Istituto di Studi sui Sistemi Regionali Federali e sulle Autonomie - ISSIRFA
Cross-border living areas as popularisation of cross-border integration? Debating "Bacino di vita" and "Bassin de vie"
2024 Coletti, Raffaella; Chilla, Tobias; Salerno, Giulio
EU Macro-Regional Strategy in the Adriatic and Ionian Region: A Territorial Perspective on the EU Enlargement Policy
2024 Coletti, Raffaella; Chiodi, Luisa
Verso una nuova governance transfrontaliera nell'Unione europea? Il caso del confine Italia-Francia
2024 Coletti, R.
Roma città solidale: il Covid-19 e la trasformazione dell'azione collettiva
2023 Simone, Andrea; Coletti, Raffaella
La cooperazione territoriale europea (Interreg) come strumento per lo sviluppo del territorio: valore aggiunto e prospettive future
2022 Coletti, R
Negotiating nationalism: regional politics in Italy during the health crisis
2022 Coletti R.; Filippetti A.
La comunità albanese in Italia: caratteristiche e sfide tra immigrazione e integrazione. Il caso della Lombardia e dei lavoratori altamente qualificati.
2021 Sanna, V S; Coletti, R; Ferro, A
Territorializing threats in nationalist populist narratives: an Italian perspective on the migration and Covid-19 crises
2021 Casaglia, Anna; Coletti, Raffaella
Between practices and policies. Rethinking urban regeneration in Southern European cities after the crisis
2020 Chiara Rabbiosi; Raffaella Coletti; Carlo Salone
Interventions on European nationalist populism and bordering in time of emergencies
2020 Casaglia, Anna; Coletti, Raffaella; Lizotte, Christopher; Agnew, John; Mamadouh, Virginie; Minca, Claudio
Neighbourhood branding and urban regeneration: performing the "right to the brand" in Casilino, Rome
2020 Coletti, Raffaella; Rabbiosi, Chiara
Bordering imaginaries and the everyday construction of the Mediterranean neighbourhood: Introduction to the special section
2019 Wesley Scott, James; Celata, Filippo; Coletti, Raffaella
Borderscapes of external Europeanization in the Mediterranean neighbourhood
2019 Celata, F; Coletti, R
Enabling and disabling policy environments for community-led sustainabiity transitions
2019 Celata, F; Coletti, R
Between crises and borders: Interventions on Mediterranean Neighbourhood and the salience of spatial imaginaries
2018 Scott J.W.; Brambilla C.; Celata F.; Coletti R.; Burkner H.J.; FerrerGallardo X.; Gabrielli L.
Community organizing, sustainability transitions and public policies: Introduction to the special section
2018 Celata F.; Coletti R.
The Good Wife's (Geo)politics between originality and stereotypes: A new wine or just a new bottle?
2018 Coletti, R
The policing of community gardening in Rome
2018 Celata, F; Coletti, R
Neighbourhood policy, cross-border cooperation, and the re-bordering of the Italy-Tunisia frontier
2017 F. Celata; R. Coletti; A. Stocchiero
Beyond Fortress Europe. Unbounding European Normative Power and the Neighbourhood Policy
2016 Celata F.; Coletti R.