Istituto Nazionale di Ottica - INO - Sede Secondaria di Sesto Fiorentino
Measurement of the superfluid fraction of a supersolid by Josephson effect
2024 Biagioni, G; Antolini, N; Donelli, B; Pezze, Luca; Smerzi, A; Fattori, M; Fioretti, A; Gabbanini, C; Inguscio, M; Tanzi, L; Modugno, G
Distributed quantum sensing and entanglement-enhanced multiphase estimation theory
2023 Malitesta, Marco; Smerzi, Augusto; Pezze, Luca
Distributed quantum sensing with squeezed-vacuum light in a configurable array of Mach-Zehnder interferometers
2023 Malitesta, Marco; Smerzi, Augusto; Pezze, Luca
Extending the fair sampling assumption using causal diagrams
2023 Gebhart, Valentin; Smerzi, Augusto
Quantum-enhanced differential atom interferometers and clocks with spin-squeezing swapping
2023 Corgier, Robin; Malitesta, Marco; Smerzi, Augusto; Pezze, Luca
Improved absolute clock stability by the joint interrogation of two atomic ensembles
2022 Li, W; Wu, Shuyuan; Smerzi, A; Pezze, L
Peaceful coexistence of thermal equilibrium and the emergence of time
2022 Favalli, T; Smerzi, A
A machine learning approach to Bayesian parameter estimation
2021 Nolan, S; Smerzi, A; Pezze, L
Bayesian Quantum Multiphase Estimation Algorithm
2021 Gebhart, V; Smerzi, A; Pezze, L
Delta-Kick Squeezing
2021 Corgier, Robin; Gaaloul, Naceur; Smerzi, Augusto; Pezze, Luca
Genuine Multipartite Nonlocality with Causal-Diagram Postselection
2021 Gebhart, V; Pezze, L; Smerzi, A
Interferometric Order Parameter for Excited-State Quantum Phase Transitions in Bose-Einstein Condensates
2021 Feldmann, P; Klempt, C; Smerzi, A; Santos, L; Gessner, M
Metrological Detection of Multipartite Entanglement from Young Diagrams
2021 Ren, Z; Li, W; Smerzi, A; Gessner, M
Multiparticle entanglement dynamics of quantum chaos in a Bose-Einstein condensate
2021 Li, Sc; Pezze, L; Smerzi, A
Nonlinear Bragg interferometer with a trapped Bose-Einstein condensate
2021 Corgier, R.; Pezze', Luca; Smerzi, A.
Quantifying computational advantage of Grover's algorithm with the trace speed
2021 Gebhart, V; Pezze, L; Smerzi, A
Quantum Phase Estimation Algorithm with Gaussian Spin States
2021 Pezze, L; Smerzi, A
Quantum Simulating the Electron Transport in Quantum Cascade Laser Structures
2021 Trombettoni, A; Scazza, F; Minardi, F; Roati, G; Cappelli, F; Consolino, L; Smerzi, A; De Natale, P
Rabi Spectroscopy and Sensitivity of a Floquet Engineered Optical Lattice Clock
2021 Yin, Mj; Wang, T; Lu, Xt; Li, T; Wang, Yb; Zhang, Xf; Li, Wd; Smerzi, A; Chang, H
Heisenberg-Limited Noisy Atomic Clock Using a Hybrid Coherent and Squeezed State Protocol
2020 Pezze, L; Smerzi, A