Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 718
AS - Asia 233
EU - Europa 69
SA - Sud America 1
Totale 1.021
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 716
SG - Singapore 226
IT - Italia 36
FI - Finlandia 16
ES - Italia 5
NL - Olanda 5
CN - Cina 3
IN - India 3
DE - Germania 2
GB - Regno Unito 2
BE - Belgio 1
CA - Canada 1
CL - Cile 1
JM - Giamaica 1
NO - Norvegia 1
SE - Svezia 1
TW - Taiwan 1
Totale 1.021
Città #
Santa Clara 658
Singapore 155
Helsinki 15
Rome 9
Milan 4
Ashburn 3
Bastia umbra 3
Boardman 3
Phoenix 3
Barcelona 2
Cadiz 2
Kanpur 2
Rimini 2
Sala Baganza 2
San Pietro Vernotico 2
A Coruña 1
Brussels 1
Casoria 1
Florence 1
Kolkata 1
Oslo 1
Reston 1
Seveso 1
Shanghai 1
Stockholm 1
Trois-Rivières 1
Totale 876
Nome #
L'era degli scarti. Cronache dal Wasteocene, la discarica globale 15
Justicia Ambiental: Historias de Opresión, Injusticia y Resistencia desde América Latina 15
Boschi e rivoluzioni nel Mezzogiorno. La gestione, gli usi, le strategie di tutela dei boschi nelle congiunture di crisi di regime 14
IS THERE AN INDIGENOUS KNOWLEDGE IN THE URBAN NORTH? Re/inventing local knowledge and communities in the struggles over garbage and incinerators in Campania, Italy 14
Toxic Bios: Toxic Autobiographies-A Public Environmental Humanities Project 14
Fascim and Nature in the Mediterranan 14
La natura del duce. 14
Repairing as struggle for narrative justice. The dam failure of Vega de Tera, Spain (1959-2019) 13
Coal lives Body, work and memory among Italian miners in Wallonia, Belgium 13
Fascism and Nature in the Mediterranan, 12
Environmental humanities. Scienze sociali, politica, ecologia 12
History and sustainability. 12
Migrazioni e Ambiente 12
Environmental History of Modern Migrations 11
Anthropocene: Victims, Narrators, and Revolutionaries 11
Beyond "Socially Constructed" Disasters: Re-politicizing the Debate on Large Dams through a Political Ecology of Risk 11
Future Remains. A Cabinet of Curiosities for the Anthropocene 11
Climate insurgencies 11
Cooking commoning subjectivities: guerrilla narrative in the Cooperation Birmingham solidarity kitchen 11
Urban Climate Insurgency: An Introduction 10
The Case for the Wasteocene 10
Incorporare la Natura: Storie Ambientali del Novecento by Simone Neri Serneri, Rome: Carocci, 2005, 10
Seeking justice in risk landscapes. Small data and toxic autobiographies from an Italian petrochemical town (Gela, Sicily) 10
Wasteocene. Stories from the global dump 10
Trash. Waste Struggles In Campania, Italy 10
Earth repair. A transatlantic history of environmental restoration. By Marcus Hall. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press. 2005 9
Moving people, chaning nature. Migrations and the environment in the Modern World 9
The historian, the activist, the ecocritic, and the writer: an undisciplined debate on the Italian environmental history 9
Garbage under the Vulcano. Fighting for Environmental Justice in Naples, Italy, and Beyond 9
Il dust bowl americano negli anni trenta del Novecento 9
Sabotaging the Anthropocene; or, In the Praise of Mutiny 9
Rights of Resistance: The Garbage Struggles for Environmental Justice in Campania, Italy 9
From Waste to Climate Tackling Climate Change in a Rebel City 9
A history of environmentalism. Local struggles, global histories 9
Of (not) being neighbors: cities, citizens and climate change in an age of migrations 9
LaRes Landscape of Resistance (PIEF-GA-2008-235728) 9
Reflections:Environmental History in the Era of COVID-19 9
COVID-19, the World, And Me 9
Ecologia dei poveri. Le lotte globali per la giustizia ambientale 9
Traduzione dell'articolo La fabbrica della carne. Il pollo americano tra produzione e consumo di Steven Striffler 9
From Garlic Hill to Goatsville. Italians in the American Landscape 9
Toxic Bios: A guerrilla narrative project mapping contamination, illness and resistance 9
Teaching Environmental History in Central and Southern Europe. An Impressionist Survey on the Current State of the Art with a Few Suggestions for the Future 9
Garbage under the volcano. The waste crisis in Campania and the struggles for environmental justice 9
La mucca è savia. 8
