OPENALP® is a project co-financed by the European Union through the European Fund of Regional Development. community Initiative Interreg IIIA Italy-Austria. VEN111072. Realized in collaboration with the Comunità Montana Agordina and the Mining Industrial Technical Institute "U. Follador" of Agordo, he has produced a Territorial Informative System, realized in environment ESRI®, integrated in the didactic activities of the institute for the teaching of the GIS techniques for the treatment and the analysis of the territorial data. The interoperability between OPENALP® and the TIRIS® System allows to transfer every content without any conversion. The SIT OPENALP® has been published in Internet through the application GfMaplet®, developed by Globo s.r.l., and it is consultable to the address:
OPENALP®: Osservatorio PErmanente Naturalistico ALPino: modello di valorizzazione del territorio montano
Aldighieri B;Testa B;Chiesa S
OPENALP® is a project co-financed by the European Union through the European Fund of Regional Development. community Initiative Interreg IIIA Italy-Austria. VEN111072. Realized in collaboration with the Comunità Montana Agordina and the Mining Industrial Technical Institute "U. Follador" of Agordo, he has produced a Territorial Informative System, realized in environment ESRI®, integrated in the didactic activities of the institute for the teaching of the GIS techniques for the treatment and the analysis of the territorial data. The interoperability between OPENALP® and the TIRIS® System allows to transfer every content without any conversion. The SIT OPENALP® has been published in Internet through the application GfMaplet®, developed by Globo s.r.l., and it is consultable to the address: documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.