The Campocatino glacial basin is one of the most emblematic and representative geosites in the Apuan Alps, regarding the evidence of glacier activity developed during the Last Glacial Maximum. This contribution aims to provide a geological-stratigraphic and paleoenvironmental evolutionary model for the Campocatino geosite, resulting from a multidisciplinary study that integrates sedimentological analysis, radiocarbon dating and anthracological analysis. The main results indicate that the Campocatino basin deposit is represented by glacial till, resedimented during the Holocene after a short transport due to surface runoff. In particular, the investigated sediments are narrowly constrained by radiocarbon dates to the time interval between 4,500 and 3,400 years ago. The composition of the analyzed deposits, characterized by the diffuse occurrence of iron-manganese nodules, support the hypothesis of their formation during a previous phase of hot and humid climate, referable to the Holocene Climatic Optimum. In the northern Apennines the development of termophilous mixed forests dominated by silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) can be traced back to the same period. As schown by the studied charcoals shown in the Campocatino area, this coniferous still persisted in the central phase of the Subboreal (3.5 ka cal BP) corresponding to the Middle Bronze Age, during the cool and wet Löbben oscillation (3.8-3.4 ka cal BP), perhaps opposing the fast rise of the beech (Fagus sylvatica L.). The abundance in the sampled deposits of small charred plant remains, allowed to introduce the discussion on the natural and/or anthropogenic origins of the repeated fires affecting the silver fir woods, which have contributed to first the rarefaction and then to the almost complete extinction of this tree in the Apuan Alps during historical times, more significantly than the colder and wetter climate changes of the Neoglaciation.
La conca glaciale di Campocatino è uno dei geositi più emblematici e rappresentativi delle Alpi Apuane per le evidenze dell'attività glaciale durante l'Ultimo Massimo Glaciale. Questo contributo si propone di fornire un'evoluzione geologico-stratigrafica e paleoambientale del geosito di Campocatino attraverso uno studio multidisciplinare che integra analisi sedimentologiche, datazioni al radiocarbonio e analisi antracologiche. I depositi della conca di Campocatino sono qui riconosciuti come un till glaciale risedimentato durante l'Olocene dopo un breve trasporto dovuto a ruscellamento superficiale. In particolare, le datazioni radiometriche effettuate permettono di affermare che i sedimenti investigati sono stati depositati durante un intervallo temporale compreso tra 4.500 e 3.400 anni fa. Dal punto di vista composizionale, i depositi analizzati sono caratterizzati da diffusi noduli di ferro-manganese, supportando l'ipotesi di una loro formazione durante una precedente fase di clima caldo umido, riferibile all'Optimum Climatico dell'Olocene. Allo stesso periodo è possibile far risalire lo sviluppo di boschi misti termofili a dominanza di abete bianco (Abies alba Mill.) in tutto l'Appennino settentrionale. Come dimostrano i carboni rinvenuti, la stessa conifera persisteva ancora nell'area di Campocatino nella fase centrale del Subboreale (3.5 ka cal BP) corrispondente all'Età del Bronzo medio, durante l'oscillazione fresca e umida di Löbben (3.8-3.4 ka cal BP), opponendosi forse al veloce incremento del faggio (Fagus sylvatica L.). L'abbondanza nei depositi di piccoli frammenti vegetali carbonizzati permette infine di introdurre la discussione sulle cause naturali e/o antropiche dei ripetuti incendi a carico dei boschi di abete bianco, che hanno contribuito alla rarefazione prima e poi alla quasi completa estinzione di questa specie arborea nelle Alpi Apuane in tempi storici, in modo più significativo rispetto alle variazioni climatiche più fredde e più umide del Neoglaciale.
Da Prato S;Ellero A;Ottria G
The Campocatino glacial basin is one of the most emblematic and representative geosites in the Apuan Alps, regarding the evidence of glacier activity developed during the Last Glacial Maximum. This contribution aims to provide a geological-stratigraphic and paleoenvironmental evolutionary model for the Campocatino geosite, resulting from a multidisciplinary study that integrates sedimentological analysis, radiocarbon dating and anthracological analysis. The main results indicate that the Campocatino basin deposit is represented by glacial till, resedimented during the Holocene after a short transport due to surface runoff. In particular, the investigated sediments are narrowly constrained by radiocarbon dates to the time interval between 4,500 and 3,400 years ago. The composition of the analyzed deposits, characterized by the diffuse occurrence of iron-manganese nodules, support the hypothesis of their formation during a previous phase of hot and humid climate, referable to the Holocene Climatic Optimum. In the northern Apennines the development of termophilous mixed forests dominated by silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) can be traced back to the same period. As schown by the studied charcoals shown in the Campocatino area, this coniferous still persisted in the central phase of the Subboreal (3.5 ka cal BP) corresponding to the Middle Bronze Age, during the cool and wet Löbben oscillation (3.8-3.4 ka cal BP), perhaps opposing the fast rise of the beech (Fagus sylvatica L.). The abundance in the sampled deposits of small charred plant remains, allowed to introduce the discussion on the natural and/or anthropogenic origins of the repeated fires affecting the silver fir woods, which have contributed to first the rarefaction and then to the almost complete extinction of this tree in the Apuan Alps during historical times, more significantly than the colder and wetter climate changes of the Neoglaciation.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.