Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 741
AS - Asia 238
EU - Europa 99
Totale 1.078
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 738
SG - Singapore 218
IT - Italia 65
FI - Finlandia 13
CN - Cina 11
KR - Corea 8
DE - Germania 7
NL - Olanda 7
IE - Irlanda 4
MX - Messico 3
AT - Austria 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
BE - Belgio 1
Totale 1.078
Città #
Santa Clara 700
Singapore 151
Rome 40
Helsinki 13
Guangzhou 10
Seoul 8
Falkenstein 7
Dublin 4
Sala Baganza 4
Amsterdam 3
Mexico City 3
Ashburn 2
Ferrara 2
Maranello 2
Milan 2
Prato 2
Vienna 2
Boardman 1
Brussels 1
Forest City 1
Fort Worth 1
Naples 1
Phoenix 1
Venice 1
Totale 962
Nome #
Performances and Biocompatibility of Prepared pH-Sensitive Cotton/Polyamide 6 Medical Dressings Dyed with Halochromic Dyes 30
Assessing Many Image Processing Products Retrieved from Sentinel-2 Data to Monitor Shallow Landslides in Agricultural Environments 19
Understanding the interaction between inland waters and the coastal zone during extreme events over the Po Delta from space 19
Archaeological information retrieval from MIVIS hyperspectral airborne data over Selinunte 16
Evaluating Hyperion capability for land cover mapping in a fragmented ecosystem: Pollino National Park, Italy 14
Spatial Validation of Spectral Unmixing Results: A Systematic Review 13
A two-step optimization procedure for assessing water constituent concentrations by hyperspectral remote sensing techniques: an application to the highly turbid Venice lagoon waters. 13
Indexes for assessing the spectral range more sensitive to the detection of the buried structures 12
Telerilevamento iperspettrale come strumento di indagine per la gestione degli ambienti naturali 11
Il telerilevamento aereo per lo studio dei Beni Archeologici: applicazione dei dati iperspettrali Mivis sul Parco Archeologico di Selinunte 11
The hyperspectral for adriatic coastal monitoring (HYPAD.COM) project 11
Spatial Validation of Spectral Unmixing Results: A Case Study of Venice City 11
Integration of airborne optical and thermal imagery for archaeological subsurface structures detection: the Arpi case study (Italy) 11
Lake victoria aquatic weeds monitoring by high spatial and spectral resolution satellite imagery 10
The Weight of Hyperion and PRISMA Hyperspectral Sensor Characteristics on Image Capability to Retrieve Urban Surface Materials in the City of Venice 10
Progetto HYPAD.COM - Relazione attività primo anno 10
Remote Data for Mapping and Monitoring Coastal Phenomena and Parameters: A Systematic Review 10
Utilizzo dei dati Iperspettrali MIVIS a supporto delle indagini archeologiche 10
Il rilevamento di strutture archeologiche sepolte attraverso sensori remoti 10
Standard e struttura dei Metadata per i dati geografici prodotti e gestiti dall'IIA. Versione 1.0 10
A methodology to assess the accuracy with which remote data characterize a specific surface, as a function of Full Width at Half Maximum (FWHM): Application to three Italian coastal waters 10
Airborne thermal data for detecting karst water resources in the Kotor Bay 10
Remote sensing water observation for supporting Lake Victoria weed management 10
Comparative evaluation of MIVIS and Hyperion hyperspectral data (0.4-2.4 um) on the Pollino National Park (Italy) 10
Evaluation of Hyperion capability for land cover mapping in a fragmented ecosystem: A Pollino National Park, Italy case study 10
Using imaging spectroscopy to map red mud dust waste: The Podgorica Aluminum Complex case study 10
Remote hyperspectral imagery as a support to archaeological prospection 10
Relations between morphological settings and vegetation covers in a medium relief landscape of Central Italy 10
Airborne imaging spectrometry: a new approach to environmental problems 10
L'utilizzo del dato MIVIS per lo studio di Aree Urbane 9
Messa a punto di tecniche semiempiriche e di inversione dei dati remoti per la stima [A09] quantitativa dei parametri di qualità dell acqua, risultati preliminari delle campagne di misura sperimentali nella laguna di Venezia 9
