The probability of running into fake profiles on the internet is very high: Facebook has recently eliminated half a billion, while Twitter is estimated to still have tens of millions. Many of these fake profiles are sophisticated enough so that they can be mistaken for real people, but actually they are based on algorithms programmed to act automatically in order to reach various objectives. Some of these could be marketing objectives, such as launching products or pushing internet users to click on certain webpages while others can influence public opinion. What are the risks of these automated accounts?
In Rete, la probabilità di incontrare un profilo falso è altissima: solo di recente Facebook ne ha eliminati mezzo miliardo mentre, secondo le stime, su Twitter ce ne sarebbero ancora decine di milioni. Molti di questi sono talmente sofisticati da essere scambiati per persone reali, ma nascondono algoritmi programmati per eseguire in automatico una serie di azioni per raggiungere gli scopi più vari. Alcuni sistemi indirizzati al marketing hanno il compito di lanciare prodotti o attirare clic su una determinata pagina internet, mentre altri possono anche condizionare l'opinione pubblica. Quali sono i rischi che si celano dietro la presenza di schiere di account automatizzati?
Fake People. I falsi profili automatizzati
M Tesconi
The probability of running into fake profiles on the internet is very high: Facebook has recently eliminated half a billion, while Twitter is estimated to still have tens of millions. Many of these fake profiles are sophisticated enough so that they can be mistaken for real people, but actually they are based on algorithms programmed to act automatically in order to reach various objectives. Some of these could be marketing objectives, such as launching products or pushing internet users to click on certain webpages while others can influence public opinion. What are the risks of these automated accounts?I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.