A new method was developed for the analysis of 8 perfluoroalkyl carboxylic acids (PFCA) from 5 to 12 carbon atoms and 3 perfluoroalkyl sulfonic acids (PFSA) of 4, 6 and 8 carbon atoms in environmental samples (biota and sediment). The method includes sonicated-assisted extraction with acetonitrile and the purification online of the extract by Turbulent Flow Chromatography (TFC) coupled to the analysis with Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry (UHPLC-MS/MS). The quantitation is performed by isotopic dilution using stable isotope labelled standards. In biological samples the phospholipids are further removed using Ultra HybridSPE®Phospholipid cartridges. The linearity, in a range of two orders of magnitude (between 0.5 and 50 g/L to PFUnDA and PFDoDA and between 1 and 100 mg/L for the other compounds), was good and the recoveries of the compounds in mussel samples are comprised between 98 and 133% for PFCA and between 40 and 60% for the PFSA. MLD and MLQ vary between 0.03 and 0.3 ng/g ww and from 0.1 to 0.9 ng/g ww, respectively. The repeatability (intra-day precision) shows RSD from 3 to 13% while the reproducibility (inter-day precision) from 4 to 27%. This method, which provides a high automation and limits sample manipulation, allows a high analytical productivity in environmental monitoring programs.
È stato sviluppato un metodo per l'analisi di 8 acidi perfluoroalchil carbossilici (PFCA) da 5 a 12 atomi di carbonio e 3 acidi perfluoroalchil solfonici (PFSA) di 4, 6 e 8 atomi di carbonio in matrici ambientali (biota e sedimento). Il metodo consiste nell'estrazione a freddo con acetonitrile e ultrasuoni del campione e in una successiva purificazione online dell'estratto tramite Turbulent Flow Chromatography (TFC) accoppiata all'analisi con Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (UHPLC-MS/MS). La quantificazione viene effettuata mediante diluizione isotopica con standard di riferimento marcati con isotopi stabili. Per alcuni campioni biologici, molto ricchi in fosfolipidi, è necessaria una purificazione ulteriore off-line mediante l'utilizzo di cartucce HybridSPE®Phospholipid Ultra. La linearità è accettabile in un intervallo di due ordini di grandezza (tra 0,5 e 50 µg/L per PFUnDA e PFDoDA e tra 1 e 100 µg/L per gli altri composti), e le percentuali di recupero dei composti in campioni di mollusco sono compresi tra 98 e 133% per i PFCA e tra 40 e 60% per i PFSA. I limiti di rivelabilità e quantificazione del metodo (MLD e MLQ) variano tra 0,03 a 0,3 ng/g peso fresco (p.f.) e da 0,1 a 0,9 ng/g p.f. rispettivamente. La ripetibilità (precisione intra-diem) è caratterizzata da RSD tra 3 e 13%, mentre la riproducibilità (precisione inter-dies) tra 4 e 27%. Questo metodo, che prevede un'alta automazione e poche fasi di manipolazione del campione, permette un'elevata produttività analitica in programmi di monitoraggio ambientale intensivi ed estensivi.
Determinazione di acidi perfluoroalchilici in biota e sedimento mediante LC-MS/MS accoppiata alla purificazione on-line degli estratti tramite Turbulent Flow Chromatography
A new method was developed for the analysis of 8 perfluoroalkyl carboxylic acids (PFCA) from 5 to 12 carbon atoms and 3 perfluoroalkyl sulfonic acids (PFSA) of 4, 6 and 8 carbon atoms in environmental samples (biota and sediment). The method includes sonicated-assisted extraction with acetonitrile and the purification online of the extract by Turbulent Flow Chromatography (TFC) coupled to the analysis with Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry (UHPLC-MS/MS). The quantitation is performed by isotopic dilution using stable isotope labelled standards. In biological samples the phospholipids are further removed using Ultra HybridSPE®Phospholipid cartridges. The linearity, in a range of two orders of magnitude (between 0.5 and 50 g/L to PFUnDA and PFDoDA and between 1 and 100 mg/L for the other compounds), was good and the recoveries of the compounds in mussel samples are comprised between 98 and 133% for PFCA and between 40 and 60% for the PFSA. MLD and MLQ vary between 0.03 and 0.3 ng/g ww and from 0.1 to 0.9 ng/g ww, respectively. The repeatability (intra-day precision) shows RSD from 3 to 13% while the reproducibility (inter-day precision) from 4 to 27%. This method, which provides a high automation and limits sample manipulation, allows a high analytical productivity in environmental monitoring programs.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.