CO2 between atmosphere and a 'Sangiovese' vineyard sited in the Brunello di Montalcino production area (Siena, Italy). Estimates of the energy balance components of soil evaporation and of carbon fluxes were made in two consecutive years (2005 and 2006), in two important phenological phases (berries beginning to touch and beginning of ripening). Amonitoring system including a sonic anemometer, an open-path CO2 and H2O fast infra-red analyser and a net radiometer was set on top of the vineyard. Soil heat flux plates and soil moisture sensors were set between rows in order to measure energy balance components and evaporation from soil. Measured data showed very similar results in the two years, as a demonstration of the repeatability of the measurement procedure. Evapotranspiration was, in both years, about 4 mm/d as an average, where about 0.5 mm/d, as an average, were due to evaporation from soil. The daily net carbon flux for the vineyard resulted in about 7 µmol m-2 s-1 during the day and about 1.7 µmol m-2s-1 at night. In both years data howed asymmetry between morning and afternoon CO2 fluxes, where the latter were lower than the former. As a final result the net carbon budget of the vineyard was calculated in -3.3 g C m-2 d-1.
Obiettivo di questa ricerca era la misura del bilancio energetico e dei flussi evapotraspirativi, evaporativi, e di CO2 da un vigneto di 'Sangiovese', allevato a controspalliera nella zona di produzione del "Brunello di Montalcino" (SI). Le misure sono state effettuate in due annate diverse (2005 e 2006) nelle fasi fenologiche di "chiusura del grappolo" e "invaiatura". I dati misurati nelle due annate mostrano una grande ripetibilità, dimostrando la robustezza della metodologia applicata. L'evapotraspirazione misurata si è attestata nei due anni su valori dell'ordine di circa 4 mm/d, con un contributo dell'evaporazione dal terreno tra i filari piuttosto basso, dell'ordine di 0,5 mm/d. Il flusso di COha mostrato che i valori di assimilazione giornaliera nelle ore diurne si attestavano, mediamente, su 7 µmol m-2 s-1 di carbonio, mentre i valori di respirazione si attestano intorno alle 1,7 µmol m-2 s-1. In entrambi gli anni le misure hanno mostrato una asimmetria corrispondente ad un calo del flussi di CO2 nelle ore pomeridiane rispetto a quelle mattutine. Lo scambio totale dell'ecosistema è stato di circa di -3,3 g di carbonio per m2 di terreno. Infine, considerando un periodo vegetativo medio annuo e una durata media del giorno di 10 ore, risulta che un ettaro di vigneto fissa circa 6 t ha per anno di carbonio.
Indagine sui flussi di materia ed energia da vigneto e da terreno nudo nell'interfilare in un sistema viticolo dell'Italia Centrale
Facini O;
CO2 between atmosphere and a 'Sangiovese' vineyard sited in the Brunello di Montalcino production area (Siena, Italy). Estimates of the energy balance components of soil evaporation and of carbon fluxes were made in two consecutive years (2005 and 2006), in two important phenological phases (berries beginning to touch and beginning of ripening). Amonitoring system including a sonic anemometer, an open-path CO2 and H2O fast infra-red analyser and a net radiometer was set on top of the vineyard. Soil heat flux plates and soil moisture sensors were set between rows in order to measure energy balance components and evaporation from soil. Measured data showed very similar results in the two years, as a demonstration of the repeatability of the measurement procedure. Evapotranspiration was, in both years, about 4 mm/d as an average, where about 0.5 mm/d, as an average, were due to evaporation from soil. The daily net carbon flux for the vineyard resulted in about 7 µmol m-2 s-1 during the day and about 1.7 µmol m-2s-1 at night. In both years data howed asymmetry between morning and afternoon CO2 fluxes, where the latter were lower than the former. As a final result the net carbon budget of the vineyard was calculated in -3.3 g C m-2 d-1.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.