The Protected Natural Areas, marine or land "protect" the Italian coast for 700 kilometres, but nevertheless, in many cases, it was necessary to carry out environmental engineering and / or naturalistic, the causes of this are to be found in reduced transport river sediment, caused by anthropogenic behaviour not in line with the natural evolution, even hundreds of miles away from the outfall. The present study has highlighted the need to expand the boundaries of natural protected areas, including coastal areas, towards the sea and do the same for the Marine Protected Areas, to the hinterland. Moreover, a study about the actual environmental law was developed. One of the issues frequently emerged with reference to protected areas pertains to interactions, and tensions, between planning instruments adopted at different institutional level. In recent years, the Italian Constitutional Court has ruled many times about the distribution of legislative and administrative competencies between State and Regions in environmental matter. The analysis of the recent rulings by the Court leads to the comprehension of the general principles affirmed on this matter.
Le Aree Naturali Protette sia Marine che Terrestri "proteggono" le coste italiane per oltre 700 chilometri, ma nonostante ciò, in molti casi, è stato necessario eseguire interventi di ingegneria ambientale e/o naturalistica; le cause di ciò sono da ricercare nel ridotto trasporto solido fluviale, causato da comportamenti antropici non in linea con l'evoluzione naturale, anche a centinaia di chilometri di distanza dalle foci. Il presente studio ha messo in evidenza la necessità di ampliare i confini delle Aree Naturali Protette, che comprendono zone costiere, verso il mare e fare altrettanto per le Aree Marine Protette, verso l'entroterra. Inoltre è stato eseguito anche uno studio sulla vigente normativa in tema ambientale. Nei dieci anni trascorsi dalla Legge Costituzionale 3/2011, numerose incertezze e questioni interpretative sono emerse con riferimento al riparto di competenze tra Stato e Regioni in materia ambientale. Una di queste riguarda il rapporto e il coordinamento tra diversi strumenti di pianificazione territoriale, in particolare, il rapporto tra il Piano paesistico, previsto dal Codice dei beni culturali e del paesaggio, e il Piano del parco, previsto dalla Legge quadro sulle aree protette. L'analisi della recente giurisprudenza della Corte Costituzionale in materia consente di chiarire quali sono i principi posti alla base della"gerarchia" tra gli strumenti di pianificazione adottati ai diversi livelli territoriali.
Parchi naturali e aree marine protette contigue
Iannuzzi F;Rossi V;Patrizio S
The Protected Natural Areas, marine or land "protect" the Italian coast for 700 kilometres, but nevertheless, in many cases, it was necessary to carry out environmental engineering and / or naturalistic, the causes of this are to be found in reduced transport river sediment, caused by anthropogenic behaviour not in line with the natural evolution, even hundreds of miles away from the outfall. The present study has highlighted the need to expand the boundaries of natural protected areas, including coastal areas, towards the sea and do the same for the Marine Protected Areas, to the hinterland. Moreover, a study about the actual environmental law was developed. One of the issues frequently emerged with reference to protected areas pertains to interactions, and tensions, between planning instruments adopted at different institutional level. In recent years, the Italian Constitutional Court has ruled many times about the distribution of legislative and administrative competencies between State and Regions in environmental matter. The analysis of the recent rulings by the Court leads to the comprehension of the general principles affirmed on this matter.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.