Des etudes de porosimetrie a mercure et A l'azote sur divers echantillons de sols equilibres a des potentiels hydriques differents ont permis de mettre en evidence le role joue par la nature des mineraux argileux et par les ciments sur la modification de la microstructure en fonction de la teneur en eau de l'echantillon. Dans le Vertisol a smectite, les modifications de la microstructure sont surtout liees au gonflement des unites morphologiques. Dans le Sol Rouge fersiallitique en revanche, cc sont les ciments ferriques qui jouent le role principal en empechant la dispersion des « microdomaines » illitiques, qui forment un reseau assez stable. Dans le cas d'un Regosol qui est depourvu de cirnents et caracterise par la predominance d'un mineral argileux a surface peu active comme la kaolinite, la tendance a la dispersion semble le phenomene majeur mis en jeu lors de l'augmentation de la teneur en eau.
By mercury and nitrogen porosimetry measurements on soil samples equilibrated at different water potential, the role of the type of clay minerals and cements on microstructure modifica¬tions has been evidenced. On a smectite soil (Vertisol) the changes of microstructure resulted mainly with respect to swelling behaviour of morphological units. In contrast, in Mediterranean Terra Rossa, the iron cements play the main role by hindering the dispersion of illitic microdomains, forming a rather rigid framework. In a Regosol lacking cements and containing, as dominant clay mineral, kaolinite which is characteri¬zed by low surface activity, the most typical feature seems to be a marked tendency to disperse with the increase of water content.
Porositè des sols argileux en fonction de l'hydratation. lnfluence du type d'argile et des ciments sur leur stabilitè structurale
Sparvoli E;D'Acqui L
By mercury and nitrogen porosimetry measurements on soil samples equilibrated at different water potential, the role of the type of clay minerals and cements on microstructure modifica¬tions has been evidenced. On a smectite soil (Vertisol) the changes of microstructure resulted mainly with respect to swelling behaviour of morphological units. In contrast, in Mediterranean Terra Rossa, the iron cements play the main role by hindering the dispersion of illitic microdomains, forming a rather rigid framework. In a Regosol lacking cements and containing, as dominant clay mineral, kaolinite which is characteri¬zed by low surface activity, the most typical feature seems to be a marked tendency to disperse with the increase of water content.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.