Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 539
AS - Asia 139
EU - Europa 28
OC - Oceania 1
Totale 707
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 539
SG - Singapore 133
IT - Italia 12
FI - Finlandia 6
GB - Regno Unito 3
NL - Olanda 3
GR - Grecia 2
ID - Indonesia 2
TH - Thailandia 2
AU - Australia 1
DE - Germania 1
IN - India 1
SE - Svezia 1
TW - Taiwan 1
Totale 707
Città #
Santa Clara 511
Singapore 99
Ashburn 6
Helsinki 6
Milan 4
Alexandroupoli 2
Bangkok 2
Wandsworth 2
Amsterdam 1
Bogor 1
Corby 1
Fort Worth 1
Perth 1
Phoenix 1
Podenzano 1
Rome 1
Springfield 1
Totale 641
Nome #
Mineral resources in the Red Sea/Gulf of Aden: Polymetallic-Barite mineralizations at Wadi Masilah Basin (Yemen). 12
Geochemical characterization of recent volcanism from the Tuscan magmatic province (Central Italy): the Roccastrada and San Vincenzo centers 12
Crust and Mantle Contributions to Orogenic Granitoid Magmatism: The Case of Tertiary Magmatism of Alps (Italy) 11
Tipologia della plutoniti della Serie dei Laghi ed ambientazione geodinamica 11
Origin and evolution of the Tertiary Evros volcanic rocks, Thrace, Northeastern Greece: major, trace and Sr, Nd, Pb geochemistry 10
Origin of volcanic-hosted Mn-oxide mineralization from San Pietro Island (SW Sardinia, Italy): An integrated geochemical, mineralogical and isotopic study 9
Sr, Nd, and Pb isotope evidence for open system evolution at Vulcano, Aeolian Arc, Italy 9
Il disegno del paesaggio e lo sviluppo economico e culturale del territorio in Val d'Orcia 9
Tertiary volcanic rocks from Samothraki island (north Aegean, Greece): Sr and Nd isotope constraints on their evolution. 9
Protoliths of the Variscan Terranes in Central Southern Alps and Austroalpine nappes in Valtellina 9
Infiltration metasomatism in the Strona-Ceneri Zone metasediments (Southern Alps, Italy): insights from field relations, geochemistry and Sr, Nd and Pb isotopes 8
Relationship between the granites of Serie dei Laghi and the Ivrea mafic magma: geological, geochemical and isotope evidence 8
Paleozoic evolution of southern Alpine crust (northern Italy) as indicated by contrasting granitoid suites 8
Sr, Nd, and Pb isotope investigation of the Serie dei Laghi (Southern Alps, Italy): the behaviour of different isotope systems during crustal metamorphism, magmatism, and deformation 8
Geochemical and isotopic (Sr, Pb) evidence of crust-mantle interaction in acidic melts - The Tolfa-Cerveteri-Manziana volcanic complex (central Italy): a case history 8
La composizione isotopica del piombo dei sublimati delle fumarole di Vulcano nell'interpretazione della circolazione dei fluidi profondi 8
Lead isotope characterization of copper ingots from Sardinia (Italy): inferences on their origins. 8
Considerazioni geochimico-petrologiche sul vulcanismo acido della provincia magmatica Toscana 8
Rb/Sr geochronology of Lower Permian plutonism in Massiccio dei Laghi, southern Alps (NW Italy) 8
Mantle source heterogeinity in subduction zones: constrains from elemental and isotope (Sr, Nd and Pb) data on Vulcano Island, Aeolian Archipelago, Italy 8
Caratterizzazione geochimico-isotopica dei protoliti crostali del vulcanismo toscano recente 8
Pre-metamorphic melt infiltration in metasediments: geochemical, isotopic (Sr, Nd, and Pb), and field evidence from Serie dei Laghi (Southern Alps, Italy). 8
Progetti di ricerca con il CNR: una collaborazione che prosegue 8
The protolith of the Cenerigneiss (Serie dei Laghi - NW Italy) and its paleogeographic significance 8
Geochemical evolution of mantle sources during continental rifting: the volcanism of the Red Sea 8
The Red Sea: A Newborn Ocean 8
Major, trace element, and Sr isotope geochemistry of surface and ground waters in the Chiavenna Valley (Sondrio, Northern Italy) 8
Geochemical evolution of Southern Red Sea and Yemen flood volcanism: evidence for mantle heterogenity. 8
The source of ancient Roman lead, as deduced from lead isotopes: the ingots from the Mal di Ventre wreck (Western Sardinia, Italy) 8
Tracing metamorphism, magmatism and tectonics in the southern Alps (Italy): constraints from Rb-Sr and Pb-Pb geochronology, and isotope geochemistry. 7
Petrology and Geochemistry of "Serie dei Laghi" plutonism: implications for late-Hercynian magmatic processes in Western Southern Alps 7
