Istituto di Scienze Applicate e Sistemi Intelligenti "Eduardo Caianiello" - ISASI - Sede Secondaria Napoli
Raman Microscopy Identification of Secondary Spurious Phases in Molten GdSr2RuCu2O8-δ Superconductor for Photonics and Plasmonic Applications
2024 Gombos, Marcello; Managò, Stefano; Zola, Danilo; Carapella, Giovanni; Tarallo, Oreste; Mocella, Vito; De Luca, Anna Chiara; Rendina, Ivo; Ruffo, Francesco; Orgiani, Pasquale; Ciancio, Regina
Inverse-Doped Melt-Textured Gd1212 Superconductors Samples: Normal State Raman Characterisation Study
2022 Manago, S; Deluca, Ac; Mocella, V; Rendina, I; Carapella, G; Gombos, M
Raman Characterization of Melt-Textured Gd1212 Superconductors in the Normal State
2018 Manago, Stefano; DE LUCA, ANNA CHIARA; Mocella, Vito; Rendina, Ivo; Carapella, Giovanni; Ciancio, Regina; Gombos, Marcello
Superconducting Materials for Photonics: Raman Microscopy Investigation of Gd1212 Superconductors in the Normal State
2018 Managò, S; DE LUCA, ANNA CHIARA; Mocella, V; Rendina, I; Carapella, G; Gombos, M
Mesoscopic lateral S/N/S weak links: Josephson effects and Josephson-like vortex flow
2017 Carapella G.; Sabatino P.; Gombos M.
Current driven transition from Abrikosov-Josephson to Josephson-like vortex in mesoscopic lateral S/S'/S superconducting weak links
2016 Carapella G.; Sabatino P.; Barone C.; Pagano S.; Gombos M.
High Tc superconducting materials for photonics: Normal state optical features study of Nd123 and Gd1212
2015 Gombos, M; Rendina, I; Romano, S; Carapella, G; Ciancio, R; Mocella, V
Superconducting slab in an antisymmetric magnetic field: Vortex-antivortex dynamics
2015 Carapella, G; Sabatino, P; Gombos, M
High Temperature Superconductors for Photonics, Plasmonics and Metamaterials Fabrication: Preliminary Study of Normal State Optical Features of Nd123 and Gd1212
2014 M.Gombos; S.Romano; I.Rendina; G.Carapella; R.Ciancio;V.Mocella
High T-c superconductors for plasmonics and metamaterials fabrication: A preliminary normal state optical characterisation of Nd123 and Gd1212
2013 Gombos, M; Romano, S; Rendina, I; Carapella, G; Ciancio, R; Mocella, V
High Tc Superconductors for Plasmonics and Metamaterials Fabrication: a Preliminary Normal State Optical Characterisation of Nd123 and Gd1212
2013 Mgombos, ; Sromano, ; Irendina, ; Gcarapella, ; Rciancio, ; Vmocella,
Superconductors in plasmonics and metamaterials : some experimental data
2013 Mgombos, ; Sromano, ; Irendina, ; Rciancio, ; Gcarapella, ; Vmocella,
Preferentially Directed Flux Motion in a Very Thin Superconducting Strip with Nanostructured Profile
2012 Psabatino, ; Gcarapella, ; Mgombos,
Reduced twinning efficiency and tri-dimensional crack structure in melt-textured NdBa2Cu3O7-? bulk samples fragmentation process
2012 M Gombos; V Gomis; R Ciancio; D Zola; A E Carrillo; G Carapella; A Vecchione; M Polichetti; S Pace;X Obradors
Coexistence of Superconductivity and Magnetism in Ruthenocuprates
2010 Mcuoco, ; Pgentile, ; Mgombos, ; Avecchione, ; Cnoce,
Impact of the starting powder composition on GdSr2RuCu2O8 Melt-Textured Processes
2009 R. Ciancio; M. Gombos; G. Grimaldi; A. Nigro; A. Vecchione; S. Pace
Physical properties and characterization of RuSr2GdCu2O8 (Ru-1212) grown by top seeded melt textured technique
2009 Uthayakumar, S; Santhosh, P; Gombos, M; Ramesh Babu, M; Jayavel, R; Vecchione, A; Pace, S
A simple statistical phenomenological model for cation substitutions in Nd1+xBa2-xCu3O7-(delta+x/2)
2008 Gombos, M; Varesi, E; Tedesco, P; Vecchione, A; Pace, S
Gd-Nd solubility in the (Gd,Nd)-Sr-Ru-Cu-O system
2007 Gombos, M; Avecchione, ; Sisti, D; Rciancio, ; Masini, R; Space,
Gd-Nd solubility in the (Gd,Nd)-Sr-Ru-Cu-O System
2007 Gombos, M; Vecchione, A; Sisti, D; Ciancio, R; Masini, R; Pace, S