The Internet Needs Good Governance Autumn 1969 in California saw the birth of the ARPANET, which enabled the transmission of data from one computer to another and laid the basis for the creation of a Network on a global scale in the following decades.#Today 4.39 billion people use the Network, 57 percent of the world's population. One of the crucial questions is that of Internet Governance, which must be managed through a multi-stakeholder process in a bottom-up logic, involving the private sector, civil society, research bodies, and state authorities.#Italy contributed significantly in the early days of the Internet, but today it stands out for the particularly low levels of digital skills among the population. With a view to the World Forum on the future of the Internet in November 2019, work is in progress for the creation of an Italian Committee for Internet Governance based as much as possible on inclusive processes and guided by consensus.
Si tratta di un numero dedicato al "1969", nel quale si trattano vari temi traendo spunto da alcuni importanti eventi accaduti quell'anno. A questo proposito il contributo, a partire dalla nascita di Internet, tratta degli sviluppi e delle prospettive future delle Rete, con un'attenzione ai temi della governance. La rivista è stata fondata nel 1988, ponendosi come innovativo canale di diffusione delle conoscenze e delle pratiche più avanzate. La costante innovazione è il tratto distintivo che ha accompagnato E&M in questi decenni: oggi la rivista italiana di cultura economico-manageriale, disponibile in formato cartaceo, è anche uno spazio digitale in cui è possibile non solo navigare nella rivista e nei contenuti multimediali correlati, ma fruire di servizi di informazione e approfondimento.
A Internet serve una buona governance
L Abba
The Internet Needs Good Governance Autumn 1969 in California saw the birth of the ARPANET, which enabled the transmission of data from one computer to another and laid the basis for the creation of a Network on a global scale in the following decades.#Today 4.39 billion people use the Network, 57 percent of the world's population. One of the crucial questions is that of Internet Governance, which must be managed through a multi-stakeholder process in a bottom-up logic, involving the private sector, civil society, research bodies, and state authorities.#Italy contributed significantly in the early days of the Internet, but today it stands out for the particularly low levels of digital skills among the population. With a view to the World Forum on the future of the Internet in November 2019, work is in progress for the creation of an Italian Committee for Internet Governance based as much as possible on inclusive processes and guided by consensus.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.