A wide-ranging topographical analysis or archaeological areas at risk in the national territolY or Ital y is cunently being conducted, eleveloped in a research projects ofthe Consiglio Nazionale elelle Ricerche (CNR). When conditions for seeing the terrain were favourable, survey of the territory has allowed the gathering of a considerable quantity of information regarding the settlements of the territory, the typology , cxtension and chronology of sites (by means of their relative data, in so far as they are tied both to the many variables governing survey and to the question of whether or not the fields have been subject to cultivation):. necropoleis; cultivated areas and the types of crops that are grown, even successively, on the sa me piece of land; trails ancl tileir use or abandonment in connection with the local service or long-range connections. In oreler to locate and establish the geographical positioning of the evidence, a detailed revicw of the historical ancl recent aerial pbotographic documentation to be found in the national public archives and in those belonging to private cOl11panies. Flight shots have been read and the evidence has been progressively registered and mapped. This has been achieved both by means of analytical photogrammetry anel by applying sophisticateel software for geographical positioning. The immediate aim of this exhaustive historical vision is to prevent the progressive destruction of what eviclelll ha.s been identified. Aiso it will be simllltaneously the requisite basis for a COlTect planning ofthe territory. Within the various territories being monitored, which were cbosen primarily on tbe basis of archaeological criteria, it has proved possible to identifY and document a series of damages, situations of risk and various sorts of intervention that are deleterious to the environment. Competent territorial administrations and those organisl1ls in charge or safegllarding the lanelscape v"ere lInaware ofthese situations
CNR GIS for Cultural Heritage: territorial analysis and damage to Cultural Heritage.
A wide-ranging topographical analysis or archaeological areas at risk in the national territolY or Ital y is cunently being conducted, eleveloped in a research projects ofthe Consiglio Nazionale elelle Ricerche (CNR). When conditions for seeing the terrain were favourable, survey of the territory has allowed the gathering of a considerable quantity of information regarding the settlements of the territory, the typology , cxtension and chronology of sites (by means of their relative data, in so far as they are tied both to the many variables governing survey and to the question of whether or not the fields have been subject to cultivation):. necropoleis; cultivated areas and the types of crops that are grown, even successively, on the sa me piece of land; trails ancl tileir use or abandonment in connection with the local service or long-range connections. In oreler to locate and establish the geographical positioning of the evidence, a detailed revicw of the historical ancl recent aerial pbotographic documentation to be found in the national public archives and in those belonging to private cOl11panies. Flight shots have been read and the evidence has been progressively registered and mapped. This has been achieved both by means of analytical photogrammetry anel by applying sophisticateel software for geographical positioning. The immediate aim of this exhaustive historical vision is to prevent the progressive destruction of what eviclelll ha.s been identified. Aiso it will be simllltaneously the requisite basis for a COlTect planning ofthe territory. Within the various territories being monitored, which were cbosen primarily on tbe basis of archaeological criteria, it has proved possible to identifY and document a series of damages, situations of risk and various sorts of intervention that are deleterious to the environment. Competent territorial administrations and those organisl1ls in charge or safegllarding the lanelscape v"ere lInaware ofthese situationsI documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.