The groundwater body hosted in the Follonica coastal plain (Grosseto, Italy) is the Italian aquifer system that was chosen for the experimentation of the FREEWAT Platform, a collection of free and open source software tools for water resource management and quantitative and qualitative modeling developed within the EU project Horizon 2020. In consideration of the studies carried out by the Institute of Geosciences and Earth Resources of the Italian National Research Council from 2006 to 2015 for the geological, hydrogeological and geochemical characterization of the 66 regional groundwater bodies (CIS), the Tuscany Region, partner of the project, has entrusted CNR-IGG for the implementation of the numerical model. A conceptual model of the aquifer system was developed by processing and combining all the geological, hydrogeological and geochemical-isotopic data. The supposed hydrostructure was tested and validated through its 3D "solid" construction, defining the geometry and the physical limits of the multi-layered aquifer system and ensuring its coherence and consistency with respect to the other geographical databases. Hydrogeological and geochemical data processing led to identify the aquifer system feeding components, the relationships between surface hydrography and groundwater and the main physical and chemical processes taking place (ion exchange, seawater ingress, etc). On this basis, the development and implementation of the flow model has started, based on the Modflow code. A focus group was organized as part of the project and stakeholders were involved with their active participation to the elaboration of the conceptual model by sharing data and other useful information. This paper describes the methodology used and the results obtained so far.
Il corpo idrico della pianura costiera di Follonica (GR, Toscana meridionale) rappresenta il sistema acquifero scelto per la sperimentazione in Italia della piattaforma FREEWAT, un ambiente di modellazione GIS integrato, open source e di dominio pubblico per la simulazione di quantità e qualità delle acque superficiali e sotterranee sviluppato nell'ambito dell'omonimo progetto EU Horizon 2020. Regione Toscana, partner del Progetto, ne ha affidato la realizzazione all'Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse del CNR sulla scorta delle conoscenze pregresse derivanti dagli studi effettuati da CNR-IGG negli anni 2006-2011 nell'ambito della caratterizzazione geologica, idrodinamica e geochimica dei Corpi Idrici Sotterranei (CIS) regionali. Attraverso la messa a sistema in un quadro omogeneo e coerente di tutte le conoscenze acquisite di tipo geologico, idrogeologico e geochimico-isotopico, è stato elaborato un modello concettuale del sistema acquifero. Il modello idrostrutturale ipotizzato è stato controllato e validato attraverso la sua costruzione "in solido", definendo le geometrie ed i limiti fisici del sistema acquifero multistrato e verificandone la coerenza e la consistenza nel contesto rappresentato dalle altre banche dati territoriali di superficie e di sottosuolo. L'elaborazione dei dati idrogeologici e geochimici ha permesso di individuare le principali componente di alimentazione al sistema, i rapporti fra i corsi d'acqua superficiali e le acque sotterranee ed i processi fisici e chimici in atto, fra i quali processi di scambio ionico e ingressione marina. Su questi presupposti ha avuto inizio lo sviluppo e l'implementazione della modellistica di flusso, basata sul codice di calcolo Modflow. L'attivazione di appositi focus group, previsti nell'ambito del progetto EU Horizon 2020, ha visto localmente coinvolti nell'iter progettuale i principali attori interessati alla gestione dell'acqua, ricavandone osservazioni e dati utili all'obiettivo di pervenire alla elaborazione di un modello concettuale partecipato e condiviso. Il presente contributo illustra la metodologia applicata ed i risultati sin qui ottenuti.
Dal modello concettuale al modello numerico: il caso di studio del sistema acquifero di Follonica (GR, Toscana meridionale)
Masetti G;Da Prato S;Menichini M;Raco B;
The groundwater body hosted in the Follonica coastal plain (Grosseto, Italy) is the Italian aquifer system that was chosen for the experimentation of the FREEWAT Platform, a collection of free and open source software tools for water resource management and quantitative and qualitative modeling developed within the EU project Horizon 2020. In consideration of the studies carried out by the Institute of Geosciences and Earth Resources of the Italian National Research Council from 2006 to 2015 for the geological, hydrogeological and geochemical characterization of the 66 regional groundwater bodies (CIS), the Tuscany Region, partner of the project, has entrusted CNR-IGG for the implementation of the numerical model. A conceptual model of the aquifer system was developed by processing and combining all the geological, hydrogeological and geochemical-isotopic data. The supposed hydrostructure was tested and validated through its 3D "solid" construction, defining the geometry and the physical limits of the multi-layered aquifer system and ensuring its coherence and consistency with respect to the other geographical databases. Hydrogeological and geochemical data processing led to identify the aquifer system feeding components, the relationships between surface hydrography and groundwater and the main physical and chemical processes taking place (ion exchange, seawater ingress, etc). On this basis, the development and implementation of the flow model has started, based on the Modflow code. A focus group was organized as part of the project and stakeholders were involved with their active participation to the elaboration of the conceptual model by sharing data and other useful information. This paper describes the methodology used and the results obtained so far.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.