La comercialización de la tecnología universitaria es un fenómeno creciente. Sin embargo, cada país tiene un planteamiento diferente sobre cómo lograr el nivel deseado de transmisión tecnológica. En Italia, país que fue líder mundial en el desarrollo de instituciones de enseñanza superior, la transferencia de tecnología solo ha adquirido importancia hace unos pocos años. Este artículo se centra en las peculiaridades, puntos fuertes y débiles del modelo italiano de transferencia tecnológica. Utilizamos para nuestro análisis un marco interpretativo funcional de actividades de comercialización, centrado en la comercialización de la tecnología universitaria y utilizando una óptica tanto interna como externa, tal como hicimos en evaluaciones anteriores (Breznitz, 2011; Breznitz y Ram, 2012). El artículo se centra en lo que afecta a la capacidad de la universidad para comercializar tecnología. En concreto, ponemos a prueba la hipótesis de que el entorno y la historia, así como factores internos de la universidad, afectan a la comercialización de tecnología universitaria. Realizamos este análisis utilizando el método del estudio de caso, con dos universidades tecnológicas especializadas en actividades de enseñanza e investigación en ingeniería y arquitectura: Politecnico di Torino y Politecnico di Milano. Aunque encontramos que una mezcla de factores internos y externos tuvo un cierto impacto sobre la capacidad de comercialización, los factores externos fueron más importantes. Unibertsitate teknologiaren merkaturatzea hazten ari den joera bat da. Hala ere, herrialde bakoitzak lortu nahi duen teknologi transmisioaren maila lortzeko bere planteamendua du. Italian, goi-mailako irakaskuntza instituzioen garapenean mundu mailako liderra izan zen herrialdean, teknologia transferentziak orain urte gutxi batzuk hartu du garrantzia. Artikulu honek teknologia transferentzia italiarraren ereduaren berezitasun, indargune eta ahulguneetan jartzen du arreta. Arteragoko ebaluazioetan (Breznitz, 2011; Breznitz eta Ram, 2012) egin bezala, gure analisirako, unibertsitate teknologiaren merkaturatzean arreta jartzen duen, eta kanpoko zein barruko ikuspegia erabiltzen duen, merkaturatze jardunaren interpretazio-esparru funtzionala erabili dugu. Artikuluak unibertsitatearen teknologia merkaturatzeko gaitasunean eragiten duten arrazoietan jartzen du arreta. Zehazki, historiak eta inguruneak, eta unibertsitatearen barne faktoreek, unibertsitate teknologiaren merkaturatzean eragiten duten hipotesia aztertzen dugu. Analisi hori kasu azterketa eredua erabiliz egiten dugu, ingeniaritza eta arkitektura ikerketan eta irakaskuntza jardueran espezializatuak diren bi unibertsitaterekin: Politecnico di Torino eta Politecnico di Milano. Barne eta kanpo faktoreen nahasketa batek merkaturatze gaitasunean eragina izan zuela ikusi genuen arren, kanpoko faktoreak garrantzitsuagoak izan ziren.
University technology commercialization is a growing phenomenon. However, every country has a different approach to achieving the desired level of technology transfer. In Italy, a country that led the world in the development of institutions of higher education, technology transfer has become important only in the past few years. This paper focuses on the peculiarities, strengths, and weaknesses of the Italian model of technology transfer. Our analysis employs a functional interpretive framework of commercialization activities, viewing university technology commercialization using both internal and external lenses, as in previous assessments (Breznitz, 2011; Breznitz and Ram, 2012). The paper centers on what affects a university's ability to commercialize technology. In particular, we test the hypothesis that the environment and history, as well as factors that are internal to the university, affect university commercialization. We conduct this analysis using the case study method, with two specialized technological universities that are engaged in general teaching and research activities in engineering and architecture: Politecnico di Torino and Politecnico di Milano. Although we find that a mix of both internal and external factors had some impact on their commercialization ability, external factors were more significant.
Factors Affecting University Commercialization: Evidence from Italy
Ugo Finardi;
University technology commercialization is a growing phenomenon. However, every country has a different approach to achieving the desired level of technology transfer. In Italy, a country that led the world in the development of institutions of higher education, technology transfer has become important only in the past few years. This paper focuses on the peculiarities, strengths, and weaknesses of the Italian model of technology transfer. Our analysis employs a functional interpretive framework of commercialization activities, viewing university technology commercialization using both internal and external lenses, as in previous assessments (Breznitz, 2011; Breznitz and Ram, 2012). The paper centers on what affects a university's ability to commercialize technology. In particular, we test the hypothesis that the environment and history, as well as factors that are internal to the university, affect university commercialization. We conduct this analysis using the case study method, with two specialized technological universities that are engaged in general teaching and research activities in engineering and architecture: Politecnico di Torino and Politecnico di Milano. Although we find that a mix of both internal and external factors had some impact on their commercialization ability, external factors were more significant.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.