Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 717
AS - Asia 221
EU - Europa 53
AF - Africa 1
Totale 992
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 716
SG - Singapore 213
IT - Italia 30
FI - Finlandia 13
GB - Regno Unito 6
CN - Cina 5
NL - Olanda 3
KR - Corea 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
CA - Canada 1
EG - Egitto 1
SE - Svezia 1
Totale 992
Città #
Santa Clara 682
Singapore 146
Helsinki 13
Turin 6
Venaria Reale 5
Chivasso 4
London 2
L’Aquila 2
Milan 2
Rome 2
Songpa-gu 2
Wandsworth 2
Amsterdam 1
Ashburn 1
Aversa 1
Llanelli 1
Phoenix 1
Porto Sant'Elpidio 1
Seattle 1
Totale 875
Nome #
µ-XRF analysis of glasses: a non-destructive utility for Cultural Heritage Applications. 17
Un approccio microanalitico alla determinazione di provenienza dei marmi bianchi impiegati nell'Antichità: applicazioni ai marmi alpini e apuani. 13
Archeologia rupestre nelle Alpi Cozie: sondaggi geoarcheologici a Roccho Vélho (Pramollo, Torino). Nuovi approfondimenti analitici. 13
40Ar/39Ar dating apenninic ophiolites: 3. Plagiogranites from Sasso di Castro ophiolite, Northern Tuscany, Italy 12
On the route of lapis lazuli trade in ancient time: a multi-technique provenance study of the raw material used for carved artefacts. 11
Micro-XRF Analysis of Trace Elements in Lapis Lazuli-Forming Minerals for a Provenance Study 11
A new approach for provenance studies of archaeological finds: Inferences from trace elements in carbonate minerals of Alpine white marbles by a... 11
A multi-analytical database for lapis lazuli provenance. 11
Bekhen stone artifacts in the Egyptian Antiquity Museum of Turin (Italy): a mineropetrographic study. 11
Riflessi in pietra 10
TourinStone: a free mobile application for promoting geological heritage of Torino (NW Italy). 10
Lapis Lazuli Provenance Study: Characterization Of Rocks And Study On Cultural Heritage By Means Of A Non Invasive And Innovative Approach. 10
Caracterizaciòn geoquìmica de los magmas del sistema volcànico "Alto de Anega - Los Tuxtlas" edo de Veracruz. 10
Quantitative electron microprobe analyses of reference silcate mineral and glass samples. 10
Identification of provenance markers in Lapis Lazuli: a study on rocks and artworks. 10
Highly Sr radiogenic tholeiitic magmas in the latest inter-Plinian acitivity of Santorini volcano, Greece. 10
Application of the high-resolution proton microprobe (micro-PIXE) for trace elements determination in silicate minerals. 10
A steady-state polibaric rest for calcalkaline magmas of Stromboli at 200 ky and 60 ky: pressure data by fluid inclusions. Geoitalia, 10
Islamic glass weights from Egypt a systematic study by non-destructive µ-XRF technique 10
Vaggelli G., Cossio R., Lovera V. and Mirti P. (2011). Non-destructive analysis of glasses by micro-XRF. Geoitalia 2011, Epitome Vol. 4, 336. 9
Multianalitical approach to resolve disequilibrium compositional and microstructiral evidence. 1. Minerochemical and microtextural study in high pressure metamorphic rocks. 9
Ancient Egyptian stones from Dynastic period to XIX century. A mineropetrographic and provenante study of the collections preserved in Turin museums (Italy). 9
Genesis of magmas feeding the plinian phase of the Campanian Ignimbrite Eruption, Phlegrean Field, Italy: Constraints based on mesostasis and glass inclusion composition. 9
Evidence for an Afghan provenance of lapis lazuli used in the first millennium BC in Ancient Egypt 9
Improvements to the analytical protocol of lapis lazuli provenance: First study on Myanmar rock samples 9
The Bouvet melt anomaly in the South Atlantic: Geochemistry and influence on the triple junction geometry 9
Black and red granites in the Egyptian Antiquity Museum of Turin. A minero-petrographic and provenance study. 9
The "Stella Polare" Expedition (1899-1900): Study and Enhancement of the Rock Collection 9
Determination of H2O, F, Cl and S in volcanic glasses from the A.D. 79 Vesuvius eruption, southern Italy. 9
The basement of the northern vulsinian volcanic district as inferred from the study of crustal xenoliths from the Torre Alfina lavas, Viterbo, Central Italy. 9
Basaltic glasses from the Bouvet triple junction region (South Atlantic): Inferences on mantle heterogeneity 9
