Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 508
AS - Asia 168
EU - Europa 19
SA - Sud America 3
Totale 698
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 508
SG - Singapore 144
CN - Cina 20
IT - Italia 10
FI - Finlandia 6
ID - Indonesia 4
BR - Brasile 3
DE - Germania 1
NL - Olanda 1
RS - Serbia 1
Totale 698
Città #
Santa Clara 481
Singapore 109
Helsinki 6
Guangzhou 3
Boardman 2
Curitiba 2
Jakarta 2
Montesilvano Marina 2
Belgrade 1
Falkenstein 1
Forest City 1
Semarang 1
Totale 611
Nome #
Orange Wood for Parquet and Engineered Flooring Use 12
A revaluation of Turkey oak wood (Quercus Cerris L.) through combined steaming and thermo-vacuum treatments 12
White beech: a tricky problem in the drying process 11
Rapid assessment by PTR-ToF-MS of the effect on volatile compound emission of different heat treatments on larch and spruce 11
Design of a functional experimental prototype of solar dryer of lumber in Tshopo province, DRC 1st TECHNICAL REPORT 11
Thermal modification of poplar veneers in vacuum conditions 11
Thermo-Vacuum Modification of Poplar Veneers and its Quality Control 10
ThermoPoplarPly - Trattamento termico con tecnologia "Termovuoto" di sfogliati e compensati di pioppo 10
Eucalyptus drying process: qualitative comparison of differnt clones cultivated in Italy 10
A hybrid solar/biomass active indirect kiln dryer for timber in the Democratic Republic of Congo 10
Exploring volatile organic compound emission from thermally modified wood by PTR-ToF-MS 10
ThermoPoplarPly - Trattamento termico con tecnologia "Termovuoto"di sfogliati e compensati di pioppo - Rapporto finale prove di trattamento eseguite in IVALSA 10
Caratterizzazione fisica del legno di diverse specie legnose modificate termicamente: Rapporto di prova 10
Monitoring of wood decay by near infrared spectroscopy 9
Comparative Analysis of Volatile Organic Compound Purification Techniques in Complex Cooking Emissions: Adsorption, Photocatalysis and Combined Systems 9
Standing tree grading of Picea abies (L.) Karst. to estimate the quality yields of sawn timber 9
A model to predict the kinetics of mass loss in wood during thermo-vacuum modification 9
Analisi statistica relativa ad un campione di dati storici di sterilizzazione termica secondo lo standard ISPM-15 della FAO 9
Industrial Thermowood®and Termovuoto thermal modification of two hardwoods from Mozambique 9
Characterisation of wood from standing trees in forest to small speciments in laboratory 9
Experimental prototype of solar dryer of lumber in Yanonge, DRC. Sturt-up and final test. Final technical report 9
Assessment of poplar veneers for plywood manufacturing after up-grading phase by vacuum thermal treatment 9
Valorizzazione della produzione legnosa dei comuni di Folgaria, Lavarone e Luserna: caratteristiche tecnologiche del legno 9
Influence of thermo-vacuum treatment on bending properties of poplar rotary-cut veneer 8
Assessment of chemical fingerprint of modified wood 8
Fase C; Termotrattamento dei manici di bambù 8
Comparative study of two softwood species industrially modified by Thermowood® and Thermo-vacuum process 8
RT 34/01/2005 Caratterizzazione del legno di abete rosso sottoposto a trattamento in condizioni di vapore saturo 8
Characterisation of wood from standing trees in forest to small speciments in laboratory 8
Climate induced deformation of Panel Paintings: experimental observations on interaction between paint layers and thin wooden supports 8
Problems and peculiarities of thin panel paintings: The effects of protective measures on the back side 8
Thermowood ® vs Termovuoto process-comparison of thermally modified timber in industrial conditions 8
Physical properties of wood spruce growth in alpine environment 8
Misura diretta della temperatura cuore legno per ISPM15. Specifica tecnica su requisiti minimi e prescrizioni 8
RT 26/01/2006 Classificazione a vista di 50 travi in opera secondo la DIN 4074:1988 8
Thermo-Vacuum Modification of Teak Wood from Fast-Growth Plantation 8
Chemical and ultrastructural changes of ash wood thermally modified (TMW) using the thermo-vacuum process: II. Immunocytochemical study of the distribution of noncellulosic polysaccharides 7
Quality control of vacuum thermally modified wood with near infrared spectroscopy 7
Technological improvements in creating controlled thermo-hygrometric conditions in sealed microenvironments:the Dew Point Climatic Generator 7
The case study of The daughters of the Emperor Ferdinand I by Jakob Seisenegger, in Trento (Italy): analytical hygro-mechanical results as a support in risk assessment for technical interventions 7
Thermal treatment in saturated vapour pressure for spruce 7
The influence of dovetailed cross beams on the dimensional stability of a panel painting from the Middle Ages 7
Long-term hygromechanical monitoring of Wooden Objects of Art (WOA): A tool for preventive conservation 7
"Le figlie dell'Imperatore" -Castello del Buonconsiglio - Trento: progetto di analisi per il restauro e la conservazione 7
RT 22/01/2004 Prove di modificazione del colore con trattamento in condizione di vapore saturo 7