Road asphalt pavements analyzed by airborne thermal remote sensing: preliminary results of the Venice highway 9
Dati iperspettrali telerilevati per la gestione di riserve naturali della Provincia di Roma 9
Telerilevamento Iperspettrale dei Luoghi e delle Opere Urbane 9
Comparison of split window algorithms for retrieving measurements of sea surface temperature from MODIS Data in Near-Land Coastal Waters 9
Hyperspectral sensor data capability for retrieving complex urban land cover in comparison with multispectral data: Venice city case study (Italy) 9
Mappatura della vegetazione e degli affioramenti rocciosi nel parco del pollino con dati MIVIS e HYPERION 9
Hyperspectral tecniques for water quality monitoring: Application to the Sacca di Goro Italy 9
The natural areas of Rome Province detected by airborne remotely sensed data 9
Multiscale Integration of Satellite, Airborne and Field Data for Mediterranean Vegetation Studies in the Natural Area of the Castelporziano Estate (Rome) 9
Carta della vegetazione ed uso del suolo della provincia di Roma realizzata con dati MIVIS 9
PRISMA Products and Applications 1st issue 9
Telerilevamento iperspettrale come strumento di indagine per la gestione degli ambienti naturali 9
Aerosol Optical Thickness within the FieldSpec FR PRO Spectral Domain during SEN2FLEX Campaign 9
Progetto HYPAD.COM - Relazione attività primo semestre 9
Road asphalt pavements analyzed by airborne thermal remote sensing: Preliminary results of the venice highway 9
Satellite and Airborne Remote Sensing Data to Study the Venice Lagoon 8
Assessment of water vapor columnar content and aerosol optical thickness from FieldSpec Pro Fr solar direct irradiance measurements by using CIMEL318 and MICROTOPS II contemporary acquisition. 8
Relationships between morphological settings and vegetation covers in a medium relief landscape of Central Italy 8
Airborne hyperspectral data for archaeological exploration, 1th EARSeL Workshop on Imaging Spectroscopy 8
Struttura del progetto CLAM-PHYM per lo studio delle acque costiere e interne italiane tramite il sensore PRISMA 8
Local, Daily, and Total Bio-Optical Models of Coastal Waters of Manfredonia Gulf Applied to Simulated Data of CHRIS, Landsat TM, MIVIS, MODIS, and PRISMA Sensors for Evaluating the Error 8
Capability of remote sensing images to distinguish the urban surface materials: A case study of venice city 8
Application of airborne Remote Sensing for Metropolitan areas mapping: examples applied to the historical centre of Rome 8
A Method for Retrieving Water Vapor Columnar Content and Aerosol Optical Thickness 8
Relationships Between Morphological Units and Vegetation Categories of Soratte Mount (Italy) as Inferred by Processing Elevation and MIVIS Hyperspectral Data 8
The Natural Areas of Rome Province Detected by Airborne Remotely Sensed Data 8
Hyperspectral tecniques for water quality monitoring: Application to the "Sacca di Goro" - Italy 8
Retrieval of sea surface temperature from MODIS data in coastal waters 8
Correlation of Vegetation Maps, Obtained by Processing MIVIS Data, with Morpho-Units as Derived from DEM Analysis 8
Experimental approach to the selection of the components in the Minimum Noise Fraction 8
Ricostruzione dell impianto viario dell 'antica Selinunte attraverso il telerilevamento iperspettrale MIVIS 8
Biodiversità della vegetazione nella gestione del territorio 8
CLAM-PHYM - DEL01 Stato dell'Arte 8
Urban mapping in Venice: a comparison of MIVIS and four satellite imagers 8
Specific spectral bands for different land cover contexts to improve the efficiency of remote sensing archaeological prospection: The Arpi case study 8
Definizione di un modello bio-ottico per le acque dello stretto di Messina 8
Classification of submersed aquatic vegetation of the Venice lagoon using MIVIS airborne data 8
Comparative Evaluation of MIVIS and Hyperion Hyperspectral Data (0.4-2.4µm) on the Pollino National Park (Italy) 8
