Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 555
AS - Asia 356
EU - Europa 35
Totale 946
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 554
SG - Singapore 304
CN - Cina 50
FI - Finlandia 20
DE - Germania 6
IT - Italia 5
GB - Regno Unito 3
KR - Corea 2
BE - Belgio 1
CA - Canada 1
Totale 946
Città #
Santa Clara 503
Singapore 218
Guangzhou 22
Helsinki 20
Falkenstein 5
Phoenix 4
Naples 3
Ashburn 2
Boydton 2
Council Bluffs 2
Seoul 2
Brussels 1
Forest City 1
Fort Worth 1
Frankfurt am Main 1
London 1
Rome 1
Toronto 1
Totale 790
Nome #
Time resolved spatial and spectral analysis of a special light source for the broad-band extinction spectroscopy technique 14
Analysis of exhausts emitted by i.c. engines and stationary burners, by means of u.v. extinction and fluorescence spectroscopy 14
analysis of exhausts emitted by engines and stationary burners, by means of u.v. - visible extinction and fluorescence spectroscopy 12
Broadband extinction spectroscopy for measurements of pollutants at the exhausts of i.c. engines 11
Differential analysis of exhausts emitted by engines and stationary burners, by means of u.v.-visible extinction and fluorescence spectroscopy 10
Study of mixture formation and early flame development in a research GDI (gasoline direct injection) engine through numerical simulation and UV-digital imaging 10
Split injection in a HOS GDI engine for high combustion efficiency and low pollutants emission 10
Analysis by u.v.-visible extinction spectroscopy of exhausts emitted by engines and stationary burners 9
Ultraviolet broadband light scattering by single metal-containing droplets 9
Effect of butanol blend on in-cylinder combustion process. Part 2: compression ignition engine 9
Broad-band u.v. extinction and scattering spectroscopy allows detection of nanometric organic particles in the exhausts of internal combustion engines 9
Detection of extremely fine carbonaceous particles in the exhaust of Diesel and spark-ignited IC engines, by means of broad-band extinction and scattering spectroscopy in the ultraviolet band 190nm - 400nm 9
The formation of inorganic particles during heating of single-droplets of aqueous solutions of heavy-metal salts 8
Diagnostica ottica in un motore Diesel trasparente iniezione diretta Common Rail per lo studio della fuliggine in camera di combustione 8
Efectul asupra procesului de ardere al amestecurilor de benzina/motorina si n-butanol/motorina la un motor cu aprindere prin comprimare cu vizualizare optica 8
Detection of nanometric organic particles in the exhaust of i.c. engines, achieved by broadband u.v. extinction and scattering spectroscopy 8
Optical analysis of particles emitted by internal combustion engines 8
Analisi ottica degli effetti della strategia di iniezione sul funzionamento di un motore ad accensione comandata sovralimentato PFI 8
UV-broadband light scattering measurements during metallic particle formation in a combustion-like environment 8
Optical insights on physico-chemical properties of single particles by U.V visible broadband light interactions 8
U.v.-broadband light scattering measurements during metallic particle formation in combustion-like environment 8
Time-resolved spectral and spatial description of laser-induced breakdown in air as a pulsed, bright, and broadband ultraviolet visible light source 8
Conversion of a Small Size Passenger Car to Hydrogen Fueling: Focus on Rated Power and Injection Phasing Effects 7
UV-visible digital imaging of split injection in a gasoline direct injection engine 7
High Spatial Resolution Visualization and Spectroscopic Investigation of the Flame Front Propagation in the Combustion Chamber of a Scooter Engine 7
Effect of butanol blend on in-cylinder combustion process. Part 1: spark ignition engine 7
Fuel Injection Effect on In-cylinder Formation and Exhaust Emission of Particulate from a 4-Stroke Engine for 2-Wheel Vehicles 7
Combustion process investigation in a high speed diesel engine fuelled with n-butanol diesel blend by conventional methods and optical diagnotics 7
Effect of coolant temperature on air-fuel mixture formation and combustion in an optical direct injection spark ignition engine fueled with gasoline and butanol 7
In-cylinder formation and exhaust emission of particulates from a 4-stroke engine of a 2-wheel vehicle 7
Analysis of the effect of fatty acid ME on the combustion process in a high swirl CR optical engine 7
Split injection in a homogeneous stratified gasoline direct injection engine for high combustion efficiency and low pollutants emission 7
Effect of dilution on nanoparticles emission at the exhaust of a PFI SI engine 7
Particulate emission from internal combustion engines 7
Diagnostica ottica degli effetti della strategia di iniezione sui depositi di combustibile liquido in un motore ad a.c. sovralimentato PFI 7
Spectroscopy Based Tool for Temperature Evaluation during the Spark Discharge 7
Optical investigation of premixed low-temperature combustion of lighter fuel blends in compression ignition engines 7
Particle sizing at the exhaust of common rail Diesel engine by LII and BUVESS 6
On the Entrainment Velocity and Characteristic Length Scales Used for Quasi-Dimensional Turbulent Combustion Modeling in Spark Ignition Engines 6
Spark anemometry applied through secondary current measurements in an optical spark ignition engine 6
In-cylinder combustion analysis by flame emission spectroscopy of transparent CR Diesel engine 6
Characterization of flame front propagation during early and late combustion for methane-hydrogen fueling of an optically accessible SI engine 6
Optical diagnostics of the pollutant formation in a CI engine operating with Diesel fuel blends 6
Effect of injection phasing on valves and chamber fuel deposition burning in a PFI boosted spark-ignition engine 6
Experimental investigations of butanol-gasoline blends effect on the combustion process in a SI engine 6
Effect of fuel film deposition on combustion process in PFI SI engine 6
Characterization of Alcohol Sprays from Multi-Hole Injector for DISI Engines through PIV Technique 6
