In agriculture the aging process, affecting the quality of human/machine interaction, increases the accidents or death risks. An ergonomic analysis of postures and risk behaviours in the use of the tractor was carried out in order to outline corrective guidelines regarding the elderly/machine interaction and to define preventive interventions to maintain the functional health of elderly operators. Data was gathered by means of interviews, questionnaires and observations of the interaction with the tractor. A first qualitative study involved 10 farmers over 65 and identified the main problems and their awareness, in relation to risk behaviours. A second study on the same topics was performed among a wider sample of 272 participants of different age groups.. In spite of the good physical and functional capacity of the farmers aged over 65, musculoskeletal symptoms were frequently reported. Awkward postures were observed while exiting the tractor cab. Difficulties in getting on the tractor increase with age, also because of the inadequate height of the first tractor cab access step. Elderly-centred technical improvements, information/training interventions and a guidebook with physical activity exercises designed to compensate the detected musculoskeletal disorders were developed.
In agricoltura i processi di invecchiamento, incidendo sulla qualità dell'interazione con macchine e attrezzi, incrementano il rischio di incidenti anche fatali. Si è effettuata un'analisi ergonomica di posture e comportamenti a rischio nell'uso del trattore, al fine di delineare linee guida correttive di interazione con la macchina e identificare interventi formativi per la prevenzione e il mantenimento della salute funzionale di operatori anziani. I dati sono stati raccolti attraverso interviste, questionari e osservazione dell'interazione col trattore. Un primo studio qualitativo su 10 agricoltori over 65 ha individuato le principali criticità e la consapevolezza di queste, in relazione a comportamenti a rischio. Un secondo studio ha esteso l'indagine a 272 agricoltori di diversa età. I risultati mostrano che I risultati evidenziano come a fronte di buone capacità fisico-funzionali degli over 65, venivano riferiti frequenti disturbi muscoloscheletrici. Si sono osservate comportamenti scorretti nella discesa dal mezzo. La salita sul trattore si rivelava più critica al crescere dell'età anche in relazione all'altezza del primo gradino di acceso. Si sono prospettate soluzioni tecniche elderly-centred e interventi di informazione/formazione mirati, con esercizi di attività fisica adattata alle specifiche esigenze degli anziani e destinati a compensare le problematiche muscoloscheletriche rilevate.
L'ergonomia come ponte tra agricoltura e scienze motorie: posture e comportamenti a rischio in una popolazione di agricoltori piemontesi over 65
Caffaro F;Cavallo E;
In agriculture the aging process, affecting the quality of human/machine interaction, increases the accidents or death risks. An ergonomic analysis of postures and risk behaviours in the use of the tractor was carried out in order to outline corrective guidelines regarding the elderly/machine interaction and to define preventive interventions to maintain the functional health of elderly operators. Data was gathered by means of interviews, questionnaires and observations of the interaction with the tractor. A first qualitative study involved 10 farmers over 65 and identified the main problems and their awareness, in relation to risk behaviours. A second study on the same topics was performed among a wider sample of 272 participants of different age groups.. In spite of the good physical and functional capacity of the farmers aged over 65, musculoskeletal symptoms were frequently reported. Awkward postures were observed while exiting the tractor cab. Difficulties in getting on the tractor increase with age, also because of the inadequate height of the first tractor cab access step. Elderly-centred technical improvements, information/training interventions and a guidebook with physical activity exercises designed to compensate the detected musculoskeletal disorders were developed.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.