Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 307
AS - Asia 160
EU - Europa 54
Totale 521
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 300
SG - Singapore 156
IT - Italia 24
DE - Germania 9
CA - Canada 7
FI - Finlandia 6
GB - Regno Unito 5
BE - Belgio 4
CN - Cina 3
NL - Olanda 3
LT - Lituania 2
JP - Giappone 1
SE - Svezia 1
Totale 521
Città #
Santa Clara 269
Singapore 107
Helsinki 6
Frankfurt am Main 5
Toronto 5
Brussels 4
Genoa 4
Rome 3
Brusaporto 2
Cascina 2
Cavallino 2
Guangzhou 2
Ottawa 2
Phoenix 2
Boardman 1
Budrio 1
Corridonia 1
Rende 1
Tokyo 1
Totale 420
Nome #
AI applications in functional genomics 22
FPF-SB: a Scalable Algorithm for Microarray Gene Expression Data Clustering 13
STIMO: STIll and MOving video storyboard for the web scenario 12
A framework to evaluate information quality in Public Administration websites 12
A framework to evaluate information quality in Public Administration Websites 11
FPF-SB : A Scalable Algorithm for Microarray Gene Expression Data Clustering 11
K-Boost: a Scalable Algorithm for High-Quality Clustering of Microarray Gene Expression Data 11
On the Benefits of Keyword Spreading in Sponsored Search Auctions: An Experimental Analysis 11
Analysis of DNA tandem repeats in ALS from Whole Genome Sequencing: Role of FRA10Ac1 gene repeat expansion in ALS 10
On the benefits of keyword spreading in sponsored search auctions: an experimental analysis 10
K-Boost: A Scalable Algorithm for High-Quality Clustering of Microarray Gene Expression Data 10
A census of tandemly repeated polymorphic loci in genic regions through the comparative integration of human genome assemblies 10
Proceedings of the VIII Annual Meeting of the Bioinformatics Italian Society 10
VISTO: VIsual STOryboard for Web Video Browsing 10
K-Boost: A scalable algorithm for high-Quality clustering of microarray gene expression data 9
A Clustering Technique for Customized Video Storyboard 9
An Efficient Combinatorial Approach for Solving the DNA Motif Finding Problem 9
A new method for discovering disease-specific MiRNA-target regulatory networks 9
A new method for discovering disease-specific miRNA-target regulatory networks 9
Dot2dot: accurate whole-genome tandem repeats discovery 9
Fast exact and approximate computation of betweenness centrality in social networks 9
A New Framework for Distilling Higher Quality Information from Health Data via Social Network Analysis 8
Genome-wide analysis of NGS data to compile cancer-specific panels of miRNA biomarkers 8
A Fast and Accurate Heuristic for the Single Individual SNP Haplotyping Problem with Many Gaps, High Reading Error Rate and Low Coverage 8
Weighted simplicial complexes and their representation power of higher-order network data and topology 8
Web Crawling and Processing with Limited Resources for Business Intelligence and Analytics Applications 8
Estimating Click Through Rates for Adwords using Public Data 7
Machine Learning and Bioinformatics Framework Integration to Potential Familial DCM-Related Markers Discovery 7
MicroRNA signature for interpretable breast cancer classification with subtype clue 7
Protein complex prediction for large protein protein interaction networks with the Core&Peel method 7
Approximating Multi-Class Text Classiffication via Automatic Generation of Training Examples 7
Graph-based integration of histone modifications profiles: haematopoietic cell differentiation as a case study 7
Systematic analysis of the involvement of DNA tandem repeats in Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis from Whole Genome Sequencing data 7
GFS:a Graph-based File System Enhanced with Semantic Features 7
Dynamic User-defined Similarity Searching in Semi-structured Text Retrieval 6
Social network Analysis in healhcare field 6
Technology and species independent simulation of sequencing data and genomic variants 6
A Fast and Accurate Heuristic for the Single Individual SNP Haplotyping Problem with Many Gaps, High Reading Error Rate and Low Coverage 6
Ranking of candidate microRNA-target pairs sensitive to disease and cell-line conditions 6
miRandola 2017: a curated knowledge base of non-invasive biomarkers 6
Disease associated tandem repeat genotyping from NGS target sequencing data 6
Lumbricus webis: a parallel and distributed crawling architecture for the Italian web 6
AMIC@ - All MIcroarray Clustering @ once 6
EZcount an All-in-one Software for microRNA Expression Quantification from NGS Sequencing data 6
EZcount: An all-in-one software for microRNA expression quantification from NGS sequencing data 6
Fast exact computation of betweenness centrality in social networks 6
Indici di centralità e flusso 5
A Fast Method for Web Template Extraction via a Multi-sequence Alignment Approach 5
Protein families comparisons using repeatome-based profiling 5
Medium sized crawling made fast and easy through Lumbricus webis 5
ReHap: an Integrated System for the Haplotype Assembly Problem from Shotgun Sequencing Data 5
A Comparison of Several Algorithms for the Single Individual SNP Haplotyping Reconstruction Problem 5
Cluster generation and labeling for Web snippets: a fast, accurate hierarchical solution 5
Cluster generation and cluster labelling for Web snippets 5
A Comparison of Several Algorithms for the Single Individual SNP Haplotyping Reconstruction Problem 5
AMIC@: All MIcroarray Clusterings @ once 4
Cluster Generation and Cluster Labelling for Web Snippets:A Fast and Accurate Hierarchical Solution 4
Editorial: RNA-Seq Analysis: Methods, Applications and Challenges 4
Analysis of Next-Generation Sequencing data of miRNA for the Prediction of Breast Cancer 4
ReHap: A framework for single individual haplotyping from next-generation sequencing data 4
Analysis of Dense Partial Coverings of Large Social and information Networks 4
Fast exact computation of betweenness centrality in social networks 4
Pattern Matching in grafi 4
A Clustering-based Approach for the Identification of Parked Domains 3
Packet Classification via Improved Space Decomposition Techniques 3
From literature to knowledge: Exploiting pubmed to answer biomedical questions in natural language 3
Extraction and classification of dense implicit communities in the Web Graph 3
Cluster Generation and Cluster Labelling for Web Snippets: A Fast and Accurate Hierarchical Solution 3
Packet Classification via Improved Space Decomposition Techniques 3
Extraction and classification of dense communities in the web 3
Armil: a Clustering Meta-search Engine 3
On Using Clustering Algorithms to Produce Video Abstracts for the Web Scenario 3
Distilling Router Data Analysis for Faster and Simpler Dynamic IP Lookup Algorithms 3
Identification of Web Spam through Clustering of Website Structures 3
Dynamic User-Defined Similarity Searching in Semi-Structured Text Retrieval 3
A scalable algorithm for high-quality clustering of Web snippets 3
Extraction and classification of dense communities in the Web 3
Una risposta a ogni domanda: i motori di ricerca di prossima generazione 3
A Multi-Sequence Alignment Algorithm for Web Template Detection 3
SpeedHap: An Accurate Heuristic for the Single Individual SNP Haplotyping Problem with Many Gaps, High Reading Error Rate and Low Coverage 3
A Scalable Algorithm for Metric High-Quality Clustering in Information Retrieval Tasks 2
Totale 524
Categoria #
all - tutte 2.528
article - articoli 909
book - libri 39
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 90
Totale 3.566

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202410 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 6 2
2024/2025514 9 4 106 60 268 42 21 4 0 0 0 0
Totale 524