Right to Resistance. Fighting for Ecological Democacry in the 21st Century 8
Views from the south. Environmental stories from the Mediterranean world (19th -20th cent.) 8
An Environmental Historian among Activists: The Political, the Personal, and a Project of Guerrilla Narrative 8
La scoperta dell'ambiente e la scoperta dell'America. Intervista a Alfred Crosby 8
Il Bel Paese 8
Ambiente 8
Teaching the Environmental Humanities International Perspectives and Practices 8
Den fattige, den rike och invandraren 8
Ripoliticizzare le questioni socio-ecologiche. Una intervista con Marco Armiero 8
Migration and environment 8
Climate Insurgency between Academia and Activism 8
Spazi del lavoro, spazi del piacere. Napoli e il mare 8
Parthenope doesn't live here anymore. Work and nature in the remaking of Neapolitan maritime neighborhoods (1870-1900) 8
Boschi e rivoluzioni nel Mezzogiorno. La gestione, gli usi, le strategie di tutela dei boschi nelle congiunture di crisi di regime 8
Insurgent Natures and Nations: Unpacking Socio-Environmental Histories of Forest Conflict 8
Teaching Environmental History in Central and Southern Europe 8
Introduction to Environmental History of Modern Migration 8
Beyond Nonpartisan Discourses: Radical Knowledge for Extreme Times 8
Nationalizing the Mountains: Natural and Political Landscapes in the First World War 8
Un paese aspro. Il paesaggio nella storia d'Italia 8
Intervista su EMiGR Environment and Migration Group of Research 8
Environmental History between Institutionalization and Revolution: A Short Commentary with Two Sites and One Experiment 8
Urban climate insurgencies 8
Views from the South. Environmental Stories from the Mediterranean World (19th-20th centuries) 8
STATE OF NATURE - 2nd International Workshop of the Nature and Nation Network Bucharest, 2-4 December 2011 8
Environmental History: A Manual for Instructions 8
Insurgent Natures and Nations: Unpacking Socio-Environmental Histories of Forest Conflict 8
Italian mountains 8
Of Humans, Sheep, and Dioxin: A History of Contamination and Transformation in Acerra, Italy 8
Incorporare la Natura: Storie Ambientali del Novecento by Simone Neri Serneri 8
Confessions of an Enthusiastic Chair 8
ambienti in bilico. Natura ed eventi rivoluzionari nel Mezzogiorno del 1860 8
Dal Vajont a Napoli. Conflitti ecologici in Italia 7
Associazioni e Appennini. Alcune letture della montagna meridionale tra Ottocento e Novecento 7
Re/inventare il sapere locale nelle periferie napoletane. Scienza e lotte sociali nella Campania dei rifiuti 7
Le associazioni nel bosco. Alcune letture della montagna meridionale tra 800 e 900 7
Primavere rumorose. Ambiente e lotte sociali 7
Environmental Justice. The Making of a Schoalrly Category and a Global Movement 7
A Rugged Nation. Mountains and the Making of Modern Italy 7
Nationalizing the Mountains: Natural and Political Landscape in the First World War 7
Interview to Marco Armiero by IVAN VILOVI?, HRVOJE PETRI? 7
The transformative potential of a disaster: a contextual analysis of the 1882 flood in Verona, Italy 7
Frontiere. Passaggi sulle Alpi. 7
Teresa e le altre. Storie di donne nella Terra dei fuochi 7
Le montagne della patria. Nazione e natura nella storia d'Italia 7
Nationalizing the Mountains: Natural and Political Landscapes in the First World War 7
Parthenope doesn t live here anymore. Work and nature in the remaking of the Neapolitan maritime neighborhoods (1870-1900) 7
L'ambientalismo USA 7
Wasted Spaces, Resisting People: the politics of waste in Naples, Italy 7
Montagne 7
A History of Environmentalism: Local Struggles, Global Histories 7
Introduction to Future Remains 7
The Nature of Mafia: An Environmental History of the Simeto River Basin, Sicily 7
Of ghosts, waste, and the Anthropocene 7
Political effluvia: Smells, revelations, and the politicization of daily experience in Naples, Italy 7
Totale 896
Categoria #
all - tutte 5.090
article - articoli 1.988
book - libri 800
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 1.141
Totale 9.019

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202417 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 7 2 7
2024/20251.035 7 14 153 111 560 110 39 41 0 0 0 0
Totale 1.052