The Colfiorito Plain is a Plio-Quaternary tectono-karstic intermontane basin of the Central Apennines, located at ~750 m a.s.l. A large excavation was recently made across the Fonte delle Mattinate (FDM) saddle, an important mountain pass along one of the main natural way of the region connecting the Tyrrhenian and Adriatic side. Combined, litho-pedostatigraphic and archaeological analyses describe a detailed geoenviromental evolution and correlated human occupation history of this strategic area in the course of the last Bond cycle of the Oxygen Isotope Stage 3 (OIS3; ca. 38-29 GISP2 ka B.P.). The lowest part of the succession is related to a fluvial depositional system, represented by an active channel and an adjacent floodplain which was in turn subjected to overbanking episodes and pedogenetic processes testified by an evolved paleosol (Vertisol) dated to 31.510±860-30.970±310-28.910±390-28.300±790 14C yr B.P. The paleosol is buried by a thick sequence of gravely silty sediments ascribable to debris-flow-dominated fan depositional system. Radiocarbon dates from the base and top of this unit place the this environmental shift between 25,930±325 B.P. and 24,150±120 B.P. The paleosol and the two silty levels at the base of the alluvial fan sediments yielded Early Upper Palaeolithic artefacts and associated features consistent with brief, but frequent episodes of human occupation. The available stratigraphic and radiocarbon data indeed indicate that human occupation at FDM area was probably systematic, and lasted the whole period of the soil formation up until the first alluvial episodes responsible for its burial. In terms of the radiocarbon chronology, this period spans at least the interval between 31,510±860, age of the oldest anthropogenic charcoals embedded in the paleosol, and 25,930±325, date of the uppermost documented archaeological layer of the sequence. The site being definitively abandoned after this latter date. Based on lithostratigraphic data and chronology the FDM paleosol has been correlated with a pedomarker well documented throughout Central Apennine. Furthermore, regional pollen information and tephrochronological data suggest that the formation of both FDM and Central Apennine paleosol(s) occurred during a mild and wet climatic phase corresponding to the firsts millennial of the last Bond cycle of the OIS3 (Greenland interstadial 8-7; ca. 38-34 GISP ka B.P. The subsequent co-occurrence of geoenvironmental change and human abandonment can be correlated with the Heinrich event 3 (HE3; ca. 30-29 GISP2 ka B.P.), the last coldest episode of the above mentioned Bond cycle. Such site evidence for synchronous geoenvironmental and human responses to the HE3, suggests that during the OIS3 the environmental changes related to the HEs had a significant impact on Palaeolithic communities, probably limiting or modifying their mobility in the Central Apennine mountains.
Un ampia trincea ha permesso di investigare una successione stratigrafica del Pleistocene recente al margine nord-orientale del bacino intermontano della Piana di Colfiorito (Umbria-Marche). Lo scavo attraversa lo spartiacque appenninico a circa 760 m s.l.m. (sella di Fonte delle Mattinate; FDM) lungo una delle principali vie intermontane di questo settore della catena. Studi integrati, lito-pedostratigrafici e archeologici, descrivono una dettagliata storia degli eventi geo-ambientali e dell'occupazione umana di quest'area strategica nel corso dell'ultimo Bond cycle dello Stadio Isotopico 3 (OIS3; ca. 38-29 GISP2 ka B.P.). La parte più bassa della sequenza è rappresentata da sedimenti di un sistema fluviale costituito da un canale attivo e un'adiacente piana soggetta alternativamente a episodi di esondazione e di pedogenesi, questi ultimi testimoniati da un profondo paleosuolo (Vertisuolo) datato a 31.510±860-30.970±310- 28.910±390-28.300±790 14C anni B.P. Il paleosuolo è sepolto da diversi metri di sedimenti ghiaioso-limosi ascrivibili ad un sistema di conoide alluvionale attivo fra 25.930±325 e 24.150±120 14C anni B.P. Il paleosuolo e due sottili livelli limosi alla base delle alluvioni hanno restituito manufatti del Paleolitico superiore ed altre tracce archeologiche compatibili con brevi, ma ripetuti episodi di occupazioni umana. I dati cronologici e stratigrafici disponibili indicano infatti che l'area del sito fu frequentata, probabilmente in maniera sistematica, durante