Petrological approach to the study of Ordovician metagranitoids from Southern Alps 7
Fluttuazioni del rapporto Br/Cl nelle esalzioni fumaroliche di Vulcano (Isole Eolie) e in alcuni prodotti delle loro reazioni. 7
Mantle heterogeneity and crustal contamination in Tertiary extensive magmatism in Southern Rhodopes: geochemical and isotope evidence from Evros volcanic rocks (Greece) 7
Sr, Nd, and Pb isotope characterization of Vulcano Island (Aeolian Arc, Italy) 7
Ordovician and permian plutonism in the southalpine crust (NW Italy and Ticino-CH): a comparison 7
Geochemical and isotopic (Sr, Nd, Pb, O) variations of Oligo-Miocene Alkaline basalts in Bulgaria: implications for the role of asthenosphere, mantle lithosphere and the crust in their petrogenesis 7
Geochemical constraints on the genesis of pliocene acid volcanism from Central Italy 7
Interaction between mafic and acidic magmas: the case study of the post-Minoan activity of the Santorini volcanic field, Greece 7
Il sistema magmatico ed idrotermale di La Fossa 7
Il sistema di alimentazione di La Fossa 7
Un metodo di datazione non convenzionale: geocronologia Pb-Pb mediante evaporazione di zircone 7
Ordovician and Permian orogenic plutonism and the growth of the South Alpine crust, NW Italy and Ticino, Switzerland 7
Indagini sulle reliquie attribuite a "S. Luca evangelista", Basilica di S. Giustina in Padova: Studio isotopico e microchimico del piombo della bara e delle epigrafi 7
Continental flood basalts and rifting: Geochemistry of cenozoic Yemen volcanic province. 7
Interaction between mafic and salic magmas in granitoid plutons as inferred from geochemical and Sr-Nd isotopic study of enclaves and host granitoids from Cima d'Asta, southern Alps, Italy 7
Lead isotope composition of the sublimates from the fumaroles of Vulcano (Aeolian Islands, Italy): inferences on the deep fluid circulation 7
Major, trace element and Sr-isotope characterization of the Samothraki tertiary volcanic rocks, NE Aegean 7
Upper mantle beneath the Eastern Rhodopes: evidence from Oligocene alkaline basalts and lamprophyres 7
The lead isotope composition of the sublimates from the fumaroles of Vulcano (Aeolian Islands, Italy): inferences on the deep fluid circulation 7
Rb/Sr systematics of the Hercynian plutonites of Massiccio dei Laghi. 7
Distribution of REE and Sr, Nd and Pb isotopes in some migmatites from Capo Rasocolmo, Peloritani Mountains, Northeastern Sicily, Italy 7
Geochemical features of the depression basin-related magmatism in Southeastern Rhodope Massif and Circum-Rhodope Belt: the Tertiary Evros volcanic rocks (Western Thrace, Northeastern Greece) 7
The magmatic evolution of Ordovician metagranitoids of the Serie dei Laghi (southern Alps): inferences from petrological, geochemical, and Sr and Nd isotope data 7
Assessment of a shallow magmatic system: the 1888-90 eruption, Vulcano Island, Italy 7
Geochemical constraints on the genesis of pliocene acid volcanism from Central Italy 7
Petrology and isotopic (Pb, Sr) geochemistry of Tolfa , Cerveteri and Manziana volcanic centers (Central Italy) 7
Sr, Nd isotope evidence for an enriched mantle component in the origins of the Hercynian gabbro-granite series of the "Serie dei Laghi" (Southern Alps, NW Italy). 6
Pb isotopic evidence of genetic relationships between mafic and acid hercynian magmatism in the Western Southern Alps (NW Italy) 6
Evoluzione del sistema magmatico della Fossa 6
Geological evolution of ordovician granitoids of "Serie dei Laghi" (S-Alps) from U-Th-Pb and Rb-Sr systematics 6
Messa a punto della procedura analitica connessa con la sistematica isotopica del Pb. 6
The Pb isotopic systematics during crustal contamination of subcrustal magmas: the Hercynian magmatism in the Serie dei Laghi (Southern Alps, Italy) 6
Relationships between intermediate and acidic rocks in orogenic granitoid suites: petrological, geochemical and isotopic (Sr, Nd, Pb) data from Capo Vaticano (southern Calabria, Italy) 6
Assessment of a shallow magmatic system: the case of the 1888-90 eruption, Vulcano island 6
Lower crustal granite genesis connected with chemical fractionation in the continental crust of Calabria (southern Italy) 6
Rb-Sr dating and Sr-Nd isotopic characteristics of Hercynian granites from the Western Central System, Iberian Massif 6