Il deposito di caduta dell'Ignimbrite Campana, Campi Flegrei: considerazioni geochimiche e vulcanologiche dedotte dallo studio degli elementi volatili nei vetri. 9
The medieval stained glasses of Pisa Cathedral: their composition and alteration product 9
Fragments of the Western Alpine chain as historic ornamental stones in Turin (Italy): a new geotouristic approach for the enhancement of urban .... 9
Islamic glass weights from Egypt a systematic study by non-destructive ?-XRF technique. 9
Melt impregnation in mantle peridotites and cumulates from the Elba Island ophiolites. 9
Texture and microchemical data of oceanic hydrothermal calcite veins, Northern Apennine ophicalcites 9
The medieval stained glasses of Pisa Cathedral (Italy): their compositions and alteration products. 9
Evidence of primitive melt heterogeneities preserved in plagioclase-hosted melt inclusions of South Atlantic MORB. 9
Hydrothermal fluid flow along an oceanic fault: textural and microchemical data from ophicalcite veins, Northern Apennines, Italy 9
Silicate-melt inclusions in recent shoshonitic products of Stromboli volcano, Italy 9
Petrology, mineralogy and geochemistry of a mafic dyke from Monte Castello, Elba Island, Italy. 9
Petrology, mineralogy and geochemistry of a mafic dike from Monte Castello, Elba Island, Italy 9
Micro-XRF trace element quantification in calcite: a contribution to white marble provenance determination. Proocedings of Microscopy & Microanalysis 2011, Nashville, Tennessee, USA, Microscopy & Microanalysis Vol. 17, Suppl. S2, pp 1808-1809. doi:10.1017/S1431927611009913. 9
The present day activity of Stromboli: considerations on the plumbing system. 9
European eels Anguilla anguilla from deep Mediterranean waters. 9
Stone materials used for monumental buildings in the historical centre of Turin (NW Italy): architectonical survey and petrographic characterization of Via Roma 9
Processi pre-eruttivi e caratteristiche del sistema magmatico di alimentazione durante l'attuale attività al vulcano Stromboli: evidenze dallo studio mineralogico, geochimico ed isotopico dei prodotti eruttati. 9
MIcrochimica Acta: Proceedings of the 9th Workshop of European Microbean analysis Society (EMAS) and the 3rd Meeting og the International Union of Microbean Analysis Societies (IUMAS), Florence, Italy, may 22-26, 2005 9
A widespread mafic volcanic unit at the base of the Mexican Volcanic Belt between Guadalajara and Queretaro. 9
Improvements of the analytical protocol of lapis lazuli provenance: first study of Myanmar samples. 9
Sulfur isotope evolution in sulfide ores from Western Alps: assessing the influence of subduction-related metemorphism 9
STONE Pietre Egizie: a Free Mobile Application for Promoting the Scientific Research on Ornamental Stones of Museo Egizio of Torino, Italy 9
Composition and microstructure of maiolica from the museum of ceramics in Ascoli Piceno (Italy): evidences by electron microscopy and microanalysis 9
Combined micro-PIXE facility and monochromatic Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy to coloured minerals of Natural Stones : an example from amazonite. 9
Improving the protocol for provenance determination of lapis lazuli with new analyses on samples from Myanmar 9
Santorini Volcano Laboratory. Magma Evolution and Physical Volcanology of Historic, Prehistoric and Quaternary eruptions at Santorini. Analysis of the Evolution and Behaviour of a Hazard relevant volcanic system 9
The basament of the Northern roman comagmatic region: petrology and fluid inclusions in granulitic xenoliths from the Torre Alfina lavas, Italy 9
A persistent polibaric rest of calc-alkaline magmas: pressure data by a fluid inclusion study on restitic quartzites. Assemblea annuale INGV-GNV, Roma 9-11 ottobre 2001, non paginato. 8
Silicate-melt inclusions in rocks from Stromboli volcano: a contribution to the understanding of the magmatic processes. 8
"Le peridotiti dell'Elba orientale". 8
Wds/Eds Qualitative/Quantitative Elemental Maps On Magmatic And Metamorphic Minerals: An Interesting Tool For Petrology. 8
Preliminary study of silicate melt inclusions in recent Vesuvius lavas (1631-1944). 8
Scheda tecnica sul granito rosa e la breccia rossa 8
The Piedmont white marbles used in Antiquity: an archaeometric distinction inferred by a minero-petrographic and C-O stable isotope study 8
