Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
AS - Asia 265
NA - Nord America 176
EU - Europa 20
Totale 461
Nazione #
SG - Singapore 262
US - Stati Uniti d'America 176
FI - Finlandia 11
IT - Italia 7
CN - Cina 2
NL - Olanda 2
JP - Giappone 1
Totale 461
Città #
Singapore 170
Santa Clara 136
Helsinki 11
Amsterdam 2
Verona 2
Genoa 1
Phoenix 1
Prineville 1
Tokyo 1
Totale 325
Nome #
La nutrizione parenterale nella sepsi 5
Characterization of alpha-amino-n-butyric acid correlations in sepsis 5
Primary hepatic angiosarcoma 5
Giant focal nodular hyperplasia determining Budd-Chiari syndrome: an operative challenge requiring 210 min of liver ischemia 5
Long-term outcome after laparoscopic fenestration of simple liver cysts 5
Hypotransferrinemia and changes in plasma lipid and metabolic patterns in sepsis 4
Bases fisiológicas da monitorização cardiorrespiratória - I ed. 4
Plasma cholinesterase in critical illness 4
Parenteral nutrition in liver resection 4
Changes of plasma lipid profiles in postoperative and septic patients 4
The effects of amino acid infusion on O2 extraction in sepsis 4
Composite variables, couplings and distinction of effects 4
Le emulsioni lipidiche in nutrizione parenterale: le miscele MCT-LCT e gli acidi grassi polinsaturi omega-3 4
Determinants and physiological correlates of respiratory quotient in shock states 4
Bile duct injury during laparoscopic cholecystectomy - Results of an Italian national survey on 56,591 cholecystectomies. 4
Prognostic Role of Serum Amino Acids in Head and Neck Cancer 4
Comment on "A Sustained Reduction in Serum Cholinesterase Enzyme Activity Predicts Patient Outcome following Sepsis" 4
Computerized correction of blood base excess to full hemoglobin-O2 saturation 4
Clinical use of plasma chitotriosidase in severe sepsis 4
Hypocholesterolemia following liver resection: a cumulative index of severity of illness 3
Il rischio operatorio delle resezioni epatiche per neoplasia nel paziente anziano 3
Citrulline and metabolomics in acute kidney injury (Letter) 3
Co-variation of plasma sodium, taurine and other amino acid levels in critical illness 3
Intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma 3
Bases Fisiológicas da Monitorização Cardiorrespiratória 3
A simplified formula for rapid estimate of body surface area 3
Plasma cholesterol in critically ill surgical patients 3
Serum uric acid, creatinine, and the assessment of antioxidant capacity in critical illness 3
External lymphatic fistula after intra-abdominal lymphadenectomy for cancer. Treatment with total parenteral nutrition and somatostatin 3
Respiratory quotient (RQ) of different organs from blood gas data in shock 3
Right and extended-right hepatectomies for unilobar colorectal metastases: Impact of portal vein embolization on long-term outcome and liver recurrence 3
Relationships of plasma arginine and glutamine to other amino acids in septic patients 3
Reappraisal of surgical indications and approach for liver hemangioma 3
Liver resection for primary intrahepatic stones: a single-center experience 3
Pedicle clamping with ischemic preconditioning in liver resection. 3
Prognostic Significance of Tumor Doubling Time in Mass-Forming Type Cholangiocarcinoma 3
Pathophysiologic and clinical correlates of hypophosphatemia and the relationship with sepsis and outcome in postoperative patients after hepatectomy 3
Liver resection for primary intrahepatic stones: a single-center experience. 3
Quantitative assessment of changes in blood CO2 tension mediated by the Haldane effect 3
Nutritional-metabolic interactions during total parenteral nutrition in sepsis 3
Strong YB-1 Expression Predicts Liver Recurrence Following Resection for Colorectal Metastases. 3
The relationship between plasma taurine and other amino acid levels in human sepsis 3
Characterization of biochemical and clinical correlates of hypocholesterolemia after hepatectomy 3
New Fick-O2 method for cardiac output (CO) measurement in critically ill patients 3
Patterns of stress response after liver transplantation 3
Sepsis, critical illness, host defense, autocannibalism, and nutritional support 3
Plasma amino acids of the transsulfuration pathway and plasma lactate in septic patients 3
Use of the Utilization Coefficient (UC) in respiratory monitoring 3
Continuous versus intermittent portal triad clamping during hepatectomy in cirrhosis. Results of a prospective, randomized clinical trial 3
