The study examines a unique artistic production that developed in Salento in the second half of the nineteenth century: the majolica artifacts. The development of the maiolica product, much used as a piece of furniture, was promoted by the opening of a factory by one of the most visionary and pioneer protagonists of Lecce, Angelantonio Paladini. At San Pietro in Lama village near Lecce, he made a "steam plant" for the production of majolica artifacts. He introduced throughout the Lecce province (there are many majolica pavements and decorative tiles made within palaces, churches and villas) the elaborate works seen in Campania, mostly made up of quatrefoil motifs, composed by the union of four "formelle". The failure of its industry also marked the decline of this type of production, which left in Salento significant examples of high artistic value, that are little known and insufficiently studied. In this short excursus we present some majolica pavements located in several buildings, both religious and civil, of Salento. We refer in particular to the floors of the churches of Santa Maria della Provvidenza (Alcantarine) and Madonna degli Studenti in Lecce, the churches of San Luigi in San Pietro in Lama and San Giovanni Battista in Carmiano, as well as those that decorate the small coffee house within the garden of the Personè castle in Nardò and the floors of the Plantera (now "Maglietta") palace in Novoli. The study also shows the state of conservation of these artifacts, with the most common forms of alteration that affect them. Laboratory analyses were performed on some samples coming from the tiles of some artifacts. They allowed to identify the materials used for the manufacture of the ceramic body and the finishing on the surface, as well as their technics of execution.
Lo studio prende in esame una peculiare produzione artistica che si è sviluppata nel Salento a partire dalla seconda metà del secolo XIX: quella dei manufatti maiolicati. Ad incrementare maggiormente lo sviluppo di maioliche, molto impiegate come elemento d'arredo, fu l'apertura di una manifattura per opera di uno dei più lungimiranti e pionieri dell'industria leccese, Angelantonio Paladini. A San Pietro in Lama, paese alle porte di Lecce, egli realizzò uno "stabilimento a vapore" per la produzione di manufatti maiolicati. Ripropose in tutta la Provincia (numerose sono le stesure maiolicate e le formelle decorative realizzate in palazzi signorili, chiese e ville) le elaborate opere notate in Campania, per lo più formate da motivi quadrilobati, composti dall'unione di quattro formelle. Il fallimento della sua industria segnò anche il declino di questo tipo di produzione, che ha lasciato nel Salento significativi esempi di alto valore artistico, che risultano poco noti e non sufficientemente studiati. In questo breve excusus presentiamo alcune stesure maiolicate ubicate in alcuni edifici, sia religiosi che civili, del Salento. Ci riferiamo in particolare ai pavimenti delle chiese di Santa Maria della Provvidenza (Alcantarine) e Madonna degli Studenti a Lecce, di San Luigi a San Pietro in Lama e di San Giovanni Battista a Carmiano, nonché a quelli che decorano gli ambienti del piccolo coffee house nel giardino del castello Personè a Nardò e le pavimentazioni di palazzo Plantera (oggi Maglietta) a Novoli. Viene inoltre illustrato lo stato di conservazione di tali manufatti, con engono inoltre illustrate le più diffuse forme di alterazione che interessano tali manufattipresenti. Sulle mattonelle presenti all'interno di alcuni siti sono state effettuate analisi di laboratorio, che hanno consentito di individuare i materiali utilizzati per la realizzazione del corpo ceramico e delle finiture superficiali, nonché differenti tecniche di realizzazione dei manufatti. per l'individuazione dei materiali costituenti e delle tecniche per la loro realizzazione.
Le maioliche di Angelantonio Paladini nel Salento. La produzione, i materiali costituenti e lo stato di conservazione
A Calia;A Monte
The study examines a unique artistic production that developed in Salento in the second half of the nineteenth century: the majolica artifacts. The development of the maiolica product, much used as a piece of furniture, was promoted by the opening of a factory by one of the most visionary and pioneer protagonists of Lecce, Angelantonio Paladini. At San Pietro in Lama village near Lecce, he made a "steam plant" for the production of majolica artifacts. He introduced throughout the Lecce province (there are many majolica pavements and decorative tiles made within palaces, churches and villas) the elaborate works seen in Campania, mostly made up of quatrefoil motifs, composed by the union of four "formelle". The failure of its industry also marked the decline of this type of production, which left in Salento significant examples of high artistic value, that are little known and insufficiently studied. In this short excursus we present some majolica pavements located in several buildings, both religious and civil, of Salento. We refer in particular to the floors of the churches of Santa Maria della Provvidenza (Alcantarine) and Madonna degli Studenti in Lecce, the churches of San Luigi in San Pietro in Lama and San Giovanni Battista in Carmiano, as well as those that decorate the small coffee house within the garden of the Personè castle in Nardò and the floors of the Plantera (now "Maglietta") palace in Novoli. The study also shows the state of conservation of these artifacts, with the most common forms of alteration that affect them. Laboratory analyses were performed on some samples coming from the tiles of some artifacts. They allowed to identify the materials used for the manufacture of the ceramic body and the finishing on the surface, as well as their technics of execution.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.