Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 536
AS - Asia 139
EU - Europa 37
Totale 712
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 531
SG - Singapore 119
CN - Cina 18
IT - Italia 13
GB - Regno Unito 9
BE - Belgio 5
CA - Canada 5
FI - Finlandia 4
DE - Germania 3
KR - Corea 2
LT - Lituania 2
NL - Olanda 1
Totale 712
Città #
Santa Clara 511
Singapore 82
Guangzhou 17
Brussels 5
Helsinki 4
Frankfurt am Main 3
Milan 3
Rome 3
Toronto 3
Ottawa 2
Seoul 2
Amsterdam 1
Forest City 1
London 1
Phoenix 1
Totale 639
Nome #
Linux Grid Sodar (LiGriS), a tool to integrate Sodar and Other Meteorological Sensors in a Grid Sensor Network (GSN). 16
The STABLEDC field experiment at Concordia, Dome C Antarctica. 12
Sodar observations of the antarctic boundary layer in a deglaciated area: Preliminary results 12
Local Circulation Diurnal Patterns and Their Relationship with Large-Scale Flows in a Coastal Area of the Tyrrhenian Sea 11
Globus Monitoring and Discovery Service and SensorML for Grid Sensor Networks 11
Some Statistics of Temperature Structure Parameters in the Convective Boundary Layer Observed by Sodars 11
Temperature profiles by ground based remote sensing and in situ sensor 11
Estimation of turbulent heat fluxes and exchange coefficients for heat at Dumont d' Urville . East Antarctica a. Antarctic Science 11(1), 93-99. 11
The local wind field at Ny-Ålesund and the Zeppelin mountain at Svalbard 10
Sodar detected top-down convection in a nocturnal cloud-topped boundary layer: a case study 10
Fine-scale wavelike structures in the surface-based turbulent layer at Dome C, Antarctica 10
Atmospheric boundary layer over the snow: results from the 2011-2012 experimental field at Dome C, Antarctica 10
Boundary layer temperature profiles by a RASS and a microwave radiometer: Differences, limits and advantages 10
Characteristics of the boundary layer at Ny-Ålesund in the Arctic during the ARTIST field experiment 10
Caratterizzazione della circolazione climatologica locale nella bassa valle del Tevere mediante analisi statistica dei dati di vento 10
Temperature measurements at Dome c using a new microwave temperature profiler 10
Intermittent turbulence in the nocturnal surface layer: an experimental study 10
Surface-Layer Mini-Sodar for high-resolution studies of turbulent patterns 10
Shallow convection in a cloud-topped boundary layer 9
Some Statistics of the Temperature Structure Parameter in the Convective Boundary Layer Observed by Sodar Boundary-Layer Meteorology 9
Rapporto Stato di Avanzamento del Progetto Sistema di Controllo e Misura del Wind Shear per l'Aeroporto Falcone Borsellino di Palermo Punta Raisi 9
Thermal structure of the boundary layer over the snow: results from an under way experimental campaign at Concordia station, Dome C, Antarctica 9
Observations of sea breeze events in Rome and the surrounding area by a network of Doppler sodars 9
Studio di climatologia dei sedimi aeroportuali di Catania, Genova, Napoli, Reggio Calabria 9
Local circulation diurnal patterns and their relationship with large-scale flows in a coastal area of the Tyrrhenian Sea 9
Probability density functions of thermal turbulence in the convective boundary layer 9
LACOST, an atmospheric laboratory on the Tyrrhenian coastline 9
Temperature profiles by ground-based remote sensing and in situ measurements 9
Telesondaggio acustico dell'atmosfera 9
The urban heat island effect observed by a network of sodars 9
Observations of near surface wind speed, temperature and radiative budget at Dome C, Antarctic Plateau during 2005 9
Evidence of a convective boundary layer developing on the Antarctic Plateau during the summer 9
The surface layer observed by a high-resolution sodar at DOME C, Antarctica 9
Wavy Vertical Motions in the ABL Observed by Sodar. 9
Characteristics of the night and day time atmospheric boundary layer at Dome C, Antarctica 8
Local Circulation Diurnal Patterns and Their Relationship with Large-Scale Flows in a Coastal Area of the Tyrrhenian Sea 8
Time and horizontal scales of convective plumes at mid-latitudes and in Antarctica 8
Analysis of strong wind events around Adelie land, East Antarctica. 8
Mean Vertical Motions in the PBL Measured by Doppler Sodar: Accuracy, Ambiguities 8
Caratterizzazione della circolazione locale mediante analisi di dati di vento 8