Simple instantaneous determination of pulmonary venous admixture 3
I trigliceridi a catena media (MCT): caratteristiche ed uso clinico 3
Tumor progression during preoperative chemotherapy predicts failure to complete 2-stage hepatectomy for colorectal liver metastases: Results of an Italian multicenter analysis of 130 patients 3
Chance of Cure Following Liver Resection for Initially Unresectable Colorectal Metastases: Analysis of Actual 5-Year Survival 3
Increased ratio of P[v-a]CO 2 to C[a-v]O 2 without global hypoxia: the case of metformin-induced lactic acidosis 3
Regional and systemic metabolic effects after surgical injury 3
Patterns of recovery after liver resection 3
Studio computerizzato della fisiopatologia nel trauma chirurgico, nello shock settico, nella cirrosi e nella pancreatite 3
Taurina: proprietà ed implicazioni nutrizionali 3
Le complicanze chirurgiche 3
Comparison of two methods to assess blood CO2 equilibration curve in mechanically ventilated patients 3
Le emulsioni lipidiche in nutrizione parenterale: aspetti tecnologici e clinici 3
Physiopathological patterns and evolutive stages of sepsis 3
The impact of R1 resection for colorectal liver metastases on local recurrence and overall survival in the era of modern chemotherapy: An analysis of 1,428 resection areas 3
High phosphoserine in sepsis: panel of clinical and plasma amino acid correlations. 3
hypocholesterolemia and plasma amino acids in sepsis 3
Improvement in perioperative and long-term outcome after surgical treatment of hilar cholangiocarcinoma: results of an Italian multicenter analysis of 440 patients 3
La nutrizione parenterale nella sepsi 3
Regional blood flow, O2 consumption, CO2 production and acid ion release from blood gases in shock 3
Uso dei substrati lipidici non convenzionali in nutrizione parenterale 3
Role of the surgeon as a variable in long-term survival after liver resection for colorectal metastases 3
Re. "Changes in lipid metabolism in pediatric patients with severe sepsis and septic shock" 3
Graphical display of model for end-stage liver disease (MELD) score 3
Serum uric acid, creatinine, and the assessment of antioxidant capacity in critical illness (letter) 3
Impairment of hepatocellular excretory function, sepsis and liver insufficiency after liver resection 3
Il cancro incidentale della colecisti 3
Severe hypocholesterolemia in surgical patients, sepsis, and critical illness 3
Le basi fisiopatologiche della nutrizione parenterale 3
Alterazioni respiratorie nella pancreatite acuta 3
Blood CO2 exchange monitoring, Haldane effect and other calculations in sepsis and critical illness 3
Lo shock ed i meccanismi della risposta al trauma 3
Easy quantification of the respiratory and metabolic impact of blood O-2-CO2 exchange interactions in critical illness 3
Analysis of the determinants of CO2 and O2 exchange ratios in shock. 3
Le resezioni epatiche nel paziente anziano 3
The relationship between oxygen extraction and venous pH in sepsis 3
The respiratory quotient 3
Meccanismi fisiopatologici nella "Multiple Organ Failure" 3
Reference sources and computational data for cardiorespiratory monitoring by mass spectrometer in critically ill patients 3
Modulation of plasma fibrinogen levels in acute-phase response after hepatectomy 3
Gas in the portal circulation and pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis during chemotherapy for advanced rectal cancer 2
Relationships of plasma taurine (TAU) to other amino acid (AA) levels in trauma and sepsis 2
The relationship between plasma albumin, other proteins and variables, and age in the acute phase response after hepatectomy in man 2
Biochemical and clinical correlates of hypouricemia in surgical and critically ill patients 2
The interpretation of respiratory quotient (RQ) in shock and unsteady state 2
Plasma cholesterol in sepsis and shock 2
Influence of TPN amino acid composition on plasma taurine in sepsis 2
Severe hypocholesterolemia in surgical patients, sepsis, and critical illness 2
Totale 317
Categoria #
all - tutte 4.705
article - articoli 3.651
book - libri 22
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 413
Totale 8.791

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/20244 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0
2024/2025457 8 13 170 119 139 7 1 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 461