Integrated Approach for Archaeological Prospection Exploiting Airborne Hyperspectral Remote Sensing 7
Analisi dei principali parametri oceanografici in relazione alle proprietà ottiche di 5 aree marine lungo le coste dell Italia meridionale. Primi risultati 7
Sinergia tra dati telerilevati iper e multispettrali da satellite e aereo sulla laguna veneta 7
Assessment for Albanian and Montenegrin Coastal Areas 7
Evaluation of Hyperion sensor performance in discriminating land cover types 7
Evaluation of the spatial distribution, in percent coverage, of the oil spilled during the trecate blow-out, based on the analysis of airborne hyperspectral MIVIS data 7
Detection of Anomalies Produced by Buried Archaeological Structures Using Nonlinear Principal Component Analysis Applied to Airborne Hyperspectral Image 7
Remote Sensing and Physical Modelling approach for Macrophyte and Water Quality Parameters Monitoring 7
Influence of aerosol and surface reflectance variability on hyperspectral observed radiance 7
Insight on archaeological features from the analysis of hyperspectral airborne data 7
Evaluation of Hyperion sensor performance in discriminating land cover types 7
Coastal water assessment and monitoring by hyperspectral remote sensing techniques: selected applications in the Adriatic Sea 7
Classificazione della vegetazione sommersa della laguna di Venezia tramite dati iperspettrali da aereo e da satellite 7
Messa a punto di tecniche semiempiriche e di inversione dei dati remoti per la stima quantitativa dei parametri di qualità dell'acqua, risultati preliminari delle campagne di misura sperimentali nella laguna di Venezia 7
Messa a punto di tecniche semiempiriche e di inversione dei dati remoti per la stima quantitativa dei parametri di qualità dell acqua. Risultati preliminari delle campagne di misura sperimentali nella laguna di Venezia 7
Campagna congiunta MIVIS-LANDSAT TM, EO1 e aster sulla laguna veneta 7
Hyperspectral at-sensor radiance for aerosol and surface reflectance retrievals 7
Classificazione della vegetazione sommersa della laguna di Venezia tramite dati iperspettrali da aereo e da satellite 7
Multidisciplinary study of CDOM (Colour Dissolved Organic Matter) experience carried out in the Albanian-Montenegrin coastal area (southern Adriatic Sea) 7
Classification of Submersed Acquatic Vegetation of the Venice Lagoon Using MIVIS Airborne Data 7
Approccio multidisciplinare nello studio del CDOM (Colored Dissolved Organica Matter): esperienza condotta nell'area costiera Albanese-Montenegrina (Adriatico Meridionale) 7
Analisi di dati multispettrali (TMS) dell'isola di Vulcano (Isole Eolie) 6
Evaluation of adjacency effect for MIVIS airborne images 6
Integration of Water Colour and Sea Surface Temperature for coastal discharges: preliminary results. 6
La calibrazione dello scanner MIVIS (Multispectral Imaging Visibile and Infrared Spectrometer) nelle campagne di misura realizzate dal CNR nel 2001-2002 6
Relation between Oceanographic parameters and Optical properties in 5 coastal areas of Southern Italy 6
Use of airborne hyperspectral images to assess the spatial distribution of oil spilled during the Trecate blow-out (Northern Italy) 6
An Objective Assessment of Hyperspectral Indicators for the Detection of Buried Archaeological Relics 6
Dati telerilevati iperspettrali da aereo per lo studio delle acque dello Stretto di Messina. 6
Relazione asl Venezia 6
Multiscale Integration of Satellite, Airborne and Field Data for Mediterranean Vegetation Studies in the Natural Area of the Castelporziano Estate (Rome) 6
Totale 895
Categoria #
all - tutte 4.648
article - articoli 1.711
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 149
Totale 6.508

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202433 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 20 12
2024/20251.079 8 19 153 100 627 162 10 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 1.112