The results presented in the article estimate the research-testing investigations of the new fungicide preparations Sphtrm Extra, Ytnabrta, Amistar, Excelence in the chemical control on the firngal pathogen, Plasmopara viticola ( Cwt.) Berk. et de Toni in vineyards, the Chardonnay sensitive variety, during the early vegetation period, according to the economic damage threshold. It was established the biological efficiency of the firngicides applied on the leaves and grapes depending on the variants, doses applied by manual spraying, compared to the control-unteated variant and the fungicide-standard preparation, where effrciency values of 68% - 74% on leaves and 64Yo - 78.0% on grapes, in impact with favorable environmental conditions for diseases of vines, including the associated diseases of pharyngeal and infectious measles in the Central area of the Republic of Moldova.

Rezultatele prezentate in articol estimeazà investigaliile de cercetare-testare a noilor preparate fimgicide Sphinx Extra, Yinabria, Amistar, Excelence in controlul chimic asupra agentului patogen micotic, Plasmopara viticola ( Curt.) Berk. et de Toni in plantaliile vilei-de-vie, soiul sensibil Chardonnay, in perioada de vegetafie timpurie, conform pragului economic de dàunare. S-a stabilit eficienga biologicà a fungicidelor aplicate pe frunze gi struguri ìn dependen{à de variante, doze aplicate prin stropire manualà, comparativ cu varianta martor-[$ tratat gi preparatul fungicid-etalon, unde s-au ob{inut valori eficiente de 68% - 74% pe frunze gi 64% - 78,0ya pe struguri, in impact cu conditiile favorabile ale mediului pentru mana vilei-devie, inclusiv gi maladiile asociate de frinare gi rujeolà infec{ioasà in zona Centru a Republicii Moldova.

Controlul chimic in sistemulde protectie integrata usupra manei vitei-de-vie - Plamopèara viticola ( Curt.) De Toni. Ca veriga technologica de cultura



Rezultatele prezentate in articol estimeazà investigaliile de cercetare-testare a noilor preparate fimgicide Sphinx Extra, Yinabria, Amistar, Excelence in controlul chimic asupra agentului patogen micotic, Plasmopara viticola ( Curt.) Berk. et de Toni in plantaliile vilei-de-vie, soiul sensibil Chardonnay, in perioada de vegetafie timpurie, conform pragului economic de dàunare. S-a stabilit eficienga biologicà a fungicidelor aplicate pe frunze gi struguri ìn dependen{à de variante, doze aplicate prin stropire manualà, comparativ cu varianta martor-[$ tratat gi preparatul fungicid-etalon, unde s-au ob{inut valori eficiente de 68% - 74% pe frunze gi 64% - 78,0ya pe struguri, in impact cu conditiile favorabile ale mediului pentru mana vilei-devie, inclusiv gi maladiile asociate de frinare gi rujeolà infec{ioasà in zona Centru a Republicii Moldova.
Istituto per la Protezione Sostenibile delle Piante - IPSP
The results presented in the article estimate the research-testing investigations of the new fungicide preparations Sphtrm Extra, Ytnabrta, Amistar, Excelence in the chemical control on the firngal pathogen, Plasmopara viticola ( Cwt.) Berk. et de Toni in vineyards, the Chardonnay sensitive variety, during the early vegetation period, according to the economic damage threshold. It was established the biological efficiency of the firngicides applied on the leaves and grapes depending on the variants, doses applied by manual spraying, compared to the control-unteated variant and the fungicide-standard preparation, where effrciency values of 68% - 74% on leaves and 64Yo - 78.0% on grapes, in impact with favorable environmental conditions for diseases of vines, including the associated diseases of pharyngeal and infectious measles in the Central area of the Republic of Moldova.
plantalii viticole
fungicide noi
mana vi{ei-de-vie
controlul chimic
eficien{à biologicà.
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