Istituto di Biofisica - IBF
A Fast Method for Detecting Interdependence between Time Series and Its Directionality
2021 Paolini, Gabriele; Sarnari, Francesco; Meucci, Riccardo; Euzzor, Stefano; Ginoux, Jeanmark; Chillemi, Santi; Fronzoni, Leone; Arecchi Fortunato, Tito; DI GARBO, Angelo
On the destabilization of a periodically driven three-dimensional torus
2021 Euzzor, S; Di Garbo, A; Ginoux, Jm; Zambrano, S; Arecchi, Ft; Meucci, R
A physical memristor based Muthuswamy-Chua-Ginoux system
2020 Ginoux J.M.; Muthuswamy B.; Meucci R.; Euzzor S.; Di Garbo A.; Ganesan K.
Arnold Maps with Noise: Differentiability and Non-monotonicity of the Rotation Number
2020 Marangio, L; Sedro, J; Galatolo, S; Di Garbo, A; Ghil, M
Implementing Poincar& x00E9; Sections for a Chaotic Relaxation Oscillator
2020 Euzzor S.; Di Garbo A.; Ginoux JM; Arecchi F. T.;Meucci R.
Characterization of Neural Signals in Preclinical Studies of Neural Plasticity Using Nonlinear Time Series Analysis
2019 Vallone, F; Caleo, M; Di Garbo, A
Delayed dynamics in an electronic relaxation oscillator
2019 Di Garbo, A; Euzzor, S; Ginoux, Jm; Arecchi, Ft; Meucci, R
Phase-locking patterns in a resonate and fire neural model with periodic drive
2019 Marangio, L; Galatolo, S; Fronzoni, L; Chillemi, S; Di Garbo, A
Torus Breakdown in a Uni Junction Memristor
2018 Cinoux, Jm; Meucci, R; Euzzor, S; di Garbo, A
Dynamical properties of LFPs from mice with unilateral injection of TeNT
2017 Vannini, E; Caleo, M; Chillemi, S; Di Garbo, A
Neuroplastic changes following brain ischemia and their contribution to stroke recovery: Novel approaches in neurorehabilitation
2017 Alia C.; Spalletti C.; Lai S.; Panarese A.; Lamola G.; Bertolucci F.; Vallone F.; Di Garbo A.; Chisari C.; Micera S.; Caleo M.
Anharmonic longitudinal motion of bases and dynamics of nonlinear excitation in DNA
2016 Di Garbo, A
Post-stroke longitudinal alterations of inter-hemispheric correlation and hemispheric dominance in mouse pre-motor cortex
2016 Vallone F.; Lai S.; Spalletti C.; Panarese A.; Alia C.; Micera S.; Caleo M.; Di Garbo A.
Time evolution of interhemispheric coupling in a model of focal neocortical epilepsy in mice
2016 Vallone F.; Vannini E.; Cintio A.; Caleo M.; Di Garbo A.
Existence of anticorrelations for local field potentials recorded from mice reared in standard condition and environmental enrichment
2015 F. Vallone; A. Cintio; M. Mainardi; M. Caleo;A. Di Garbo
Thalamic inputs modulate cortical activity: Possibility to control the generation and the termination of seizure-like behaviour
2015 Vallone, Fabio; Cintio, Andrea; Chillemi, Santi; DI GARBO, Angelo
Environmental enrichment strengthens corticocortical interactions and reduces amyloid-beta oligomers in aged mice
2014 Mainardi, Marco; DI GARBO, Angelo; Caleo, Matteo; Berardi, Nicoletta; Sale, Alessandro; Maffei, Lamberto
Longitudinal displacements of base pairs in DNA and effects on the dynamics of nonlinear excitations
2013 Di Garbo A
Thalamo-Cortical Network and Seizure Dynamics: A Computational Study
2013 F. Vallone; S. Chillemi; M. Barbi;A. Di Garbo
The role of glutamatercic and GABAergic synapses on the dynamics of neural networks: How they impact the transition to seizure?
2013 Di Garbo, A; Barbi, M; Chillemi, S