The inclusive semileptonic branching ratios b -> e ? X, ? ? X, ? ? X and ? X have been measured at LEP with the L3 detector. The analysis is based on 2-jet hadronic Z decays obtained in the data collected between 1991 and 1992. Three separate event samples are analysed, containing electrons, muons and large missing energy (neutrinos), respectively. From the electron sample, we measure Br(b -> e ? X) = (10.89±0.20±0.51)% and, from the muon sample, Br(b -> ? ?X) = (10.82±0.15±0.59)%, where the first error is statistical and the second is systematic. From the missing energy sample, we measure Br(b -> ?X) = (23.08±0.77±1.24)%, assuming the relative semileptonic decay rates e:?:? = 1:1:(0.25±0.05), according to theoretical expectations. From a combined analysis of all three samples and constraining the relative semileptonic rates, we measure Br(b -> e ?X) = Br(b -> ? ?X) = (10.68±0.11±0.46)%. Alternatively, we can remove the constraint on the relative semileptonic rates and measure Br(b -> ? ?X) = (1.7±0.5±1.1)%. © Springer-Verlag 1996.
Measurement of the branching ratios b -> e ? X, ? ? X, ? ? X and ? X
Acciarri M; Adam A; Adriani O; AguilarBenitez M; Ahlen S; Alpat B; Alcaraz J; Alemanni G; Allaby J; Aloisio A; Alverson G; Alviggi MG; Ambrosi G; Anderhub H; Andreev VP; Angelescu T; Antreasyan D; Arefiev A; Azemoon T; Aziz T; Bagnaia P; Baksay L; Ball RC; Banerjee S; Banicz K; Barillere R; Barone L; Bartalini P; Baschirotto A; Basile M; Battiston R; Bay A; Becattini F; Becker U; Behner F; Berdugo J; Berges P; Bertucci B; Betev BL; Biasini M; Biland A; Bilei GM; Blaising JJ; Blyth SC; Bobbink GJ; Bock R; Bohm A; Borgia B; Boucham A; Bourilkov D; Bourquin M; Boutigny D; Brambilla E; Branson JG; Brigljevic V; Brock IC; Buijs A; Bujak A; Burger JD; Burger WJ; Busenitz J; Buytenhuijs A; Cai XD; Campanelli M; Capell M; Romeo GC; Caria M; Carlino G; Cartacci AM; Casaus J; Castellini G ;Castello R; Cavallari F; Cavallo N; Cecchi C; Cerrada M; Cesaroni F; Chamizo M; Chan A; Chang YH; Chaturvedi UK; Chemarin M; Chen A; Chen G; Chen GM; Chen HF; Chen HS; Chen M; Chiefari G; Chien CY; Choi MT; Cifarelli L; Cindolo F; Civinini C; Clare I; Clare R; Cohn HO; Coignet G; Colijn AP; Colino N; Costantini S; Cotorobai F; de la Cruz B; Csilling A; Dai TS; D'Alessandro R; de Asmundis R; de Boeck H; Degre A; Deiters K; Denes P; DeNotaristefani F; DiBitonto D; Diemoz M; van Dierendonck D; Di Lodovico F; Dionisi C; Dittmar M; Dominguez A; Doria A; Dorne I; Dova MT; Drago E; Duchesneau D; Duinker P; Duran I; Dutta S; Easo S; Efremenko Y; El Mamouni H; Engler A; Eppling FJ; Erne FC; Ernenwein JP; Extermann P; Fabre M; Faccini R; Falciano S; Favara A; Fay J; Felcini M; Furetta C; Ferguson T; Fernandez D; Ferroni F; Fesefeldt H; Fiandrini E; Field JH; Filthaut F; Fisher PH; Forconi G; Fredj L; Freudenreich K; Galaktionov Y; Ganguli SN; Gau SS; Gentile S; Gerald J; Gheordanescu N; Giagu S; Goldfarb S; Goldstein J; Gong ZF; Gougas A; Gratta G; Gruenewald MW; Gupta VK; Gurtu A; Gutay LJ; Hangarter K; Hartmann B; Hasan A; Hebbeker T; Herve A; van Hoek WC; Hofer H; Hoorani H; Hou SR; Hu G; Ilyas MM; Innocente V; Janssen H; Jin BN; Jones LW; de Jong P; JosaMutuberria I; Kasser A; Khan RA; Kamyshkov Y; Kapinos P; Kapustinsky JS; Karyotakis Y; Kaur M; KienzleFocacci MN; Kim D; Kim JK; Kim SC; Kim YG; Kinnison WW; Kirkby A; Kirkby D; Kirkby J; Kiss D; Kittel W; Klimentov A; Konig AC; Korolko I; Koutsenko V; Koulbardis A; Kraemer RW; Kramer T; Krenz W; Kuijten H; Kunin A; de Guevara PL; Landi G; Lapoint