tutto il periodo di formazione del paleosuolo fino ai primi episodi di sedimentazione alluvionale che ne hanno determinato il seppellimento. In termini di cronologia radiocarbonio questo periodo copre almeno l'intervallo compreso fra ca. 31 e 26 ka B.P. La fase di pedogenesi a FDM, contemporanea ai primi episodi di frequentazione umana, risulta coeva ad un periodo di clima mite che ha visto in un'ampia area dell'Appennino centrale la formazione di un diffuso paleosuolo datato nell'intervallo 33-29 14C ka B.P. e correlato ai primi millenni dell'ultimo ciclo di Bond dell'OIS3 (Greenland interstadial 8-7; ca. 38-34 cal ka B.P. in anni GISP2 icecore). La successiva fase di sedimentazione alluvionale e di contemporaneo abbandono del sito può essere invece correlata all'episodio di estremo raffreddamento dell'Heinrich Event 3 (ca. 30-29 GISP2 ka B.P.) che chiude il summenzionato ciclo climatico di Bond. La coincidenza dell'abbandono di quest'area strategica con l'inizio dell'HE3 suggerirebbe che durante l'OIS3 le modificazioni geoambientali associate a questi eventi condizionarono pesantemente le strategie dei gruppi paleolitici, probabilmente limitando o modificando la mobilità nelle aree montane più interne dell'Appennino centrale.
La risposta ambientale ed umana alle oscillazioni climatiche sub-orbitali dell o is3: evidenze geoarcheologiche dalla Piana di Colfiorito (Appennino centrale)
Giaccio B;Messina P;Sposato A
The Colfiorito Plain is a Plio-Quaternary tectono-karstic intermontane basin of the Central Apennines, located at ~750 m a.s.l. A large excavation was recently made across the Fonte delle Mattinate (FDM) saddle, an important mountain pass along one of the main natural way of the region connecting the Tyrrhenian and Adriatic side. Combined, litho-pedostatigraphic and archaeological analyses describe a detailed geoenviromental evolution and correlated human occupation history of this strategic area in the course of the last Bond cycle of the Oxygen Isotope Stage 3 (OIS3; ca. 38-29 GISP2 ka B.P.). The lowest part of the succession is related to a fluvial depositional system, represented by an active channel and an adjacent floodplain which was in turn subjected to overbanking episodes and pedogenetic processes testified by an evolved paleosol (Vertisol) dated to 31.510±860-30.970±310-28.910±390-28.300±790 14C yr B.P. The paleosol is buried by a thick sequence of gravely silty sediments ascribable to debris-flow-dominated fan depositional system. Radiocarbon dates from the base and top of this unit place the this environmental shift between 25,930±325 B.P. and 24,150±120 B.P. The paleosol and the two silty levels at the base of the alluvial fan sediments yielded Early Upper Palaeolithic artefacts and associated features consistent with brief, but frequent episodes of human occupation. The available stratigraphic and radiocarbon data indeed indicate that human occupation at FDM area was probably systematic, and lasted the whole period of the soil formation up until the first alluvial episodes responsible for its burial. In terms of the radiocarbon chronology, this period spans at least the interval between 31,510±860, age of the oldest anthropogenic charcoals embedded in the paleosol, and 25,930±325, date of the uppermost documented archaeological layer of the sequence. The site being definitively abandoned after this latter date. Based on lithostratigraphic data and chronology the FDM paleosol has been correlated with a pedomarker well documented throughout Central Apennine. Furthermore, regional pollen information and tephrochronological data suggest that the formation of both FDM and Central Apennine paleosol(s) occurred during a mild and wet climatic phase corresponding to the firsts millennial of the last Bond cycle of the OIS3 (Greenland interstadial 8-7; ca. 38-34 GISP ka B.P. The subsequent co-occurrence of geoenvironmental change and human abandonment can be correlated with the Heinrich event 3 (HE3; ca. 30-29 GISP2 ka B.P.), the last coldest episode of the above mentioned Bond cycle. Such site evidence for synchronous geoenvironmental and human responses to the HE3, suggests that during the OIS3 the environmental changes related to the HEs had a significant impact on Palaeolithic communities, probably limiting or modifying their mobility in the Central Apennine mountains.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.