Istituto di Ricerca Sulle Acque - IRSA - Sede Secondaria Brugherio
Italian reference rivers under the Water Framework Directive umbrella: do natural factors actually depict the observed nutrient conditions?
2022 Erba, Stefania; Buffagni, ANDREA STEFANO; Cazzola, Marcello; Balestrini, Raffaella
Groundwater-dependent ecosystems as transfer vectors of nitrogen from the aquifer to surface waters in agricultural basins: The fontanili of the Po Plain (Italy)
2021 Balestrini, R; Delconte, CARLO ANDREA; Sacchi, E; Buffagni, A
The lentic and lotic characteristics of habitats determine the distribution of benthic macroinvertebrates in Mediterranean rivers
2021 Buffagni, A
Macroinvertebrate metrics responses to morphological alteration in Italian rivers
2020 Erba, Stefania; Cazzola, Marcello; Belfiore, Carlo; Buffagni, ANDREA STEFANO
The ratio of lentic to lotic habitat features strongly affects macroinvertebrate metrics used in southern Europe for ecological status classification
2020 Buffagni, A; Erba, S; Cazzola, M; Barca, E; Belfiore, C
Defining Maximum Ecological Potential for heavily modified lowland streams of Northern Italy
2019 Erba, Stefania; Terranova, Laura; Cazzola, Marcello; Cason, Manuela; Buffagni, ANDREA STEFANO
Dynamic of nitrogen and dissolved organic carbon in an alpine forested catchment: Atmospheric deposition and soil solution trends
2019 Balestrini R.; Delconte C.A.; Buffagni A.; Fumagalli A.; Freppaz M.; Buzzetti I.; Calvo E.
Groundwater-dependent ecosystems in agro-environments of the Po valley (Italy): their role in the nitrogen cycling.
2019 Balestrini, Raffaella; Delconte, CARLO ANDREA; Sacchi, Elisa; Buffagni, Andrea; author Raffaella Balestrini, Presenting
In-stream microhabitat mosaic depicts the success of mitigation measures and controls the Ecological Potential of benthic communities in heavily modified rivers
2019 Buffagni, ANDREA STEFANO; Barca, Emanuele; Erba, Stefania; Balestrini, Raffaella
In-stream substrate and invertebrates assemblages: the importance of microhabitat mosaic in defining the Ecological Potential in heavily modified rivers
2019 Buffagni, Andrea; Barca, Emanuele; Erba, Stefania; Cazzola, Marcello; Balestrini Presenting author Stefania Erba, Raffaella
Biotic control of in-stream nutrient retention in nitrogen-rich springs (Po Valley, Northern Italy)
2018 Balestrini, R; Delconte, C A; Palumbo, M T; Buffagni, A
I corpi idrici fortemente modificati (HMWB) nel bacino scolante della laguna di Venezia: affinamento e validazione del sistema di classificazione (invertebrati bentonici) ai sensi della Direttiva 2000/60/CE e individuazione di possibili misure di mitigazione.
2018 Buffagni, A; Erba, S; Terranova, L; Cazzola, M; Barca, E; Verzino, L; Balestrini, R
Decreto Direttoriale DD 0000030/STA del 13/02/2017
2017 Buffagni, ANDREA STEFANO; Erba, Stefania; Annamaria De Girolamo,
Hydrology under climate change in a temporary river system: Potential impact on water balance and flow regime
2017 A. M. De Girolamo; F. Bouraoui; A. Buffagni; G. Pappagallo; A. Lo Porto
Non-perennial Mediterranean rivers in Europe: Status, pressures, and challenges for research and management
2017 Skoulikidis N.T.; Sabater S.; Datry T.; Morais M.M.; Buffagni A.; Dorflinger G.; Zogaris S.; del Mar SanchezMontoya M.; Bonada N.; Kalogianni E.; Rosado J.; Vardakas L.; De Girolamo A.M.; Tockner K.
A biological tool to assess flow connectivity in reference temporary streams from the Mediterranean Basin
2016 Cid, N; Verkaik, I; Garciaroger, E M; Rieradevall, M; Bonada, N; Sanchezmontoya, M M; Gomez, R; Suarez, M L; Vidalabarca, M R; Demartini, D; Buffagni, A; Erba, S; Karaouzas, I; Skoulikidis, N; Prat, N
Comunità bentoniche e bioindicatori: messa a punto di nuovi strumenti per la valutazione di impatti specifici nei fiumi
2016 Erba, S; Cazzola, M; Buffagni, A
Cryptic diversity and multiple origins of the widespread mayfly species group Baetis rhodani (Eph.: Baetidae) on northwestern Mediterranean islands
2016 Bisconti, Roberta; Canestrelli, Daniele; Tenchini, Roberta; Belfiore, Carlo; Buffagni, Andrea; Nascetti, Giuseppe
Detecting the impact of bank and channel modification on invertebrate communities in Mediterranean temporary streams (Sardinia, SW Italy)
2016 Buffagni A.; Tenchini R.; Cazzola M.; Erba S.; Balestrini R.; Belfiore C.; Pagnotta R.
Factors affecting agricultural nitrogen removal in riparian strips: Examples from groundwater-dependent ecosystems of the Po Valley (Northern Italy)
2016 Balestrini R.; Sacchi E.; Tidili D.; Delconte C.A.; Buffagni A.