Geochemical and isotopic (Sr, Nd, Pb) constraints on the origin of late-Hercynian granitoids from Capo Vaticano (Calabrian Arc, Southern Italy) 6
On boron content in products of explosive volcanism. 6
U-Th-Pb isotopic study of Ordovician orthogneisses from the Serie dei Laghi (Southern Alps, Italy 6
Indagini sulle reliquie attribuite a S. Luca evangelista, Basilica di S. Giustina in Padova: Studio isotopico e microchimico del piombo della bara e delle epigrafi. 6
Tertiary volcanic rocks from Samothraki Island (N. Aegean, Greece): Sr- and Nd-isotope constraints on their evolution 6
Mantle-crust interaction in the European Hercynides: isotopic and geochemical evidence from Spanish Central System granite 6
Indagini sulla composizione isotopica del Pb nei lingotti dei ripostigli di S. Imbenia. 6
The post-Minoan activity of the Santorini Volcanic Field: volcanological, mineralogical and chemical data relevant to the understanding of the plumbing system behaviour. 6
Two contrasting granitoid suites in the Serie dei Laghi (Southern Alps): geochemical and isotopic (Sr,Pb) inferences on the genetical environments 6
Contrasting Fe-enrichment trends in calk-alkaline granitoid plutons from Cima d'Asta and Monte Croce, Southern Alps, Italy 6
Petrology and geochemistry of alkaline basalts and lamprophyres: implications for the chemical composition of the upper mantle beneath Eastern Rhodopes (Bulgaria) 6
Geocronologia U/Th/Pb: il metodo della Concordia e gli sviluppi recenti 6
Risultati dell'indagine isotopica sui lingotti di piombo recuperati nel relitto di Mal di Ventre 6
Geochemistry of late Cretaceous - early Tertiary magmatism in Poiana Rusca (Romania) 6
Sr and Nd isotope characterization of Permian magmatism of "Serie dei Laghi", Western Southern Alps (Italy) 6
Geochemical and isotopic (Sr, Nd) modelling of ordovician intrusives from Serie dei Laghi (S-Alps). 8th InternationalConference on Geochronology Cosmochronology and Isotope Geology, Berkeley (California), USGS Circular, 1107, p. 252. 6
Processi Caledoniani nel basamento Sud-Alpino Occidentale 6
Petrographic, chemical and isotope variations in the intracaldera post-Minoan rocks of the Santorini volcanic field, Greece 6
Sr and Nd isotopic study and Rb-Sr geochronology of the Bejar granites, Iberian Massif, Spain 6
Alteration and apparente K/Ar ages in sanidino megachrists of Roccastrada (South Tuscany, Italy) 6
Alteration and apparent K/Ar ages in sanidino megacrysts of Roccastrada (South Tuscany, Italy) 6
Assessment of a shallow magmatic system: The case of the 1888-90 eruption, Vulcano Island, Italy 6
Genetic and evolutive models of Tolfa-Cerveteri-Manziana volcanic complex (Italy): geochemical and petrological evidence 6
Lower crust composition and evolution: geochemical and isotopic evidence from the Serre granulites (Calabria, Southern Italy) 6
Il magnetismo della Toscana: "un rebus avvolto in un mistero dentro un enigma". 6
Morfologia del salmiak raccolto alle fumarole di Vulcano (Is.Eolie): cristallizzazione da vapore e da soluzione 6
The Ordovician intrusives of the Western part of Southern Alps (Italy- Switzerland) 6
La composizione isotopica del piombo dei sublimati delle fumarole di Vulcano nell'interpretazione della circolazione dei fluidi profondi 6
The post-Minoan activity of Santorini volcanic field: new evidence from volcanological, mineralogical, chemical and isotope data 6
Evoluzione geochimica ed isotopica del complesso di Vulcano negli ultimi 50 ka 6
Lead isotope characterization of copper ingots from Sardinia (Italy): inferences on their origins 6
Indagine isotopica sulla provenienza dei lingotti di piombo recuperati nel relitto di Mal di Ventre 5
Source contamination and mantle heterogeneity in the genesis of Italian potassic and ultrapotassic volcanic rocks: Sr-Nd-Pb isotope data from Roman Province and Southern Tuscany 5
Totale 705
Categoria #
all - tutte 2.696
article - articoli 945
book - libri 24
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 332
Totale 3.997

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/20243 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2
2024/2025704 6 12 91 59 422 107 7 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 707