Sterilizzazione termica secondo l'ISPM n. 15: un modello per la determinazione dei parametri di sicurezza 7
RT 26/01/2005 Determinazione specie legnosa e caratteristiche fisiche 7
Observing anatomical modifications of wood during thermal treatment with ESEM 7
TV4NEWOOD - Thermovacuum: new process for generation of thermally modified wood 7
Approfondimenti sull'applicazione del trattamento termico (HT) secondo l'ISPM n.15 in Italia 7
Nonsymmetrical drying tests--Experimental and numerical results for free and constrained spruce samples 7
Thermo-vacuum modification of spruce (Picea Abies Karst.) and fir (Abies Alba Mill.) wood 7
Life cycle assessment of thermovacuum treated softwood timber with comparison to untreated and preserved cladding 7
Analysis of heat treatment system and temperature control in Italy 7
Chemical and ultrastructural changes in compound middle lamella (CML) regions of softwoods thermally modified by the Termovuoto process 7
Long-term hygro-mechanical monitoring of wooden objects of art (woa): a tool for preventive conservation 6
Thermovacuum: TV4NEWOOD- New process for new generation of thermally modified wood 6
Termovuoto Un processo innovativo per la mofificazione termica del legno 6
Barrier effect to water vapour of early European painting materials on wood panels 6
Thermo-vacuum Modification of some European Softwood and Hardwood Species Treated at Different Conditions 6
Method and device for checking the heat treatment of wood 6
Trattamenti di essiccazione e modificazione igrotermica del legno 6
Orange Wood Parquet 6
RT Caratterizzazione del legno di abete rosso (Picea abies Karst.) e di abete bianco (Abies alba Mill.) modificati termicamente con tecnologia Termovuoto. 6
Chemical changes to woody polymers due to high-temperature thermal treatment assessed with near infrared spectroscopy 6
Dalle idee alla innovazione 6
Prospettive del legno termico 6
Novel method for verification of wood thermal treatment procedure according to ISPM-15 6
Effect of wood treatment in low temperatures on the near infrared spectra 6
Test di trattamento termico in Termovuoto di tavole di rovere francese: ottimizzazione processo finalizzata alla mitigazione dell'incidenza di fessurazioni interne. 6
In situ measurement of wood stress during drying process 6
Metodo e dispositivo per verifica del trattamento termico del legno 6
NIR assessment of chemical pattern of wood after thermal modification 6
Application of non-symmetrical drying tests for assessment of drying behaviour of ntholo (Pseudolachnostylis maprounaefolia PAX) 6
Conservazione di opere lignee di interesse storico-artistico 6
Investigations on internal checking in thermo-vacuum treated oak lumber 6
Attività di monitoraggio dei parametri microclimatici di ambienti espositivi come pratica preventiva per una corretta conservazione di manufatti lignei dei 6
Relazione tecnica su materiale di frassino ( Fraxinus excelsior L.) trattato ad alta temperatura con sistema ad azoto 6
A sensor for the direct measurement of internal stress in wood during drying: experimental tests towards the industrial application 6
Measurement of internal stress in Radiata pine sapwood during drying using an improved online sensor 5
A new experimental device for Non-Symmetrical drying test. Experimental and numerical results fro free and constrained samples 5
Assessment of thermal behavior of wood with FT-NIR 5
Is it possible to detect thermal treatment of wood in low temperatures? 5
A Sensor for Direct Measurement of Internal Stress in Wood During Drying: Experimental Tests Toward Industrial Application 5
Attività di monitoraggio dei parametri microclimatici di ambienti espositivi come pratica preventiva per una corretta conservazione di manufatti lignei di 5
Vacuum press drying process for beech-laboratory tests on the influence of drying parameters on quality. 5
Metodologie innovative per l essiccazione del legno 5
Long term responses in archaeological wood to ambient temperature and relative humidity - Case study: the Oseberg ship 5
Uno sguardo sull essiccazione del legno 5
Drying process for white beech 5
Evaluation of thermally treated soft and hardwoods with FT-NIR 5
Sapwood - heartwood proportion related to some technological properties in Picea abies in Trentino (Italy) 5
13/RT/2009 Trattamenti per la disinfestazione di legname da insetti xilofagi e nematodi fitoparassiti 5
WCHO s behavior during seasonal RH fluctuation in heated churches in the Alps 5
Studio dell'assorbimento di umidità su modelli di pittura a tempera ed olio su legni trattati con diversi consolidanti 5
Dtouch - drying has never been so easy 5
Thermo-vacuum process for wood thermal modification: results for some European softwood and hardwood species treated at different conditions 5
Investigation on MC gradients in vacuum-press drying process of beech elements 5
Totale 704
Categoria #
all - tutte 2.603
article - articoli 996
book - libri 42
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 87
Totale 3.728

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/20249 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 3
2024/2025695 9 6 93 88 471 28 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 704