Istituto di Scienza, Tecnologia e Sostenibilità per lo Sviluppo dei Materiali Ceramici - ISSMC (ex ISTEC)
Compositionally complex AlB2-type diborides in dissociated air plasma
2025 Monteverde, F.; Pellegrini, C.; Balat-Pichelin, M; Fahrenholtz, W.; Hilmas, G
Entropy-driven expansion of the thermodynamic stability of compositionally complex spinel oxides
2024 Monteverde, F.; Gaboardi, M.
Anisotropic thermal expansion in high-entropy multicomponent AlB2 -type diboride solid solutions
2023 Monteverde, F.; Gaboardi, Mattia; Saraga, Federico; Feng, Lun; Fahrenholtz, William; Hilmas, Gregory
Compositionally complex catalytic oxide beds free of noble metals for H2O2 fuelled monopropellant thrusters
2023 Cassese, S; Monteverde, F; Gallo, G; Mungiguerra, S; Cecere, A; Saraga, F; Savino, R
Will high-entropy carbides and borides be enabling materials for extreme environments?
2023 Wang, Fei; Monteverde, FREDERIC TULLIO; Cui, Bai
2022 Cassese, S.; Mungiguerra, S.; Gallo, G.; Cecere, A.; Gobbi, C.; Savino, R.; Monteverde, F.
Local structure in high-entropy transition metal diborides
2022 Gaboardi, M.; Monteverde, F. T.; Saraga, F.; Aquilanti, G.; Feng, L.; Fahrenholtz, W.; Hilmas, G.
Quantitative inspection of grain-scale chemical inhomogeneities in high-entropy AlB2-type transition metal diborides
2022 Monteverde, F.; Saraga, F.; Gaboardi, M.; Feng, L.; Hilmas, G.; Fahrenholtz, W.
Solid-state formation mechanisms of core-shell microstructures in (Zr,Ta)B2 ceramics
2022 Dorner, An; Monteverde, F; Fahrenholtz, Wg; Hilmas, Ge
Compositional pathways and anisotropic thermal expansion of high-entropy transition metal diborides
2021 Monteverde, FREDERIC TULLIO; Saraga, Federico; Gaboardi, Mattia; Plaisier Jasper, Rikkert
Effect of Nb content on the phase composition, densification, microstructure, and mechanical properties of high-entropy boride ceramics
2021 Feng, Lun; Fahrenholtz, William; Hilmas, Gregory; Monteverde, F.
Improved aero-thermal resistance capabilities of ZrB2-based ceramics in hypersonic environment for increasing SiC content
2021 Mungiguerra, Stefano; Cecere, Anselmo; Savino, Raffaele; Saraga, Federico; Monteverde, F.; Sciti, Diletta
Retained strength of UHTCMCs after oxidation at 2278 K
2021 Galizia, P; Vinci, A; Zoli, L; Monteverde, F; Binner, J; Venkatachalam, V; Lagos, Ma; Reimer, T; Jain, N; Sciti, D
Superhard high-entropy AlB2-type diboride ceramics
2021 Lun, Feng; Monteverde, F.; W., Fahrenholtz; G., Hilmas
Thermally stimulated self-healing capabilities of ZrB2-SiC ceramics
2021 Monteverde, F; Saraga, F; Reimer, T; Sciti, D
Ultra-high temperature ceramic matrix composites
2021 Zoli, L; Sciti, D; Vinci, A; Galizia, P; Monteverde, F; Failla, S; Silvestroni, L
Compositional disorder and sintering of entropy stabilized (Hf,Nb,Ta,Ti,Zr)B2 solid solution powders
2020 Monteverde, F; Saraga, F; Gaboardi, M
Entropy stabilized single-phase (Hf,Nb,Ta,Ti,Zr)B2 solid solution powders obtained via carbo/boro-thermal reduction
2020 Monteverde, F; Saraga, F
Densification behavior of ZrB2-MoSi2 ceramics: The formation and evolution of core-shell solid solution structures
2019 Monteverde, Frederic; J Grohsmeyer, Ryan; D Stanfield, Austin; E Hilmas, Gregory; G Fahrenholtz, William
Effect of SiC concentration on aero-thermal behavior of ZrB2-based ceramics in hypersonic environment
2019 Mungiguerra, Stefano; Di Martino, Giuseppe; Cecere, Anselmo; Savino, Raffaele; Monteverde, F