Influence of the synoptic circulation on the local wind field in a coastal area of the Tyrrhenian Sea 8
The boundary layer field experiment in the area of Terranova Bay, during the summer 1994-1995 8
A model-aided investigation of a winter thermally driven circulation on the Italian Tyrrhenian coast: A case study 8
Boundary Layer convective-like activity at Dome Concordia, Antartica 8
Dynamics of the atmospheric boundary layer at Ny-Alesund, Arctic 8
Probability density functions of thermal turbulence in the convective boundary layer 8
Influence of cyclonic perturbations on surface winds around Dumont d?Urville, East Antarctica,using wavelet transform. 8
Wavy vertical Motion in the PBL observed by Sodar 8
Atmosfera: Lo strato limite. 8
Observations of near surface wind speed, temperature and radiative budget at Dome C, Antarctic Plateau during 2005 8
Sistema di Controllo e Misura del Wind Shear per l Aeroporto Falcone Borsellino di Palermo Punta Raisi 8
Diurnal variations of the temperature and their influence on wind regime in a confluence zone of Antarctica 8
Wavy Vertical Motions in the ABL Observed by Sodar 8
Studio climatologico dell aeroporto di Palermo Punta Raisi. Relazione ENAV O.d.A. 200401083 8
Behaviour of the temperature and inversion layer depth and strength at Dome C Antartica during the 2004-2006 field experiment 8
Estimation of turbulent heat fluxes and exchange coefficients for heat at Dumont d'Urville, East Antarctica 8
SensorML for Grid Sensor Networks 8
Atmospheric Boundary layer observations at Dome C Antarctica 8
Onset and dissipation time of the katabatic winds and waves in a coastal region of Adelie Land, East Antarctica 8
Temporal and spatial variation of the summer convective boundary layer at the Antarctic plateau station of Dome C 8
Temporal and spatial variation of the summer convective boundary layer at the Antarctic plateau station of Dome C 8
Summer wind regime at Dumont d'Urville 8
Structure of the urban boundary layer observed during the campaign Milano '93 8
Characteristics of the boundary layer thermal structure at a coastal region of Adelie Land, East Antarctica 7
Influence of the optically-active turbulence on astronomical seeing at Concordia station-Dome C, Antarctica 7
Un nuovo sistema sodar per il telesondaggio acustico dell'atmosfera ad alta risoluzione verticale e temporale 7
Comparison of PBL mixing heigth estimated by Sodar and Lidar 7
Surface Layer Measurements by Sodar at Dome C, Antarctica 7
Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Acoustic Remote sensing and Associated techniques of the Atmosphere and Oceans 7
One year measurements at Dumont d'Urville, Antarctica: sodar performances 7
A new PC-based real system to analyze sodar echoes 7
Seasonal behaviour of the wind field in the area of Rome, Italy by SODAR and sonic anemometer measurements 6
Evidence of atmospheric boundary layer convective-like activity at the Plateau station of Dome Concordia. 6
Performances of a modular PC-based Multi-Tone Sodar system in measuring vertical wind velocity 6
Sodar observations of the PBL in the Po valley 6
Caratterizzazione della circolazione locale mediante analisi di dati di vento 6
Characteristics of the local circulation in the low Tiber Valley inferred by the statistical analyses of wind measured by sodars and conventional anemometers in the area 6
Characterisitcs of the local circulation in the low Tiber valley inferred by the statistical analyses of wind measurements 6
The Annual Behaviour of the Temperature Inversion at Dome C, Antarctica 6
Sodar performance and preliminary results after one year of measurements at Adelie Land coast, East Antarctica 6
Spectral characteristics of East Antarctica Meteorological Parameters during 1994. 6
The katabatic wind regime during 1993 and 1994 in Adelie land, East Antarctica 6
Climatological study of fog events on the Tyrrhenian coast 6
Temperature inversion strength behavoiur at Dome C, Antarctica, during the 2004-2006 field experiment. 5
Totale 712
Categoria #
all - tutte 2.454
article - articoli 1.011
book - libri 27
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 88
Totale 3.580

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202422 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 19 1
2024/2025690 2 8 89 52 425 114 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 712