Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 340
AS - Asia 138
EU - Europa 61
Totale 539
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 340
SG - Singapore 118
IT - Italia 44
CN - Cina 14
FI - Finlandia 10
KR - Corea 6
NL - Olanda 5
BE - Belgio 2
Totale 539
Città #
Santa Clara 316
Singapore 92
Helsinki 10
Naples 9
Seoul 6
Guangzhou 3
Brussels 2
Florence 2
Amsterdam 1
Bitonto 1
Phoenix 1
Prineville 1
Totale 444
Nome #
null 20
A Holistic Approach Based on Biomonitoring Techniques and Satellite Observations for Air Pollution Assessment and Health Risk Impact of Atmospheric Trace Elements in a Semi-Rural Area of Southern Italy (High Sauro Valley) 14
Meteorological variables and PM10 exceedances effect on aerosol particles in a low emission zone using compositional data analysis 13
PM1 measurements at a site close to an oil/gas pre-treatment plant (Agri Valley-Southern Italy): A preliminary study 13
Characterization of Badlands area 11
Saharan dust contribution to PM10 measurements 11
Multi year sun-photometer measurements for aerosol characterization in a Central Mediterranean site 11
Impacts of the COVID-19 lockdown measures on coarse and fine atmospheric aerosol particles (PM) in the city of Rome (Italy): compositional data analysis approach 10
The Evaluation of the Impact of a Saharan Event on Particulate Matter Using Compositional Data Analysis 10
Compositional data analysis of element concentrations of simultaneous size segregated PM measurements 10
Statistical tools for data optimization in air quality monitoring networks 10
Seasonal variability of size segregated particulate matter ratios: the use of a novel approach to its representation and study 9
A clustering approach based on triangular diagram to study the seasonal variability of simultaneous measurements of PM10, PM2.5 and PM1 mass concentration ratios 9
Eyjafjallajökull volcanic ash in southern Italy 9
Analysis of particulate matter in anthropized areas characterized by the presence of crude oil pre-treatment plants: The case study of the Agri Valley (Southern Italy) 9
Caratterizzazione chimica e profili di sorgente della frazione fine del particolato atmosferico (PM1): risultati di un anno di studio 9
Tecniche di telerilevamento da satellite per lo studio di processi di degrado ambientale e di desertificazione 9
Soil magnetic susceptibility measurements for characterising heavy metal patterns in industrial areas 9
Biomonitoring of atmospheric pollution: a novel approach for the evaluation of natural and anthropogenic contribution to atmospheric aerosol particles 8
WG1 IAS: potenziale informativo del Dataset Nazionale di speciazione chimica 8
Heavy metals in ryegrass species versus metal concentrations in atmospheric particulate measured in an industrial area of Southern Italy 8
Analysis of dynamics in Cd, Fe and Pb particulate matter by using the Fisher-Shannon method 8
A novel approach to comparing simultaneous size-segregated particulate matter (PM) concentration ratios by means of a dedicated triangular diagram using the Agri Valley PM measurements as an example 8
PM2.5 measurements in a Mediterranean site: Two typical cases 8
The Study of Characteristic Environmental Sites Affected by Diverse Sources of Mineral Matter Using Compositional Data Analysis 8
Integrazione tra osservazioni lidar e misure puntuali per studiare l impatto del Saharan Dust sui livelli di PM10 7
Assessment of atmospheric trace element concentrations by lichen-bag near an oil/gas pre-treatment plant in the Agri Valley (southern Italy) 7
Misure del contenuto di metalli pesanti nel particolato atmosferico e determinazione dei profili delle sorgenti. 7
Cos(OT): Sviluppo dei Distretti Industriali per le Osservazioni della Terra. Nodo INFM 7
Soil heavy metal contamination in an industrial area: analysis of the data collected during a decade 7
Correlation study between lidar and punctual observations for the characterization of the Saharan dust impact on PM10 levels 7
An assessment of rainfall modification in mountainous ecosystems dominated by Fagus sylvatica L. and Picea abies (L.) Karst. (Western Balkans, Bulgaria) by multivariate analyses 7
Local-Air Project: Tropospheric Aerosol Monitoring by CALIPSO Lidar Satellite and Ground-Based Observations 7
Magnetic susceptibility measurements as proxy method to monitor soil pollution: the case study of S. Nicola di Melfi 7
