Forecasting models are useful tools to predict and manage epidemiological grapevine infection such as downy mildew (Plasmopara viticola). These models have improved the quality of the output data, but none of them considered the quality of the input data in terms of evaluation of measurement uncertainty and traceability of the sensors of the weather conditions measuring system. Air temperature and relative humidity sensors used in this study have been calibrated by means of the transportable climatic chamber developed by INRiM, directly traceable to reference sensor, a Capsule type Standard Platinum Resistance Thermometer calibrated at the fixed points of the ITS_90 scale. The outcomes data collected during 2011 and 2012, with inclusion of measurement uncertainties, were used as a input values for the simulation by employing the EPI model. The simulations with inclusion of measurement uncertainty foresee with better accuracy the period of infection and the moment to make treatments in the vineyard respect the simulation without inclusion of uncertainty, up to 7 days. In this study the meteorological observations in field have been improved by applying a metrological approach and calibration methods for automatic weather stations in homogeneous agricultural sites.
I modelli previsionali sono utili strumenti per prevedere e gestire le infezioni epidemiologiche della vite, come la peronospora (Plasmopara viticola). Questi modelli hanno migliorato la qualità dei dati in uscita, ma nessuno di essi considera la qualità dei dati in ingresso in termini di valutazione della incertezza di misura e riferibilità dei sensori dei sistemi di misura delle condizioni atmosferiche. I sensori della temperatura e dell'umidità relativa utilizzati in questo studio sono stati tarati tramite la camera climatica trasportabile sviluppata dall'INRiM, direttamente riferibile al campione di riferimento, un Capsule type Standard Platinum Resistance Thermometer tarato ai punti fissi della scala ITS_90. I dati raccolti nel corso del 2011 e il 2012, con l'inclusione delle incertezze di misura, sono stati utilizzati come valori in ingresso per la simulazioni utilizzando il modello EPI. Le simulazioni con inclusione della incertezza di misura prevedono con maggior accuratezza il periodo di infezione e il momento di eseguire i trattamenti nel vigneto rispetto alla simulazione senza inclusione di incertezza, fino a 7 giorni. In questo studio sono state migliorate le osservazioni meteorologiche in campo mediante l'applicazione di un approccio metrologico e dei metodi di taratura per stazioni meteorologiche automatiche in siti agricoli omogenei. Parole
Evaluation of EPI forecasting model with inclusion of uncertainty in input value and traceable calibration
Francesca Sanna;
Forecasting models are useful tools to predict and manage epidemiological grapevine infection such as downy mildew (Plasmopara viticola). These models have improved the quality of the output data, but none of them considered the quality of the input data in terms of evaluation of measurement uncertainty and traceability of the sensors of the weather conditions measuring system. Air temperature and relative humidity sensors used in this study have been calibrated by means of the transportable climatic chamber developed by INRiM, directly traceable to reference sensor, a Capsule type Standard Platinum Resistance Thermometer calibrated at the fixed points of the ITS_90 scale. The outcomes data collected during 2011 and 2012, with inclusion of measurement uncertainties, were used as a input values for the simulation by employing the EPI model. The simulations with inclusion of measurement uncertainty foresee with better accuracy the period of infection and the moment to make treatments in the vineyard respect the simulation without inclusion of uncertainty, up to 7 days. In this study the meteorological observations in field have been improved by applying a metrological approach and calibration methods for automatic weather stations in homogeneous agricultural sites.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.