C; LassilaPerini K; Laurikainen P; Lebeau M; Lebedev A; Lebrun P; Lecomte P; Lecoq P; Le Coultre P; Lee JS; Lee KY; Leggett C; Le Goff JM; Leiste R; Lenti M; Leonardi E; Levtchenko P; Li C; Lieb E; Lin WT; Linde FL; Lista L; Liu ZA; Lohmann W; Longo E; Lu W; Lu YS; Lubelsmeyer K; Luci C; Luckey D; Ludovici L; Luminari L; Lustermann W; Ma WG; Macchiolo A; Maity M; Majumder G; Malgeri L; Malinin A; Mana C; Mangla S; Marchesini P; Marin A; Martin JP; Marzano F; Massaro GGG; Mazumdar K; McNally D; Mele S; Merola L; Meschini M; Metzger WJ; von der Mey M; Mi Y; Mihul A; van Mil AJW; Mirabelli G; Mnich J; Monteleoni B; Moore R; Morganti S; Mount R; Muller S; Muheim F; Nagy E; Nahn S; Napolitano M; NessiTedaldi F; Newman H; Nippe A; Nowak H; Organtini G; Ostonen R; Pandoulas D; Paoletti S; Paolucci P; Park HK; Pascale G; Passaleva G; Patricelli S; Paul T; Pauluzzi M; Paus C; Pauss F; Peach D; Pei YJ; Pensotti S; PerretGallix D; Petrak S; Pevsner A; Piccolo D; Pieri M; Pinto JC; Piroue PA; Pistolesi E; Plyaskin V; Pohl M; Pojidaev V; Postema H; Produit N; Raghavan R; RahalCallot G; Rancoita PG; Rattaggi M; Raven G; Razis P; Read K; Ren D; Rescigno M; Reucroft S; van Rhee T; Riemann S; Riemers BC; Riles K; Rind O; Ro S; Robohm A; Rodin J; Rodriguez FJ; Roe BP; Rohner S; Romero L; RosierLees S; Rosselet P; van Rossum W; Roth S; Rubio JA; Rykaczewski H; Salicio J; Sanchez E; Santocchia A; Sarakinos ME; Sarkar S; Sassowsky M; Sauvage G; Schneegans M; Schoeneich B; Scholz N; Schopper H; Schotanus DJ; Schwenke J; Schwering G; Sciacca C; Sciarrino D; Sens JC; Servoli L; Shevchenko S; Shivarov N; Shoutko V; Shukla J; Shumilov E; Siedenburg T; Son D; Sopczak A; Soulimov V; Smith B; Spillantini P; Steuer M; Stickland DP; Sticozzi F; Stone H; Stoyanov B; Straessner A; Strauch K; Sudhakar K; Sultanov G; Sun LZ; Susinno GF; Suter H; Swain JD; Tang XW; Tauscher L; Taylor L; Ting SCC; Ting SM; Tonisch F; Tonutti M; Tonwar SC; Toth J; Tsaregorodtsev A; Tully C; Tuchscherer H; Tung KL; Ulbricht J; Uwer U; Valente E; van de Walle RT; Vesztergombi G; Vetlitsky I; Viertel G; Vivargent M; Volkert R; Vogel H; Vogt H; Vorobiev I; Vorobyov AA; Vorobyov AA; Vorvolakos A; Wadhwa M; Wallraff W; Wang JC; Wang XL; Wang YF; Wang ZM; Weber A; Wittgenstein F; Wu SX; Wynhoff S; Xu J; Xu ZZ; Yang BZ; Yang CG; Yao XY; Ye JB; Yeh SC; You JM; Zaccardelli C; Zalite A; Zemp P; Zeng Y; Zhang Z; Zhang ZP; Zhou B; Zhou Y; Zhu GY; Zhu RY; Zichichi A
The inclusive semileptonic branching ratios b -> e ? X, ? ? X, ? ? X and ? X have been measured at LEP with the L3 detector. The analysis is based on 2-jet hadronic Z decays obtained in the data collected between 1991 and 1992. Three separate event samples are analysed, containing electrons, muons and large missing energy (neutrinos), respectively. From the electron sample, we measure Br(b -> e ? X) = (10.89±0.20±0.51)% and, from the muon sample, Br(b -> ? ?X) = (10.82±0.15±0.59)%, where the first error is statistical and the second is systematic. From the missing energy sample, we measure Br(b -> ?X) = (23.08±0.77±1.24)%, assuming the relative semileptonic decay rates e:?:? = 1:1:(0.25±0.05), according to theoretical expectations. From a combined analysis of all three samples and constraining the relative semileptonic rates, we measure Br(b -> e ?X) = Br(b -> ? ?X) = (10.68±0.11±0.46)%. Alternatively, we can remove the constraint on the relative semileptonic rates and measure Br(b -> ? ?X) = (1.7±0.5±1.1)%. © Springer-Verlag 1996.
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