Opto-thermal analysis of the combustion process in a DISI engine fueled with gasoline and ethanol 6
Optical diagnostics of the cyclic variation in the kernel development and abnormal combustion: SI boosted engine 6
Fuel effect on knocking and abnormal combustion processes in a boosted SI PFI engine 6
Algorithm for Cycle-To-Cycle Firing TDC Identification Based on Wasted Spark Duration Measurements in Small Engines 6
Combustion process investigation in a small SI engine using optical diagnostics 6
A RANS knock model to predict the statistical occurrence of engine knock 6
Green pathway to a new fuel extender: continuous flow catalytic synthesis of butanol/butyl butyrate mixtures 6
Analysis of flame kinematics and cycle variation in a port fuel Injection spark ignition engine 6
An Experimental Investigation of Alcohol/Diesel Fuel Blends on Combustion and Emissions in a Single-Cylinder Compression Ignition Engine 6
Assessment of a Second Life City Vehicle Refurbished to Include Hybrid Powertrain Technology 6
Combustion process investigations in an optically accessible DISI engine fuelled with n-butanol during part load operation 6
Effect of the fuel injection splitting on the combustion process in a PFI boosted spark-ignition engine 6
Evaluation of soot and flame lift-off length in a high swirl optically accessed Diesel engine 6
Nanoparticles detection at internal combustion engine exhaust by ELPI 6
Liquid/vapour visualization of common rail diesel sprays in different ambient conditions with visible and UV laser light scattering and PLIF 6
Optical investigation of the effect on the combustion process of butanol-gasoline blend in a PFI SI boosted engine 6
Diesel exhaust nanoparticles characterization by multiwavelength techniques, laser induced incandescence and ELPI 6
Development of a semi-empirical convective heat transfer correlation based on thermodynamic and optical measurements in a spark ignition engine 6
Characterization of nanoparticles emitted during the regeneration of catalyzed Diesel particulate filter 6
Characterization of the thermo-chemical processes involved in a SI engine by optical measurements 6
Combustion process investigations in a high speed diesel engine fuelled with n-butanol diesel blend by conventional methods and optical diagnostics 6
Application of an entrainment turbulent combustion model with validation based on the distribution of chemical species in an optical spark ignition engine 6
Spectroscopic characterization of energy transfer and thermal conditions of the flame kernel in a spark ignition engine fueled with methane and hydrogen 6
Analysis of common rail Diesel engine combustion process by optical diagnostic 5
Proceedings of ICE2005 5
Nanoparticles charaterization at the spark ignition engine exhaust 5
Effetto dell EGR sull emissione di particelle ultrafini allo scarico di un motore diesel Common Rail 5
Experimental investigation of combustion processes in an optical DISI engine equipped with plasma-assisted ignition system 5
Optical characterization of the combustion process in a 4-stroke engine for 2-wheel vehicle 5
Design of an Optically Accessible Intake Manifold for Characterization of Liquid and Gaseous Jets in PFI Operating Conditions 5
CFD analysis of combustion and knock in an optically accessible GDI engine 5
Effect of injection timing on combustion and soot formation in a direct injection spark ignition engine fueled with butanol 5
Optical investigation of the fuel injector influence in a PFI spark ignition engine for two-wheel vehicles 5
Effect of fuel injection strategies on the combustion process in a PFI boosted SI engine 5
Optical characterization of the thermo-chemical processes in a SI small engine for the reduction in fuel consumption and pollutants emission 5
Optical diagnostics of the combustion process in a PFI SI boosted engine fuelled with butanol gasoline blend 5
Effect of the fuel injection pressure on the combustion process in a PFI boosted spark-ignition engine 5
Cycle-resolved visualization of pre-ignition and abnormal combustion phenomena in a GDI engine 5
Wasted spark duration measurement as a method for firing TDC identification in small engines 5
Effect of Fuel Injection Strategy on the Carbonaceous Structure Formation and Nanoparticle Emission in a DISI Engine Fuelled with Butanol 5
Experimental investigations of the combustion process of n-butanol/diesel blend in an optical high swirl CI engine 5
Correlation between Simulated Volume Fraction Burned Using a Quasi-Dimensional Model and Flame Area Measured in an Optically Accessible SI Engine 5
Optical diagnostics of the combustion process in a PFI SI boosted engine fueled with butanol-gasoline blend 5
Nanoparticles characterization at spark ignition engine exhaust 5
Effect of the fuel injection strategy on the combustion process in a PFI boosted spark-ignition engine 5
Simultaneous detection of Nox and particulate in exhaust of a CR Diesel engine by UV-visible spectroscopy 5
Butanol-Diesel Blend Spray Combustion Investigation by UV-Visible Flame Emission in a Prototype Single Cylinder Compression Ignition Engine 5
Split Injection in a DISI Engine Fuelled with Butanol and Gasoline Analyzed through Integrated Methodologies 5
Spectroscopic investigation of initial combustion stages in a SI engine fuelled with ethanol and gasoline 5
UV-Visible imaging and natural emission spectroscopy of premixed combustion in high swirl multi-jets compression ignition engine fuelled with diesel-gasoline blend 5
Conversion of a Small-Size Passenger Car to Hydrogen Fueling: Simulation of CCV and Evaluation of Cylinder Imbalance 5
Investigation on the effects of butanol and ethanol fueling on combustion and PM emissions in an optically accessible DISI engine 5
Totale 660
Categoria #
all - tutte 5.362
article - articoli 3.265
book - libri 96
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 399
Totale 9.122

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202454 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 4
2024/2025892 4 16 223 123 484 42 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 946