Istituto Nazionale di Ottica - INO
Phase transitions at high energy vindicate negative microcanonical temperature
2017 Buonsante, P; Franzosi, R; Smerzi, A
On the dispute between Boltzmann and Gibbs entropy
2016 Buonsante P.; Franzosi R.; Smerzi A.
Interacting bosons in a disordered lattice: Dynamical characterization of the quantum phase diagram
2015 Buonsante, P; Pezzé, L; Smerzi, A
The dissipative Bose-Hubbard model
2015 Kordas, G; Witthaut, D; Buonsante, P; Vezzani, A; Burioni, R; I Karanikas, A; S Wimberger, And
Dynamic phase diagram for the quantum phase model
2013 Buonsante, P; Orefice, L; Smerzi, A
Quantum criticality in a bosonic Josephson junction
2012 Buonsante, P; Burioni, R; Vescovi, E; Vezzani, A
Dipolar bosons on an optical lattice ring
2011 Maik, Michal; Buonsante, Pierfrancesco; Vezzani, Alessandro; Zakrzewski, Jakub
Dynamical bifurcation as a semiclassical counterpart of a quantum phase transition
2011 Buonsante, P; Penna, V; Vezzani, A
Transport and scaling in quenched two- and three-dimensional Lévy quasicrystals
2011 Buonsante, P; Burioni, R; Vezzani, A
Quantum signatures of the self-trapping transition in attractive lattice bosons
2010 Buonsante, P; Penna, V; Vezzani, A
Control of unstable macroscopic oscillations in the dynamics of three coupled Bose condensates
2009 Buonsante, P; Franzosi, R; Penna, V
Gutzwiller approach to the Bose-Hubbard model with random local impurities
2009 Buonsante P; Massel F; Penna V; Vezzani A
Engineering many-body quantum dynamics by disorder
2008 Buonsante, Pierfrancesco; Wimberger, Sandro
Fidelity approach to the Hubbard model
2008 Venuti, L Campos; Cozzini, M; Buonsante, P; Massel, F; Brayali, N; Zanardi, P
Glassy features of a Bose glass
2008 Buonsante, P; Massel, F; Penna, V; Vezzani, A
Mixtures of strongly interacting bosons in optical lattices
2008 Buonsante, P; Giampaolo, Sm; Illuminati, F; Penna, V; Vezzani, A
Some remarks on the coherent-state variational approach to nonlinear boson models
2008 Buonsante, P.; Penna, V.
Degenerate Fermi gas in a combined harmonic-lattice potential
2007 Blakie, P. B.; Bezett, A.; Buonsante, P.
Ground-State Fidelity and Bipartite Entanglement in the Bose-Hubbard Model
2007 Buonsante, P; Vezzani, A
Ground-state properties of small-size nonlinear dynamical lattices
2007 Buonsante, P; Kevrekidis, Pg; Penna, V; Vezzani, A