The geological heritage of Piedmont Region: Turin a "Stone-Town". 8
The stones of the Egyptian Museum of Turin: geological, mineralogical and petrographical characterization. 8
The evolution of stable S-isotopes in poly-metamorphosed sulfide deposits from the Italian Western Alps. 8
The bekhen stone in finds of the Egyptian Antiquity Museum of Turin (Italy): a Minero-petrographic study of black sarcophagi exhibited in the statuari. 8
"Silicate-melt inclusions in representative lavas of Vesuvius recent activity: an usefull tool for understanding shallow magmatic processes" 8
Deep water European eels. 8
Ultramafic rocks from the ophiolites of the Elba island, Italy. 8
Silicate-melt inclusions in recent Vesuvius lavas (1631-1944): 1. Petrography and microthermometry. 8
Magma genesis and evolution in nweatern Chichinautzin volcanic field, Central Mexico. 8
Convection and crystallisation in magma chambers 8
Micro-PIXE analysis of Monazite from Dora Maira Massif (Western Italian Alps, Italy). 8
Modern developments and applications in microbeam analysis. 8
Comparison between major and trace element concentrations in garnet performed by Epma and micro-Pixe techniques. 8
Multianalitical approach to resolve disequilibrium compositional and microstructiral evidence. 2. trace element zoning in volcanic quartz. 8
Zr-in-rutile thermometry by Micro-PIXE facility: an application to high-P rocks from Western Alps (Italy). 8
Evidence of heterogenneous mantle and magmatic evolution processes beneath the western Chichinautzin volcanic filed, Central Mexico. G.S.A. Penrose International Conferenze, Metepec 12-16/01/04 Messico. 8
Micro-PIXE and micro-IBIL characterization of lapis lazuli samples from Myanmar mines and implications for provenance study 8
Microstructural characterisation of a nitrided steel previously decarburised. 8
Multiple analytical approaches for chemical determination of coloured minerals in natural stones of commercial interest. 8
Black and red granites in the Egyptian antiquity museum of Turin, a minero-petrographic and provenance study. 8
Informazioni sul basamento dell'Italia Centrale dedotte dallo studio petrologico dei noduli crostali in lave ultrapotassiche 8
Arsenic-bearing calcite in natural travertines: Evidence from sequential extraction, ?XAS, and ?XRF. 8
The stones of the statuary of the Egyptian Museum of Torino (Italy): geologic and petrographic characterization 8
Lo studio delle inclusioni fluide come strumento di indagine magmatologica: applicazioni alle lave del Vesuvio e dello Stromboli 8
Historic stones from the Western Alps and their use in Cultural heritage. 8
Acquisizione di mappe composizionali RX di elementi maggiori ed in tracce in minerali zonati mediante l'utilizzo di microsonde elettroniche (EDS e WDS). Plinius, 24, 52-53. 8
Tectonostratigraphy of the northern Monviso Meta-ophiolite Complex (Western Alps). 7
The composition of post-minoan parental magmas of Santorini inferred from the study of the silicate-melt inclusions in mafic enclaves of dacitic lavas. 7
Scheda tecnica sul granito rosa e la breccia rossa 7
Ramses II in Majesty, symbol of the Egyptian Antiquity Museum of Turin, Italy: a mineropetrographic and provenance rock study. 7
Silicate-melt inclusions in mafic enclaves of post-minoan dacitic lavas from Santorini, Greece: physico-chemical conditions of parental magmas. 7
Petrologic investigation on the primitive cenozoic lavas of Northern Victoria Land (Antarctica). 7
Petrologic investigations on the most primitive volcanic rocks of Mt.Melbourne and Hallett provinces (Antarctica): implications for their genesis 7
Il problema della determinazione di provenienza dei marmi bianchi antichi: il caso del pluteo bizantino con chrisman e croce rinvenuto presso le cappelle di S. Maia Maddalena a Cogoleto. 7
Micro-PIXE Determination Of Zr In Rutile: An Application To Geothermometry Of High-P Rocks From The Western Alps (Italy). 7
Totale 888
Categoria #
all - tutte 4.430
article - articoli 2.021
book - libri 90
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 176
Totale 6.717

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202421 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 4 5
2024/2025971 6 16 144 101 584 109 11 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 992