of an experiment in the Venice Lagoon 8
Assessing short- and long-time displacements in the Venice coastland by synthetic aperture radar interferometric point target analysis 8
Vulnerability to relative sea-level rise in the Po river delta (Italy) 8
Analysis of actual land subsidence in Venice and its hinterland (Italy) 8
Sensing the land subsidence in the Venice lagoon by interferometric point target analysis 8
Carta Geologica d'Italia. Base del Sistema del Po. Allegato al Foglio 148-149 - Chioggia-Malamocco 8
The origin and transport of sand in Venice Lagoon, the latest developments 8
Land subsidence and degradation of the venetian littoral 8
Hydrodinamics and Morphology CORILA 3.2 8
Paleochannel and beach-bar palimpsest topography as initial substrate for coralligenous buildups offshore Venice, Italy 8
A Coupled Biomorpho-Geomechanical Model of Tidal Marsh Evolution 8
Applicazione dell Interferometria Differenziale SAR per il controllo dei movimenti verticali del litorale veneziano 8
Advances and Practices on the Research, Prevention and Control of Land Subsidence in Coastal Cities 8
Salt water contamination in the Southern coastal Venetian plain: an overview 8
Un sistema integrato per il monitoraggio della pianura costiera veneziana 8
A new monitoring strategy to control land movements. The Veneto Region test area 8
Processi di subsidenza ed intrusione salina nell'area veneziana: potenziali cause di desertificazione. 8
The ISES Project subsidence monitoring of the catchment basin south of the Venice Lagoon (Italy) 8
Sensing the land subsidence within the Venice Lagoon by Interferometric Point Target Analysis 8
Morpho-Sedimentary Constraints in the Groundwater Dynamics of Low-Lying Coastal Area: The Southern Margin of the Venice Lagoon, Italy 8
The Impact of Land Subsidence on Preservation of Cultural Heritage Sites: The Case Study of Aquileia (Venetian-Friulian Coastland, North-Eastern Italy) 8
Radar interferometry-based mapping of the present land subsidence along the low-lying northern Adriatic coast of Italy 8
Il Progetto ISES: Intrusione Salina e Subsidenza del Bacino scolante meridionale della Laguna di Venezia 8
Salinity origin in the coastal aquifer of the Southern Venice lowland 8
Geological hazards in two sandy environments: the eastern coast of Buenos Aires (Argentina) and Venice (Italy) 8
Sand transport in northern Venice Lagoon 8
Hydrogeological effects of dredging navigable canals through lagoon shallows. A case study in Venice 7
Delineating the subsidence drivers in the Po River delta (Italy) by combining L-and X-band SAR Interferometry 7
Sequence stratigraphy based on high-resolution seismic profiles in the late Pleistocene and Holocene deposits of the Venice area 7
Geomorphological evolution of a part of the southern catchment of the Venice Lagoon (Italy): the Zennare Basin 7
Totale 943
Categoria #
all - tutte 7.912
article - articoli 3.216
book - libri 117
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 1.255
Totale 12.500

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202456 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 8 30 2
2024/20251.712 5 39 319 216 1.033 100 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 1.768