In recent years, sustainable development and a more efficient environmental policy have become key issues for the public welfare. The perceived safety by citizens increases if the government adopts policies to a better and transparent management of the environment. From this point of view, urban environmental monitoring is a key tool for the development of information services continuing and explicit able to provide data and to make decisions in a proper way with targeted interventions in the area. Currently the data not always respond with the interoperability specifications, often due to political " closed " management. But innovations in ICT now allow us to integrate the existing data infrastructure with participatory systems involving different stakeholders, including the citizens themselves. SensorWebBike [ SWB ] is a platform consisting of a real time Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) and a web interface that offers an open and participatory approach for environmental monitoring in urban areas. Cyclists can become volunteers mobile sensors, capable of measuring environmental parameters using a sensor's box, a mobile device low-cost, mounted on their bicycles. Through the GPRS connection, the sensors transmit data on geo-environment and air quality at the remote platform, the WebApp allows you to manage and analyze the data collected through a browser. The system SWB has also been developed so that the collection and management of data are compliant with the most widespread OGC standards for the entire treatment process. The prototype was tested in Florence and the WebApp is available online. SWB for urban climate allows you to manage the measurements, statistical analysis and visualizing information in the form of maps or charts. The open and cross-cutting nature of SWB platform provide useful tools for sharing validated data in order to improve the interaction with end users, helping to increase citizen awareness on issues related to the environment and air quality through their proactive involvement.
Negli ultimi anni lo sviluppo sostenibile ed una piu? efficiente politica ambientale sono diventati punti chiave per il benessere pubblico. La sicurezza percepita dai cittadini aumenta se la pubblica amministrazione adotta politiche volte ad una migliore e trasparente gestione dell'ambiente. Da questo punto di vista il monitoraggio ambientale urbano e? uno strumento chiave per la messa a punto di servizi informativi espliciti e continuativi in grado di fornire dati sia per prendere decisioni sia per agire in modo corretto con interventi mirati sul territorio. Attualmente i dati non rispondono sempre alle specifiche di interoperabilita?, spesso a causa di politiche "chiuse" di gestione. Ma le innovazioni nell'ICT permettono oggi di integrare le infrastrutture dati esistenti con sistemi partecipativi che coinvolgono diversi stakeholders, compresi gli stessi cittadini. SensorWebBike [SWB] e? una piattaforma composta da un'Infrastruttura di Dati Spaziali real time e un'interfaccia web che propone un approccio partecipativo e aperto per il monitoraggio ambientale in ambito urbano. I ciclisti, montando sulle loro biciclette la sensor's box, un dispositivo mobile lowcost in grado di misurare parametri ambientali, diventano sensori mobili volontari. Attraverso la connessione GPRS, i sensori trasmettono dati geolocalizzati su ambiente e qualita? dell'aria alla piattaforma remota, la WebApp permette di gestire e analizzare i dati raccolti attraverso un browser. Il sistema SWB inoltre e? stato sviluppato affinche? la raccolta e la gestione dei dati, sia compliant ai piu? diffusi standard OGC per l'intero processo di trattamento. Il prototipo e? stato testato a Firenze e la WebApp e? disponibile online. SWB per il clima urbano permette di gestire le misure rilevate, eseguire analisi statistiche e visualizzare le informazioni sotto forma di mappa o di grafico. La natura trasversale ed open della piattaforma SWB, permette di fornire diversi strumenti per la condivisione di dati validati cosi? da migliorare l'interazione con gli utenti finali, contribuendo ad aumentare la consapevolezza del cittadino sui temi legati all'ambiente e alla qualita? dell'aria attraverso il loro coinvolgimento proattivo.
SensorWebBike: una piattaforma per il monitoraggio ambientale partecipativo
Leandro Rocchi;Alessandro Zaldei;Carolina Vagnoli;Francesca Martelli
In recent years, sustainable development and a more efficient environmental policy have become key issues for the public welfare. The perceived safety by citizens increases if the government adopts policies to a better and transparent management of the environment. From this point of view, urban environmental monitoring is a key tool for the development of information services continuing and explicit able to provide data and to make decisions in a proper way with targeted interventions in the area. Currently the data not always respond with the interoperability specifications, often due to political " closed " management. But innovations in ICT now allow us to integrate the existing data infrastructure with participatory systems involving different stakeholders, including the citizens themselves. SensorWebBike [ SWB ] is a platform consisting of a real time Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) and a web interface that offers an open and participatory approach for environmental monitoring in urban areas. Cyclists can become volunteers mobile sensors, capable of measuring environmental parameters using a sensor's box, a mobile device low-cost, mounted on their bicycles. Through the GPRS connection, the sensors transmit data on geo-environment and air quality at the remote platform, the WebApp allows you to manage and analyze the data collected through a browser. The system SWB has also been developed so that the collection and management of data are compliant with the most widespread OGC standards for the entire treatment process. The prototype was tested in Florence and the WebApp is available online. SWB for urban climate allows you to manage the measurements, statistical analysis and visualizing information in the form of maps or charts. The open and cross-cutting nature of SWB platform provide useful tools for sharing validated data in order to improve the interaction with end users, helping to increase citizen awareness on issues related to the environment and air quality through their proactive involvement.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.