A systematic approach for the comparison of PM10, PM2.5, and PM1 mass concentrations of characteristic environmental sites 7
Investigation of soil pollution by means of the integrated use of three geophysical techniques: the case study of the industrial area of Val Basento (Basilicata, Southern Italy). 7
PM1 chemical and mineralogical characterization near a crude oil pre-treatment plant (Agri Valley) during an emergency procedure 7
Levels, chemical composition and sources of fine aerosol particles (PM1) in an area of the Mediterranean basin 7
Trace elements and human health risks assessment of finer aerosol atmospheric particles (PM1) 6
Rainfall chemistry at a mountainous LTER site (Western Balkans, Bulgaria): contribution of local and trans-boundary sources. 6
Trippetta S., R. Caggiano, M. Macchiato, M. Ragosta, S. Sabia, G. Scardaccione 6
Integrating lidar profiles and surface particulate matter mass concentration for atmospheric aerosol characterization 6
Background level of heavy-metals soil concentrations in an industrial area of Basilicata Region (Southern Italy). 6
Fine aerosol particles (PM1): natural and anthropogenic contributions and health risk assessment 6
Heavy metal concentrations in dairy products from sheep milk collected in two regions of southern Italy 6
IMAA (Integrated Measurements of Aerosol in Agri valley) campaign: Multi-instrumental observations at the largest European oil/gas pre-treatment plant area 6
Rainfall modification in mountainous ecosystems dominated by Fagus silvatica and Picea abies (Western Balkans, Bulgaria): an assessment by multivariate analyses. 6
Electric and magnetic parameter for studyng erosion processes: Calanchi of Aliano (Southern Italy) 6
PM10 and heavy metal measurements in an industrial area of southern Italy 6
Source origin and parameters influencing levels of heavy metals in TSP, in an industrial background area of Southern Italy 5
Study of the Saharan Dust impact on PM10 levels combining punctual and LIDAR techniques 5
Experimental and statistical investigations on atmospheric heavy metals concentrations in an industrial area of Southern Italy 5
Trace Elements in Daily Collected Pm1 Samples and Source Identification 5
Trace elements in daily collected PM1 samples and source identification 5
Correlation structure among chemical-physical variables measured in municipal solid waste disposal 5
Metal levels in fodder, milk, dairy products, and tissues sampled in ovine farms of Southern Italy 5
Apportioning PM1 in a contrasting receptor site in the Mediterranean region: Aerosol sources with an updated sulfur speciation 5
Studio dell influenza del trasporto di polveri Sahariane sui livelli e sulla composizione chimica del particolato atmosferico mediante l integrazione tra misure in situ e osservazioni lidar 5
The Fisher information measure and Shannon entropy for particulate matter measurements 5
Lidar and punctual observations for the characterization of the Saharan dust impact on PM10 levels 5
Dynamical analysis of four fraction of particulate matter and their content in Cd, Fe and Pb by using the Fisher-Shannon method 5
An experimental test site for evaluating heavy metals emissions in an industrial area of Southern Italy 5
Heavy metals in rye grass species versus atmospheric concentrations of metals in TSP 5
Analysis of Dynamics in Cd, Fe, and Pb in Particulate Matter by using the Fisher-Shannon Method 5
Comparison between in situ soil magnetic susceptibility measurements and heavy metal concentrations: the case study of the Agri valley, Basilicata Italy 5
Trace elements in daily collected aerosol: Level characterization and source identification in a four-year study 5
PM2.5 levels of an industrial site of Southern Italy: comparison with co-located LIDAR measurements and correlation with PM2.5 levels measured at different European sites 4
Lidar and Punctual Observations for the Characterization of the Saharan Dust Impact on Pm10 Levels 4
Sistema mobile per misure chimico-fisiche e geofisiche non invasive 4
Totale 541
Categoria #
all - tutte 2.409
article - articoli 1.534
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 68
Totale 4.011

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202435 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 10 19 0
2024/2025506 8 4 97 44 319 25 9 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 541