The campaigns in Hungary (1684-87) resonated widely across Europe and the Mediterranean, influencing the flow of news and the press. Naples closely followed the events. The capture of Buda occurred in an atmosphere of great anticipation. The celebrations took place using symbolic languages and various communication apparatus. Public demonstrations displayed social architectures and political dynamics, shaped reactions, affirming values, and selfrepresentations. Publishing had a crucial role in recounting the events through gazettes, laudatory literature, or dedicated books and historical accounts. Some publishing gained significance within the broader context of the general Neapolitan publishing. The dedications, editorial paths and timings, backgrounds, and reputations of those involved in such a printing characterized these works, especially in light of shared sources and standardizations. Within this framework, Carlo Porsile’s Diary stands out. He examined events in a changed political landscape, now more distant from the occurrences and celebratory pressures.
Le campagne d’Ungheria (1684-87) ebbero vasta eco in Europa e nel Mediterraneo, nella circolazione delle notizie e nella stampa. A Napoli gli eventi erano seguiti con attenzione e la presa di Buda fu annunciata in un clima di trepida attesa. Le élite celebrarono i successi attraverso linguaggi simbolici e una vera e propria industria della comunicazione. Le manifestazioni pubbliche mostrarono architetture sociali ed equilibri politici, guidarono fenomeni popolari, ribadirono valori e autorappresentazioni. La stampa giocò un ruolo importante nel racconto degli eventi, attraverso la gazzettistica, la letteratura encomiastica, o libri e relazioni storiche dedicati. In questo contesto, l’influenza di alcune opere trova significato nel contesto generale della editoria napoletana. Dediche, percorsi e tempistiche, retroterra e reputazione di quanti coinvolti nelle pubblicazioni conferiscono significato ai testi, specie a fronte di fonti comuni e a certe standardizzazioni. In questo quadro, acquista f isionomia il Diario pubblicato da Carlo Porsile. Esso offre una lettura degli avvenimenti, in un clima di ridefinizione dell’arena politica, ora distante dall’incalzare delle notizie e da impellenze celebrative.
The Fall of Buda (1686), The Neapolitan Publishing and the Diary of Carlo Porsile
Giovanni Lombardi
The campaigns in Hungary (1684-87) resonated widely across Europe and the Mediterranean, influencing the flow of news and the press. Naples closely followed the events. The capture of Buda occurred in an atmosphere of great anticipation. The celebrations took place using symbolic languages and various communication apparatus. Public demonstrations displayed social architectures and political dynamics, shaped reactions, affirming values, and selfrepresentations. Publishing had a crucial role in recounting the events through gazettes, laudatory literature, or dedicated books and historical accounts. Some publishing gained significance within the broader context of the general Neapolitan publishing. The dedications, editorial paths and timings, backgrounds, and reputations of those involved in such a printing characterized these works, especially in light of shared sources and standardizations. Within this framework, Carlo Porsile’s Diary stands out. He examined events in a changed political landscape, now more distant from the occurrences and celebratory pressures.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.